# Module for import of BioRomeo products from their Excel sheet, from Aug 2014 onwards require 'roo' require 'roo-xls' module ArticleImport::Bioromeo NAME = "BioRomeo (XLSX, XLS, CSV)" OUTLIST = true OPTIONS = { encoding: "UTF-8", col_sep: ";" }.freeze RE_UNITS = /(kg|gr|gram|pond|st|stuks?|set|bos|bossen|bosjes?|bak|bakjes?|liter|ltr|[lL]\.|ml|bol|krop)(\s*\.)?/i RES_PARSE_UNIT_LIST = [ /\b((per|a)\s*)?([0-9,.]+\s*x\s*[0-9,.]+\s*#{RE_UNITS})/i, # 1x5 kg /\b((per|a)\s*)?([0-9,.]+\s*#{RE_UNITS}\s+x\s*[0-9,.]+)/i, # 1kg x 5 /\b((per|a)\s*)?(([0-9,.]+\s*,\s+)*[0-9,.]+\s+of\s+[0-9,.]+\s*#{RE_UNITS})/i, # 1, 2 of 5 kg /\b((per|a)\s*)?([0-9,.]+\s*#{RE_UNITS})/i, # 1kg /\b((per|a)\s*)?(#{RE_UNITS})/i # kg ] # first parse with dash separator at the end, fallback to less specific RES_PARSE_UNIT = RES_PARSE_UNIT_LIST.map {|r| /-\s*#{r}\s*$/} + RES_PARSE_UNIT_LIST.map {|r| /-\s+#{r}/} + RES_PARSE_UNIT_LIST.map {|r| /#{r}\s*$/} + RES_PARSE_UNIT_LIST.map {|r| /-#{r}/} def self.parse(file, **opts) opts = OPTIONS.merge(opts) ss = ArticleImport.open_spreadsheet(file, **opts) header_row = true sheet = ss.sheet(0).parse(clean: true, number: /^artnr/i, name: /^product/i, skal: /^skal$/i, demeter: /^demeter$/i, unit_price: /prijs\b.*\beenh/i, pack_price: /prijs\b.*\bcolli/i, comment: /^opm(erking)?/i, ) linenum = 0 category = nil sheet.each do |row| puts("[ROW] #{row.inspect}") linenum += 1 row[:name].blank? and next # (sub)categories are in first two content cells - assume if there's a price it's a product if row[:number].blank? && row[:unit_price].blank? category = row[:name] next end # skip products without a number row[:number].blank? and next # extract name and unit errors = [] notes = [] unit_price = row[:unit_price] pack_price = row[:pack_price] number = row[:number] name = row[:name] unit = nil manufacturer = nil prod_category = nil RES_PARSE_UNIT.each do |re| m=name.match(re) or next unit = self.normalize_unit(m[3]) name = name.sub(re, '').sub(/\(\s*\)\s*$/,'').sub(/\s+/, ' ').sub(/\.\s*$/, '').strip break end unit ||= '1 st' if name.match(/\bsla\b/i) unit ||= '1 bos' if name.match(/\bradijs\b/i) unit ||= '1 bosje' if category.match(/\bkruid/i) if unit.nil? unit = '?' errors << "Cannot find unit in name '#{name}'" end # handle multiple units in one line if unit.match(/\b(,\s+|of)\b/) # TODO create multiple articles instead of taking first one end # sometimes category is also used to indicate manufacturer m=category.match(/((eko\s*)?boerderij.*?)\s*$/i) and manufacturer = m[1] # Ad-hoc fix for package of eggs: always take pack price if name.match(/^eieren/i) unit_price = pack_price prod_category = 'Eieren' end prod_category = 'Kaas' if name.match(/^kaas/i) # figure out unit_quantity if unit.match(/x/) unit_quantity, unit = unit.split(/\s*x\s*/i, 2) unit,unit_quantity = unit_quantity,unit if unit_quantity.match(/[a-z]/i) elsif (unit_price-pack_price).abs < 1e-3 unit_quantity = 1 elsif m=unit.match(/^(.*)\b\s*(st|bos|bossen|bosjes?)\.?\s*$/i) unit_quantity, unit = m[1..2] unit_quantity.blank? and unit_quantity = 1 else unit_quantity = 1 end # there may be a more informative unit in the line if unit=='st' && !name.match(/kool/i) RES_PARSE_UNIT.each do |re| m=name.match(re) or next unit = self.normalize_unit(m[3]) name = name.sub(re, '').strip end end # note from various fields notes.append("Skal #{row[:skal]}") if row[:skal].present? notes.append(row[:demeter]) if row[:demeter].present? && row[:demeter].is_a?(String) notes.append("Demeter #{row[:demeter]}") if row[:demeter].present? && row[:demeter].is_a?(Fixnum) notes.append "(#{row[:comment]})" unless row[:comment].blank? name.sub!(/(,\.?\s*)?\bDemeter\b/i, '') and notes.prepend("Demeter") name.sub!(/(,\.?\s*)?\bBIO\b/i, '') and notes.prepend "BIO" # unit check errors << check_price(unit, unit_quantity, unit_price, pack_price) # create new article name.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') article = {:number => number, :name => name.strip, :note => notes.count > 0 && notes.map(&:strip).join("; "), :manufacturer => manufacturer, :origin => 'Noordoostpolder, NL', :unit => unit, :price => pack_price.to_f/unit_quantity.to_f, :unit_quantity => unit_quantity, :tax => 6, :deposit => 0, :category => prod_category || category } errors.compact! if errors.count > 0 yield article, errors.join("\n") else # outlisting not used by supplier yield article, nil end end end protected def self.check_price(unit, unit_quantity, unit_price, pack_price) if (unit_price-pack_price).abs < 1e-3 return if unit_quantity == 1 return "price per unit #{unit_price} is pack price, but unit quantity #{unit_quantity} is not one" end if m = unit.match(/^(.*)(#{RE_UNITS})\s*$/) amount, what = m[1..2] else return "could not parse unit: #{unit}" end # perhaps unit price is kg-price kgprice = if what =~ /^kg/i pack_price.to_f / amount.to_f elsif what =~ /^gr/ pack_price.to_f / amount.to_f * 1000 end if kgprice.present? && (kgprice - unit_price.to_f).abs < 1e-2 return end unit_price_computed = pack_price.to_f/unit_quantity.to_i if (unit_price_computed - unit_price.to_f).abs > 1e-2 "price per unit given #{unit_price.round(3)} does not match computed " + "#{pack_price.round(3)}/#{unit_quantity}=#{unit_price_computed.round(3)}" + (kgprice ? " (nor is it a kg-price #{kgprice.round(3)})" : '') end end def self.normalize_unit(unit) unit = unit.sub(/1\s*x\s*/, '') unit = unit.sub(/,([0-9])/, '.\1').gsub(/^per\s*/,'').sub(/^1\s*([^0-9.])/,'\1').sub(/^a\b\s*/,'') unit = unit.sub(/(bossen|bosjes?)/, 'bos').sub(/(liter|l\.|L\.)/,'ltr').sub(/stuks?/, 'st').sub('gram','gr') unit = unit.sub(/\s*\.\s*$/,'').sub(/\s+/, ' ').strip end end