Fork 0
forked from lino/radar-wp
2022-03-24 21:22:19 +01:00

436 lines
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* Squat Radar Events Widget.
* @package squat-radar
* @since 2.0.0
// Exit if accessed directly.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
class Squat_Radar_Widget extends WP_Widget {
public function __construct() {
$widget_ops = array(
'classname' => 'squat-radar-widget',
'description' => 'Radar Events List',
$this->connector = new Squat_Radar_Connector();
parent::__construct( 'Squat_Radar', 'Squat Radar Events', $widget_ops );
* Register the widget
public static function register_widget() {
register_widget( __CLASS__ );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_squat_radar_events', [__CLASS__, 'ajax_callback'] );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_squat_radar_events', [__CLASS__, 'ajax_callback'] );
wp_register_script( 'squat-radar-widget', SQUAT_RADAR_URL . 'assets/squat-radar.js', ['jquery'] );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', [__CLASS__, 'widget_style'] );
add_action( 'squat_radar_widget_cache_cron', [__CLASS__, 'cache_cron'] );
add_option( 'squat_radar_widget_cron_run', []);
* Enqueue scripts callback, add CSS.
static public function widget_style() {
wp_register_style( 'squat-radar-widget', SQUAT_RADAR_URL . 'assets/squat-radar.css' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'squat-radar-widget' );
* Cron action.
* Uses an option to keep track of when run, and updates any (experimental) widgets that update using a cron period instead of ajax.
public static function cache_cron() {
$now = time();
$last_run = get_option('squat_radar_widget_cron_run', []);
foreach (self::cron_instances() as $number => $instance) {
if (! isset($last_run[$number]) || $last_run[$number] + $instance['cache_expire'] < $now ) {
if (self::cache_refresh($instance)) {
$last_run[$number] = $now;
update_option('squat_radar_widget_cron_run', $last_run);
* Refresh an individual widget instance for cache_cron().
protected static function cache_refresh($instance) {
$connector = new Squat_Radar_Connector();
$languages = apply_filters('wpml_active_languages', NULL);
$languages = is_array($languages) ? array_keys($languages) : [];
$languages = array_merge([$instance['url']['keys']['language']], $languages);
foreach ($languages as $language) {
try {
// Force update. Don't set expire.
$data = $connector->events($instance['url']['keys']['facets'], $instance['fields'], $language, $instance['limit'], 0, TRUE );
catch ( Squat_Radar_Connector_Exception $e ) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Implementation of WP_Widget::widget().
* Outputs the events for the correct instance of the widget.
public function widget( $args, $instance ) {
$widget_id = 'squat_radar_widget_' . $this->number;
echo $args['before_widget'];
if ( ! empty( $instance['title'] ) ) {
echo $args['before_title'] . apply_filters( 'widget_title', $instance['title'] ) . $args['after_title'];
if ( ! empty($instance['use_cron']) ) {
try {
echo self::instance_events_html($instance);
catch ( Squat_Radar_Connector_Exception $e ) {
if ( current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ) {
echo $e->getCode() . ': ' . $e->getMessage();
echo '<div id="' . $widget_id . '" class="squat-radar-widget"><a href="' . esc_url_raw( $instance['url']['value'] ) . '">'
. esc_url( $instance['url']['value'] )
. '</a></div>';
else {
wp_enqueue_script( 'squat-radar-widget');
'const squat_radar_widget = ' . json_encode( [
'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
$widget_id => $this->number,
] ) . ';', 'before');
echo '<div id="' . $widget_id . '" class="squat-radar-widget squat-radar-ajax"><a href="' . esc_url_raw( $instance['url']['value'] ) . '">'
. esc_url( $instance['url']['value'] )
. '</a></div>';
echo $args['after_widget'];
* Action callback for AJAX widget display.
public static function ajax_callback() {
if ( ! array_key_exists('instance', $_POST) ) {
$data = [];
// Load instance configuration from ID.
$instance_number = (int) $_POST['instance'];
$widget_options_all = get_option('widget_squat_radar');
if ( ! isset($widget_options_all[$instance_number]) ) {
try {
$data['html'] = self::instance_events_html($widget_options_all[$instance_number]);
catch ( Squat_Radar_Connector_Exception $e ) {
$data = ['is_error' => TRUE];
if ( current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ) {
$data['error']['code'] = $e->getCode();
$data['error']['message'] = $e->getMessage();
public static function instance_events_html($instance) {
$language = defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE') ? ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : $instance['url']['keys']['language'];
$connector = new Squat_Radar_Connector();
$data = $connector->events($instance['url']['keys']['facets'], $instance['fields'], $language, $instance['limit'], $instance['cache_expire']);
$html = '';
foreach ($data['result'] as $id => $event) {
$output = apply_filters( 'squat_radar_format_event', $event, $instance['fields'], ['instance' => $instance] );
$html .= implode(' ', $output);
return $html;
* Implementation of WP_Widget::form().
* Widget options.
public function form( $instance ) {
// Title.
$field_id = esc_attr( $this->get_field_id( 'title' ) );
$field_name = esc_attr( $this->get_field_name( 'title' ) );
$field_label = esc_attr( 'Title:', 'squat-radar' );
$field_value = empty( $instance['title'] ) ? '' : esc_attr( $instance['title'] );
$field_class = 'widefat';
echo "<p>";
echo "<label for=\"$field_id\">$field_label</label>";
echo "<input class=\"$field_class\" id=\"$field_id\" name=\"$field_name\" type=\"text\" value=\"$field_value\">";
echo "</p>";
// Limit
$field_id = esc_attr( $this->get_field_id( 'limit' ) );
$field_name = esc_attr( $this->get_field_name( 'limit' ) );
$field_label = esc_attr( 'Max number of events to display:', 'squat-radar' );
$field_value = empty( $instance['limit'] ) ? '10' : (int) $instance['limit'];
$field_class = 'tiny-text';
echo "<p>";
echo "<label for=\"$field_id\">$field_label</label>";
echo "<input class=\"$field_class\" id=\"$field_id\" name=\"$field_name\" type=\"number\" step=\"1\" min=\"1\" value=\"$field_value\" size=\"3\">";
echo "</p>";
// URL.
$field_error = ! empty( $instance['url']['error'] );
$field_id = esc_attr( $this->get_field_id( 'url' ) );
$field_name = esc_attr( $this->get_field_name( 'url' ) );
$field_label = esc_attr( 'Event Search URL:', 'squat-radar' );
$field_value = empty( $instance['url']['value'] ) ? '' : esc_attr( $instance['url']['value'] );
$field_class = 'widefat' . $field_error ? ' error' : '';
echo "<p>";
echo "<label for=\"$field_id\">$field_label</label>";
echo "<input class=\"$field_class\" id=\"$field_id\" name=\"$field_name\" type=\"text\" value=\"$field_value\">";
echo "</p>";
if ( $field_error ) {
echo '<div class="description error">' . __('The URL was not recognised as a Radar Events search result. It needs to include the domain and the rest of the /events/search/path like: https://radar.squat.net/en/events/city/City_Name/group/123 Start from <a href="https://radar.squat.net/en/events" target="_blank">https://radar.squat.net/en/events</a> and use the filters in the right hand colunm there before copying the URL from your browser address bar.', 'squat-radar') . '</div>';
else {
echo '<div class="description">' . __('Go to <a href="https://radar.squat.net/en/events" target="_blank">https://radar.squat.net/en/events</a> and filter for the events you want to show. Then copy the URL from your address bar into here. It will look similar to: https://radar.squat.net/en/events/city/City_Name/group/123 for example the URL to show all international callouts is https://radar.squat.net/en/events/callout/international-callout', 'squat-radar') . '</div>';
if ( empty($instance['url']['error']) && ! empty( $instance['url']['keys'] ) ) {
echo '<hr>';
echo '<p>' . __('Currently selecting events:', 'squat-radar') . '</p>';
echo '<dl>';
echo '<dt>' . __('Default language', 'squat-radar') . '</dt>';
echo '<dd>' . esc_html($instance['url']['keys']['language']) . '</dd>';
foreach ($instance['url']['keys']['facets'] as $key => $value) {
echo '<dt>' . esc_html($key) . '</dt>';
echo '<dd>' . esc_html($value) . '</dd>';
echo '</dl>';
echo '<hr>';
echo '<fieldset>';
echo '<legend>' . __('Fields', 'squat-radar') . '</legend>';
echo '<p>';
// Some sensible checkbox defaults.
if ( empty($instance['fields']) ) {
$instance['fields'] = [
'title_field' => '',
'date_time:time_start' => '',
'body:summary' => '',
'category' => '',
'offline:address' => '',
'offline:map' => '',
'url' => '',
foreach ($this->preset_fields() as $api_field_name => $field_label) {
$field_id = esc_attr( $this->get_field_id( 'field-' . $api_field_name ) );
$field_name = esc_attr( $this->get_field_name( 'field-' . $api_field_name ) );
$field_label = esc_attr( $field_label );
$checked = '';
if ( isset($instance['fields'][$api_field_name]) ) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" id=\"$field_id\" name=\"$field_name\"$checked />";
echo "<label for=\"$field_id\">$field_label</label><br />";
echo '</p>';
echo '</fieldset>';
echo '<hr>';
echo '<fieldset>';
echo '<legend>' . __('Advanced settings', 'squat-radar') . '</legend>';
// Fields.
$field_id = esc_attr( $this->get_field_id( 'fields' ) );
$field_name = esc_attr( $this->get_field_name( 'fields' ) );
$field_label = esc_attr( 'Additional fields:', 'squat-radar' );
$field_value = empty( $instance['fields'] ) ? '' : esc_attr( implode( ', ', $instance['fields'] ) );
$field_class = 'widefat';
echo "<p>";
echo "<label for=\"$field_id\">$field_label</label>";
echo "<input class=\"$field_class\" id=\"$field_id\" name=\"$field_name\" type=\"text\" value=\"$field_value\">";
echo "</p>";
echo '<div class="description">' . __('A comma seperated list of field API names. Examples: phone, price, flyer, offline:address:thoroughfare. Some fields might need an additonal filter to format them properly.') . '</div>';
// Cache expiry.
$field_id = esc_attr( $this->get_field_id( 'cache_expire' ) );
$field_name = esc_attr( $this->get_field_name( 'cache_expire' ) );
$field_label = esc_attr( 'Cache length:', 'squat-radar' );
$field_value = empty( $instance['cache_expire'] ) ? 10800 : (int) $instance['cache_expire'];
$field_class = 'widefat';
echo "<p>";
echo "<label for=\"$field_id\">$field_label</label>";
echo "<select class=\"$field_class\" id=\"$field_id\" name=\"$field_name\">";
echo '<option value="3600"' . selected( $field_value, 3600 ) . '>' . __('1 hour') . '</option>';
echo '<option value="10800"' . selected( $field_value, 10800 ) . '>' . __('3 hours') . '</option>';
echo '<option value="43200"' . selected( $field_value, 43200 ) . '>' . __('12 hours') . '</option>';
echo "</select>";
echo "</p>";
echo '<div class="description">' . __('Length of time the cache of events will be kept. Longer faster, but updated less often.') . '</div>';
$field_id = esc_attr( $this->get_field_id( 'use_cron' ) );
$field_name = esc_attr( $this->get_field_name( 'use_cron' ) );
$field_label = esc_attr__( 'Use cron' );
$use_cron = isset($instance['use_cron']) ? (bool) $instance['use_cron'] : false;
$checked = checked( $use_cron, TRUE, FALSE );
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" id=\"$field_id\" name=\"$field_name\"$checked />";
echo "<label for=\"$field_id\">$field_label</label><br />";
echo '<div class="description">' . __('Do not use AJAX, but always display the cached version of the events. Update the cache after the expiry length using cron. Works best if you have a regular external cronjob running.') . '</div>';
echo '</fieldset>';
* Implementation of WP_Widget::update().
* Save widget options.
public function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) {
$options = [];
if ( ! empty( $new_instance['title'] ) ) {
$options['title'] = sanitize_text_field( $new_instance['title'] );
else {
$options['title'] = '';
if ( ! empty($new_instance['url']) ) {
// The value passed here changes somewhere post WP5.4.
// More recent versions have the options array in the instance.
if (is_string($new_instance['url'])) {
$url = $new_instance['url'];
else {
$url = $new_instance['url']['value'];
$keys = $this->connector->decode_search_url($url);
$options['url']['keys'] = $keys;
$options['url']['value'] = $url;
if (empty($keys)) {
$options['url']['error'] = 'URL not recognised';
else {
$options['url'] = ['value' => '', 'keys' => []];
// When called by 5.9 ajax this contains the already set array.
// Just check it's sane.
$options['fields'] = is_array($new_instance['fields']) ? $new_instance['fields'] : [];
array_filter($options['fields'], function ($v, $k) {
return ($v == $k) && (preg_match('([^a-zA-Z_:])', $k) === 0);
foreach ($this->preset_fields() as $field_name => $field_label) {
if ( ! empty($new_instance['field-' . $field_name]) ) {
$options['fields'][$field_name] = $field_name;
if ( ! empty($new_instance['fields']) && is_string($new_instance['fields']) ) {
$matches = [];
preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z_:]+)/', $new_instance['fields'], $matches);
$options['fields'] += array_combine($matches[0], $matches[0]);
if ( ! empty( $new_instance['limit'] ) ) {
$options['limit'] = (int) $new_instance['limit'];
if ( ! empty( $new_instance['cache_expire'] ) ) {
$options['cache_expire'] = (int) $new_instance['cache_expire'];
else {
$options['cache_expire'] = 10800;
if ( empty( $new_instance['use_cron'] )) {
$options['use_cron'] = FALSE;
$cron_instances = self::cron_instances();
if ( empty($cron_instances) && ($timestamp = wp_next_scheduled( 'squat_radar_widget_cache_cron' ) )) {
wp_unschedule_event( $timestamp, 'squat_radar_widget_cache_cron' );
else {
$options['use_cron'] = TRUE;
if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'squat_radar_widget_cache_cron' ) ) {
wp_schedule_event( time() + $options['cache_expire'], 'hourly', 'squat_radar_widget_cache_cron');
return $options;
public function preset_fields() {
return [
'title_field' => __( 'Title' ),
'event_status' => __( 'Event status (proposed, or cancelled)' ),
'date_time' => __( 'Date and Time (start and optional end)' ),
'date_time:time_start' => __( 'Date and Time (start only)' ),
'body' => __( 'Body' ),
'body:summary' => __( 'Body (teaser, summary)' ),
'category' => __( 'Categories' ),
'topic' => __( 'Tags' ),
'offline:address' => __( 'Address' ),
'offline:map' => __( 'Map (link)' ),
'og_group_ref' => __( 'Groups' ),
'price_category' => __( 'Price category' ),
'image:file:url' => __( 'Image' ),
'link' => __( 'Event URL (entered not Radar)' ),
'url' => __( 'More link (to event on Radar)' ),
public static function cron_instances() {
$cron_instances = [];
$instances = get_option( 'widget_squat_radar' );
foreach ($instances as $number => $instance) {
if (! empty($instance['use_cron']) ) {
$cron_instances[$number] = $instance;
return $cron_instances;