2017-03-18 13:37:07 +01:00

181 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#gpg-ezmlm-convert is a tool to convert a currently existing ezmlm
#list into a gpg-ezmlm list, by replacing the appropriate lines,
#creating the appropriate subdirs, and generating a list key for you.
use Config;
use strict;
my $usage = "Usage: $0 <dir> <dot>
Where <dir> is the directory the current ezmlm list lives in, and <dot> is in
the form of ~/.qmail-mlname, for a mailing list named mlname. Same as the dot
that you used in ezmlm-make(1). Edit the config file created in the directory
to your preferences.
To convert an existing gpg-ezmlm list to this version, just point the dotfiles
(.qmail-<list> and .qmail-<list>-default) to the new and If you want to change the default configuration settings,
a sample config file has been included, edit to taste.
my $installbin = "$Config{installbin}";
my $dir = shift or die $usage;
my $dot = shift or die $usage;
if (!(-d $dir)) {
die "No such directory $dir\n";
mkdir "$dir/.gnupg", 0700 or
die "Cannot make $dir/.gnupg: $!\n";
mkdir "$dir/tmp", 0700 or
die "Cannot make $dir/tmp: $!\n";
open NEWDOT, ">$dot.n" or die "Cannot make temporary file $dot.n: $!\n";
open NEWDEFAULT, ">$dot-default.n" or
die "Cannot make temporary file $dot-default.n: $!\n";
open DOT, "<$dot" or die "Cannot open $dot: $!\n";
open DEFAULT, "<$dot-default" or die "Cannot open $dot-default: $!\n";
while (<DOT>) {
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ /ezmlm-send\s+(\S+)/) {
print NEWDOT "\|$installbin/ $1\n";
} else {
print NEWDOT $line;
close (DOT);
close (NEWDOT);
rename "$dot.n", "$dot" or die "Cannot move $dot.n to $dot: $!\n";
while (<DEFAULT>) {
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ /ezmlm-manage\s+(\S+)/) {
print NEWDEFAULT "\|$installbin/ $1\n";
} else {
print NEWDEFAULT $line;
close (DEFAULT);
rename "$dot-default.n", "$dot-default"
or die "Cannot move $dot-default.n to $dot-default: $!\n";
open CONFIG, ">$dir/config" or
die "Cannot open $dir/config: $!\n";
#This is the configuration file for gpg-ezmlm. The file as distributed
#with the package contains all options set to their default values,
#and commented out. To change these options, uncomment the line,
#and set the option appropriately. Most options take either yes or no
#as options. Options are case insensitive.
#GnuPG is the location of your gpg executable
# GnuPG /usr/local/bin/gpg
#qmailBin is where all of your qmail executables are located
# qmailBin /var/qmail/bin
#keyDir is the location of the keyring for this particular mailing
#list. gpg-ezmlm supports a separate keyring for each ml, or you
#can cram them all together if you like by setting the below
# keyDir .gnupg
#tempDir is the location of the purgatory keyrings where submitted keys
#are stored before they are added to the main mailing list keyring.
#You should probably not have a reason to change this.
# tempDir tmp
#signMessages controls whether gpg-ezmlm signs outgoing messages
#or not. If this is not set, messages may be spoofed as if they
#were from the mailing list
# signMessages yes
#If requireSigs is set to yes, then only messages with a valid, trusted
#signature will be forwarded to the rest of the group.
# requireSigs no
#Setting NokeyNocrypt to yes will forward the encrypted portions of
#messages unencrypted to recipients for whom gpg-ezmlm does not
#possess a key. By default, those recipients will instead receive
#a message stating "encrypted content not forwarded because I
#don't have a key for you."
# NokeyNocrypt no
#setting allowKeySubmission to yes permits users to automatically
#submit keys during the subscription confirmation email. Only
#keys corresponding to the email address that is being subscribed
#will be accepted. Setting this to no effectively requires the list
#admin to manage all keys themselves.
# allowKeySubmission yes
#encryptToAll controls whether gpg-ezmlm will encrypt a message
#once, to all subscriber keys, and send that message to all users,
#or encrypt each subscriber's message to them individually. The
#default is to individually encrypt. This means that subscribers
#on the list cannot see who else is on the list by looking at
#the keyIDs the message is encrypted to, but it takes more CPU
# encryptToAll no
#VerifiedKeyReq requires that all keys that are used be trusted keys.
#An untrusted key is treated the same as no key at all.
# VerifiedKeyReq no
#RequireSub, if set to yes, will require that the sender of a message
#be a subscriber to the email list that he is attempting to post
#messages to. Senders who are not subscribed to the list will
#have their submissions rejected automatically.
# RequireSub no
print "It is recommended that you generate a mailing list key.\n";
print "Would you like to generate this key now? [y/n]\n";
my $input = <>;
if ($input =~ /y/i) {
system("gpg --homedir $dir/.gnupg --gen-key");
} else {
print "OK, skipping key generation for now. Generate later with\n";
print "gpg --homedir $dir/.gnupg --gen-key\n";
open CONFIRM, "<$dir/text/sub-confirm" or
die "Cannot open $dir/text/sub-confirm: $!\n";
open NEWCONFIRM, ">$dir/text/sub-confirm.n" or
die "Cannot open $dir/text/sub-confirm.n: $!\n";
my $line;
while(defined($line = <CONFIRM>)) {
if($line =~ /an empty reply/) {
$line =~ s/an empty reply/a reply with your\npublic key in the body/;
print NEWCONFIRM $line;
print NEWCONFIRM "The public key for this mailing list is contained below:\n";
my $key = `gpg --homedir $dir/.gnupg --export -a`;
print NEWCONFIRM $key;
rename "$dir/text/sub-confirm.n", "$dir/text/sub-confirm"
or die "Cannot move $dir/text/sub-confirm.n to $dir/text/sub-confirm: $!\n";