class Supplier < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :articles, :dependent => :destroy has_many :user_accesses, :dependent => :destroy has_many :users, :through => :user_accesses # save lists in an array in database serialize :lists FTP_TYPES = ['bnn', 'foodsoft'].freeze EMAIL_RE = /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i.freeze validates :name, :address, :phone, presence: true validates :ftp_host, :ftp_user, :ftp_password, :ftp_sync, presence: true, if: :ftp_sync? validates :ftp_type, presence: true, inclusion: { in: FTP_TYPES }, if: :ftp_sync? validates :mail_from, presence: true, format: { with: EMAIL_RE }, if: :mail_sync? validates :mail_type, inclusion: { in: ArticleImport.file_formats.keys }, presence: true, if: :mail_sync? scope :ftp_sync, ->{ where(ftp_sync: true) } scope :mail_sync, ->{ where(mail_sync: true) } before_create :create_salt def ftp_path # path should read "ftp_files", but has "bnn_files" for historical reasons Rails.root.join("supplier_assets", "bnn_files", id.to_s) end def mail_path Rails.root.join("supplier_assets", "mail_files", id.to_s) end # mail hash checked on receiving articles update mail def articles_mail_hash digest = digest.update digest.update ":" digest.update salt digest.update ":mail:articles" Base32.encode(digest.digest[1..10]) end def articles_mail_address return unless salt.present? "#{ENV["MAILER_PREFIX"]}#{id}.#{articles_mail_hash}@#{ENV["MAILER_DOMAIN"]}" end def sync_ftp_files new_files = FtpSync::sync(self) unless new_files.empty? "New FTP-synced files for #{name}: #{new_files.inspect}" new_files.each do |file| logger.debug "parse #{file}..." outlisted_counter, new_counter, updated_counter, invalid_articles = update_articles_from_file(File.join(ftp_path, file), type: ftp_type) "#{file} successfully parsed: #{new_counter} new, #{updated_counter} updated, #{outlisted_counter} outlisted, #{invalid_articles.size} invalid" end if $missing_bnn_codes "missing bnn-codes: #{$missing_bnn_codes.uniq.sort.join(", ")}" end end end # parses file and updates articles # # @param file [File] File to update articles from # @returns [Array] counters for outlisted, new and updated articles, and invalid articles # @note options are passed on to {ArticleImport.parse} def update_articles_from_file(file, **opts) specials = invalid_articles = outlisted_counter, new_counter, updated_counter = 0, 0, 0 listed = upload_lists = ArticleImport.parse(file, **opts) do |parsed_article, status| parsed_article[:upload_list] = opts[:upload_list] if opts[:upload_list] upload_lists[parsed_article[:upload_list]] += 1 if parsed_article[:upload_list] article = articles.find_by_number(parsed_article[:number]) # create new article if status.nil? && article.nil? new_article = if new_article.valid? && new_counter += 1 listed << else invalid_articles << new_article end # update existing article elsif status.nil? && article updated_counter += 1 if article.update(parsed_article) listed << # delete outlisted article elsif status == :outlisted && article article.destroy && outlisted_counter += 1 # remember special info for article; store data to allow article after its special elsif status == :special && article specials << article # mention parsing problems elsif status.is_a?(String) new_article = new_article.valid? new_article.errors[''] = status invalid_articles << new_article end end # updates articles with special infos specials.each do |special| if article = articles.find_by_number(special[:number]) if article.note article.note += " | #{special[:note]}" else article.note = special[:note] end end end # remove unlisted articles when requested if opts[:outlist_unlisted] || ArticleImport.file_formats[opts[:type]]::OUTLIST to_delete = articles.where('id NOT IN (?)', listed) # @rails4 `.where.not()` outlisted_counter += to_delete.delete_all end return [outlisted_counter, new_counter, updated_counter, invalid_articles] end def articles_updated_at articles.order('articles.updated_on DESC').first.try(:updated_on) end private def create_salt self.salt = [{rand(256).chr}.join].pack("m").chomp end end