require 'net/ftp' require 'fileutils' module FtpSync # compares remote with local filelist # if local file not exists or older than remote file, download remote file # return array with new files def self.sync(supplier) new_files = # change local dir to save files correctly FileUtils.mkdir_p(supplier.ftp_path) unless File.exists?(supplier.ftp_path) Dir.chdir(supplier.ftp_path) # connect to ftp-server ftp =, supplier.ftp_user, supplier.ftp_password) # loop over the remote filelist ftp.nlst.each do |filename| if filename.match( # local file not exist or remote file newer ? if (File.exist?(filename) and < ftp.mtime(filename)) or !File.exist?(filename) # download ftp.getbinaryfile(filename) # save filename for return new_files << filename end end end # close ftp-session ftp.close return new_files end end