# # Rake tasks for receiving article updates by email. # # Mail setup is heavily inspired by Foodsoft's reply-by-mail feature for messages # @see https://github.com/foodcoops/foodsoft/blob/master/lib/foodsoft_mail_receiver.rb # require "mail" require "midi-smtp-server" class ReplyEmailSmtpServer < MidiSmtpServer::Smtpd def start super @from = nil @supplier = nil end private def on_mail_from_event(ctx, from) @from = from end def on_rcpt_to_event(ctx, rcpt_to) recipient = rcpt_to.gsub(/\A\s*<\s*(.*)\s*>\s*\z/, '\1') @supplier = find_supplier(recipient) rcpt_to rescue => error logger.info("Can not accept mail for '#{rcpt_to}': #{error}") raise MidiSmtpServer::Smtpd550Exception end def on_message_data_event(ctx) handle_mail(ctx[:message][:data]) end def find_supplier(recipient) m = /\A#{Regexp.escape(ENV['MAILER_PREFIX'])}(?\d+)\.(?\w+)(@(?.*))?/.match(recipient) raise "recipient is missing or has an invalid format" if m.nil? supplier = Supplier.mail_sync.find_by_id(m[:supplier_id]) raise "supplier id #{m[:supplier_id]} could not be found" if supplier.nil? hash = supplier.articles_mail_hash hash.casecmp(m[:hash]) == 0 or raise "hash '#{m[:hash]}' does not match expectations for supplier '#{supplier.name}'" supplier end def handle_mail(data) message = Mail.read_from_string(data) # message checks if @supplier.mail_from.present? m, s = message.from, @supplier.mail_from m.any? {|n| n.include?(s) } or raise "Expected to find '#{s}' in from address '#{m.join(', ')}' for supplier #{@supplier.name}" end if @supplier.mail_subject.present? m, s = message.subject, @supplier.mail_subject m.downcase.include?(s.downcase) or raise "Expected to find '#{s}' in subject '#{m}' for supplier #{@supplier.name}" end # get attachment filename = nil message.attachments.each do |part| # @todo perhaps get heuristic from article import filters? if part.filename.match(/\.(xls|xlsx|ods|sxc|csv|tsv|xml)$/i) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@supplier.mail_path) filename = "#{message.date.strftime '%Y%m%d'}_#{part.filename.gsub(/[^-a-z0-9_\.]+/i, '_')}" filename = @supplier.mail_path.join(filename) File.open(filename, 'w+b') { |f| f.write part.body.decoded } end end raise "No spreadsheet attachment found" unless filename.present? # import! outlisted_counter, new_counter, updated_counter, invalid_articles = @supplier.update_articles_from_file(File.new(filename), type: @supplier.mail_type) msg = "Handled articles update email for #{@supplier.name}: " msg += "#{new_counter} new, #{updated_counter} updated, #{outlisted_counter} outlisted, #{invalid_articles.size} invalid" invalid_articles.map do |article| msg += "\n* invalid article '#{article.name}'" article.errors.each do |attr, errmsg| errmsg.split("\n").each do |l| msg += "\n - #{': ' unless attr.blank?}" + l end end end logger.info(msg) end end namespace :mail do desc "Parse incoming email on stdin (options: RECIPIENT=1.a1b2c3d3e5)" task parse_reply_email: :environment do hande_mail(ENV['RECIPIENT'], STDIN.read) end desc "Start STMP server for incoming email (options: SMTP_SERVER_PORT=2525, SMTP_SERVER_HOST=" task :smtp_server => :environment do port = (ENV['SMTP_SERVER_PORT'] || 2525).to_i host = ENV['SMTP_SERVER_HOST'] || '' rake_say "Started SMTP server for incoming email on #{host}:#{port}." server = ReplyEmailSmtpServer.new(port, host) server.start server.join end end # Helper def rake_say(message) puts message unless Rake.application.options.silent end