Fork 0
forked from lino/radar-wp

WIP Now with some formatting.

This commit is contained in:
ekes 2019-04-28 17:23:55 +02:00
parent 649f84ad8c
commit 98872a46bc
3 changed files with 328 additions and 81 deletions

View file

@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ class Squat_Radar_Connector {
function events( $facets, $fields = [], $language = NULL, $limit = 10, $expiration = 10800, $reset = FALSE ) {
$fields = array_merge($fields, ['uuid', 'url']);
$transient_key = 'squat_radar_events_' . sha1(implode($facets) . implode($fields) . $language . $limit);
if (! $reset && $data = get_transient( $transient_key )) {
return $data;
$query = $this->encode_api_query( $facets, $fields, $language, $limit );
$events = $this->get_events($query);

View file

@ -2,50 +2,318 @@
class Squat_Radar_Formatter {
static public function format_event($event, $fields) {
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$value = self::getValue($event, explode(':', $field));
static public function register() {
// Filter to go through fields and then call filters to turn these into HTML.
add_filter('squat_radar_format_event', [__CLASS__, 'format_event'], 10, 3);
// Filters to turn each individual field into HTML.
// $value is the data from the field and can be an array or string.
// These filters extract data from arrays based on the field structure.
add_filter('squat_radar_field_html', [__CLASS__, 'field_date_html'], 5, 4);
add_filter('squat_radar_field_html', [__CLASS__, 'field_location_html'], 5, 4);
add_filter('squat_radar_field_html', [__CLASS__, 'field_link_html'], 5, 4);
// field 'url' was turned into a more link, example of an override with more specificity.
add_filter('squat_radar_field_html', [__CLASS__, 'field_image_html'], 7, 4);
// If $value is an array it is flattened into a string here.
// If $value != $original it will _not_ be sanitized, assumption is that it has been already.
add_filter('squat_radar_field_html', [__CLASS__, 'field_html'], 10, 4);
// $value is always a string. These filters just add additional wrapper markup.
add_filter('squat_radar_field_html', [__CLASS__, 'field_title_html'], 15, 4);
static public function format_event($event, $fields, $context) {
$context['event'] = $event;
$output = [];
$output[] = '<div class="squat-radar radar-event">';
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$field_tree = explode(':', $field);
$value = self::getValue($event, $field_tree);
$field_tree = array_reverse($field_tree);
$output[] = apply_filters('squat_radar_field_html', $value, $value, $field_tree, $context);
$output[] = '</div>';
return $output;
* Date field formatting implementation of 'squat_radar_field_html' filter.
static public function field_date_html($value, $original, $field, $context) {
switch ($field[0]) {
case 'created':
case 'updated':
$output = '';
if ($value) {
$output = date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), $value );
$placeholder = ($field[0] == 'created') ? __('Created: %s', 'squat-radar') : __('Updated: %s', 'squat-radar');
$output = '<span class="squat-radar-meta-data squat-radar-' . $field[0] . '">' . sprintf($placeholder, $output) . '</span>';
return $output;
// "date_time": [
// {
// "value": "1556442000",
// "value2": "1556442000",
// "duration": 0,
// "time_start": "2019-04-28T11:00:00+02:00",
// "time_end": "2019-04-28T11:00:00+02:00",
// "rrule": null
// }
// ],
case 'date_time':
$output = '';
// There can only be one date. With repeat etc. but just one.
// Repeating events will appear as a new item for each repeat in the feed.
$value = $value[0];
$output = '<span class="squat-radar-event-start-end">';
$output .= self::field_date_format($value['time_start'], 'start');
if ($value['time_start'] != $value['time_end']) {
$output .= self::field_date_format($value['time_end'], 'end');
$output .= '</span>';
return $output;
case 'time_start':
$output = '<span class="squat-radar-event-start">';
$output .= self::field_date_format($value, 'start');
$output .= '</span>';
return $output;
case 'time_end':
$output = '<span class="squat-radar-event-start">';
$output .= self::field_date_format($value, 'start');
$output .= '</span>';
return $output;
return $value;
private static function field_date_format($time, $start_end) {
$date_format = get_option('squat_radar_date_format', 'j M Y');
$time_format = get_option('squat_radar_time_format', 'H:i');
$output = '<span class="squat-radar-datetime squat-radar-datetime-' . $start_end .'">';
$output .= '<span class="squat-radar-date">';
$output .= date_i18n($date_format, strtotime($time));
$output .= '</span> <span class="squat-radar-time">';
$output .= date_i18n($time_format, strtotime($time));
$output .= '</span></span>';
return $output;
* Location field implementation of 'squat_radar_field_html' filter.
* "offline": [
* {
* "uri": "https://radar.squat.net/api/1.2/location/b5786379-da49-4026-8c4e-bcc1a1563284",
* "id": "b5786379-da49-4026-8c4e-bcc1a1563284",
* "resource": "location",
* "title": "Yorck-Kino Yorckstr. 86 Berlin Deutschland",
* "map": {
* "geom": "POINT (13.3853499 52.4930248)",
* "geo_type": "point",
* "lat": "52.493024800000",
* "lon": "13.385349900000",
* "left": "13.385349900000",
* "top": "52.493024800000",
* "right": "13.385349900000",
* "bottom": "52.493024800000",
* "srid": null,
* "latlon": "52.493024800000,13.385349900000",
* "schemaorg_shape": ""
* }
* }
* ]
function field_location_html($value, $original, $field, $context) {
switch ($field[0]) {
case 'map':
$output = [];
foreach ($value as $map) {
if ( is_array($value) && $value['lat'] !== NULL && $value['lon'] !== NULL ) {
$this_output = '<span class="squat-radar-location squat-radar-location-map-link">';
$lat = $value['lat'];
$lon = $value['lon'];
$this_output .= "<a href=\"https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=$lat&mlon=$lon#map=12/$lat/$lon\">";
$this_output .= __('[Map]', 'squat-radar');
$this_output .= '</a></span>';
$output[] = $this_output;
return implode(', ', $output);
case 'address':
$output = [];
foreach ($value as $address) {
if ( is_array($value) ) {
$this_address = [];
foreach (['name_line', 'thoroughfare', 'locality', 'postal_code', 'country'] as $field_name) {
if (! empty($value[$field_name])) {
$this_line = '<span class="squat-radar-location-' . $field_name . '">';
$this_line .= sanitize_text_field($value[$field_name]);
$this_line .= '</span>';
$this_address[] = $this_line;
$this_output = '<span class="squat-radar-location squat-radar-location-address">';
$this_output .= implode(' ,', $this_address);
$this_output .= '</span>';
$output[] = $this_output;
return implode('; ', $output);
return $value;
* Item Radar links implementation of 'squat_radar_field_html' filter.
function field_link_html($value, $original, $field, $context) {
if ($field[0] == 'title' && ! empty($context['event']['url'])) {
return '<a href="' . esc_url($context['event']['url']) . '" class="squat-radar-url squat-radar-url-title">' . sanitize_text_field( $value ) . '</a>';
if ($field[0] == 'url' && count($field) == 1) {
return '<a href="' . esc_url_raw($value) . '" class="squat-radar-url squat-radar-url-more">' . __('more…', 'squat-radar') . '</a>';
if ($field[0] == 'url') {
$field_tree = array_reverse($field);
$sibling_fields = self::getValue($event, $field_tree);
$title = esc_url($value);
$class = 'squat-radar-url-link';
if (! empty($sibling_fields['title']) ) {
$title = sanitize_text_field( $sibling_fields['title']);
$class = 'squat-radar-url-title';
elseif ( ! empty($sibling_fields['name']) ) {
$title = sanitize_text_field( $sibling_fields['name']);
$class = 'squat-radar-url-name';
return '<a href="' . esc_url_raw($value) . '" class="squat-radar-url ' . $class . '">' . $title . '</a>';
if ($field[0] == 'link') {
return '<a href="' . esc_url_raw($value['url']) . '" class="squat-radar-url squat-radar-url-link">' . esc_url($value['url']) . '</a>';
return $value;
* Format image implementation of 'squat_radar_field_html' filter.
* Deliberatly run after field_link_html. Showing how to override an existing filter.
* image:file:url
function field_image_html($value, $original, $field, $context) {
if ($field[0] == 'url' && $field[1] == 'file' && $field[2] == 'image') {
return '<img src="'. esc_url_raw($original) .'" class="squat-radar-image" \>';
return $value;
* Basic implementation of 'squat_radar_field_html' filter.
* Put the output into HTML.
* @param array|string $value
* The field value being manipulated to become HTML to be displayed.
* @param array|string $original
* The original value of the field before any changes by filters.
* @param array $field
* The field tree. $field[0] being the name of the present field. $field[1]
* being any parent etc.
* @param array $context
* @return string
* Flattend array with additional default classes.
function field_html($value, $original, $field, $context) {
if ($value != $original) {
return $value;
if (is_array($value)) {
if ( ! empty($value['value']) ) {
$value = $value['value'];
elseif ( ! empty($value['title']) ) {
$value = $value['title'];
elseif ( ! empty($value['name']) ) {
$value = $value['name'];
elseif ( ! empty($value[0]['value']) ) {
foreach ($value as $row) {
$values[] = $row['value'];
$value = $values;
elseif ( ! empty($value[0]['title']) ) {
foreach ($value as $row) {
$titles[] = $row['title'];
$value = $titles;
elseif ( ! empty($value[0]['name']) ) {
foreach ($value as $row) {
$names[] = $row['name'];
$value = $names;
if (is_array($value)) {
$output = '<ul class="squat-radar-' . sanitize_html_class($field[0]) . ' squat-radar-list">';
foreach ($value as $row) {
$output .= '<li class="squat-radar-item-' . sanitize_html_class($field[0]) . '">' . sanitize_text_field( $row ) . '</li>';
$output .= '</ul>';
return $output;
else {
$value = '<span class="squat-radar-' . sanitize_html_class($field[0]) . '">' . $value . '</span>';
return $value;
* Title field HTML implentation of 'squat_radar_field_html' filter.
function field_title_html($value, $original, $field, $context) {
if ($field[0] == 'title' && count($field) == 1) {
$value = '<h3 class="squat-radar-title">' . $value . '</h3>';
return $value;
* Retrieves a value from a nested array with variable depth.
* This helper function should be used when the depth of the array element
* being retrieved may vary (that is, the number of parent keys is variable).
* It is primarily used for form structures and renderable arrays.
* Without this helper function the only way to get a nested array value with
* variable depth in one line would be using eval(), which should be avoided:
* @code
* // Do not do this! Avoid eval().
* // May also throw a PHP notice, if the variable array keys do not exist.
* eval('$value = $array[\'' . implode("']['", $parents) . "'];");
* @endcode
* Instead, use this helper function:
* @code
* $value = NestedArray::getValue($form, $parents);
* @endcode
* A return value of NULL is ambiguous, and can mean either that the requested
* key does not exist, or that the actual value is NULL. If it is required to
* know whether the nested array key actually exists, pass a third argument
* that is altered by reference:
* @code
* $key_exists = NULL;
* $value = NestedArray::getValue($form, $parents, $key_exists);
* if ($key_exists) {
* // Do something with $value.
* }
* @endcode
* However if the number of array parent keys is static, the value should
* always be retrieved directly rather than calling this function.
* For instance:
* @code
* $value = $form['signature_settings']['signature'];
* @endcode
* Handles on level of multiple[] values on a key.
* It will work for deeper multiples, but return the top match.
* @param array $array
* The array from which to get the value.
@ -61,15 +329,28 @@ class Squat_Radar_Formatter {
* Boolean that indicates whether all nested parent keys exist (TRUE) or not
* (FALSE). This allows to distinguish between the two possibilities when
* NULL is returned.
* @author drupal.org contributors
public static function &getValue(array &$array, array $parents, &$key_exists = NULL) {
$ref =& $array;
foreach ($parents as $parent) {
while ($parent = array_shift($parents)) {
if (is_array($ref) && array_key_exists($parent, $ref)) {
$ref =& $ref[$parent];
elseif (is_array($ref) && isset($ref[0])) {
$multiple = [];
array_unshift($parents, $parent);
foreach ($ref as &$value) {
$multiple[] = self::getValue($value, $parents, $key_exists);
if (!empty($multiple) ) {
return $multiple;
else {
$key_exists = FALSE;
$null = NULL;
return $null;
else {
$key_exists = FALSE;
$null = NULL;

View file

@ -76,46 +76,12 @@ class Squat_Radar_Widget extends WP_Widget {
$html = '';
foreach ($data['result'] as $id => $event) {
$html .= Squat_Radar_Formatter::format_event($event);
$output = apply_filters( 'squat_radar_format_event', $event, $instance['fields'], ['instance' => $instance] );
$html .= implode($output);
$data['html'] = $html;
$print.="<li class='squat-li'>";
if ($r->title) {
$print.="<h3 class='squat-h3'>";
if ($r->date_time[0]) {
$print.="<span class='squat-tijd'>";
if ($r->body and $r->body->value) {
$print.="<p class='squat-p'>".limit_text(strip_tags($r->body->value), 40) . "</p>";
if ($r->title and $r->date_time[0]) {
$radar_link = "https://radar.squat.net/en/node/$r_id";
if ( $squat_lang == "nl") {
$nog_meer = "zie alles";
$meer = "meer";
} else {
$nog_meer = "see all";
$meer = "more";
$print.= "<a class='squat-link button' target='_blank' href='#' data-link='$radar_link' data-nog-meer='$nog_meer'>$meer</a>";
public function form( $instance ) {
@ -179,7 +145,7 @@ class Squat_Radar_Widget extends WP_Widget {
echo '<div class="description">' . __('Go to <a href="https://radar.squat.net/en/events" target="_blank">https://radar.squat.net/en/events</a> and filter for the events you want to show. Then copy the URL from your address bar into here. It will look similar to: https://radar.squat.net/en/events/city/City_Name/group/123', 'squat-radar') . '</div>';
if ( ! $instance['url']['error'] && ! empty( $instance['url']['keys'] ) ) {
if ( empty($instance['url']['error']) && ! empty( $instance['url']['keys'] ) ) {
echo '<hr>';
echo '<p>' . __('Currently selecting events:', 'squat-radar') . '</p>';
echo '<dl>';
@ -259,7 +225,7 @@ class Squat_Radar_Widget extends WP_Widget {
if ( ! empty($new_instance['fields']) ) {
$matches = [];
preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z:]+)/', $new_instance['fields'], $matches);
preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z_:]+)/', $new_instance['fields'], $matches);
$options['fields'] = $matches[0];
else {