= simple_form_for @supplier do |f| = f.input :name, required: true = f.input :address, required: true = f.input :phone, required: true = f.input :phone2 = f.input :fax = f.input :email = f.input :url = f.input :delivery_days /= f.input :order_howto, as: :text, input_html: {rows: 5} = f.input :note, as: :text, input_html: {rows: 5, cols: 60} /= f.input :min_order_quantity /= f.input :article_info_url = f.input :ftp_sync %div#ftp_details{style: ('display: none' unless @supplier.ftp_sync?)} = f.input :ftp_host = f.input :ftp_user = f.input :ftp_password = f.input :ftp_type, collection: Supplier::FTP_TYPES, include_blank: false = f.input :ftp_regexp, hint: t('.ftp_regexp_hint') = f.input :mail_sync %div#mail_details{style: ('display: none' unless @supplier.mail_sync?)} .input %label Send to - if !ENV["MAILER_DOMAIN"].present? %i (please set MAILER_DOMAIN to see address) - elsif @supplier.articles_mail_address.present? %tt= @supplier.articles_mail_address - else %i (save supplier to see address) = f.input :mail_type, collection: ArticleImport.file_formats.map {|k,o| [o::NAME, k] } = f.input :mail_from = f.input :mail_subject .form-actions = f.submit class: 'btn' = link_to t('ui.or_cancel'), (@supplier.new_record? ? suppliers_path : supplier_path(@supplier)) - content_for :javascript do :javascript $(document).on('change', '#supplier_ftp_sync', function() { $('#ftp_details').toggle(this.checked); }); $(document).on('change', '#supplier_mail_sync', function() { $('#mail_details').toggle(this.checked); });