lars 39aaed4011 language strings:
* adapted language string names to the new GpgKeyRing/GpgEzmlm separation
2008-09-27 23:16:49 +00:00

1308 lines
37 KiB

#: Lang.Menue.ListCreate
msgid "Create new list"
msgstr "Create new list"
#: Lang.Menue.ListDelete
msgid "Delete list"
msgstr "Delete list"
#: Lang.Menue.Subscribers
msgid "Subscribers"
msgstr "Subscribers"
#: Lang.Menue.AllowList
msgid "allow list"
msgstr "allow list"
#: Lang.Menue.DenyList
msgid "deny list"
msgstr "deny list"
#: Lang.Menue.DigestList
msgid "digest list"
msgstr "digest list"
#: Lang.Menue.ModList
msgid "moderators"
msgstr "moderators"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigMain
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigSub
msgid "subscription"
msgstr "subscription"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigPost
msgid "posting"
msgstr "posting"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigAdmin
msgid "administration"
msgstr "administration"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigArchive
msgid "archive"
msgstr "archive"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigProcess
msgid "processing"
msgstr "processing"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigAll
msgid "overview"
msgstr "overview"
#: Lang.Menue.Gnupg
msgid "Key management"
msgstr "Key management"
#: Lang.Menue.GnupgPublicKeys
msgid "public keys"
msgstr "public keys"
#: Lang.Menue.GnupgSecretKeys
msgid "secret keys"
msgstr "secret keys"
#: Lang.Menue.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid "generate key"
msgstr "generate key"
#: Lang.Menue.GpgEzmlmConvert
msgid "Encryption"
msgstr "Encryption"
#: Lang.Menue.GpgEzmlmOptions
#, fuzzy
msgid "encryption"
msgstr "encryption"
#: Lang.Menue.TextFiles
msgid "Text files"
msgstr "Text files"
#: Lang.Menue.ListSelect
msgid "Choose a list"
msgstr "Choose a list"
#: Lang.Menue.Properties
msgid "Properties of"
msgstr "Properties of"
#: Lang.Menue.Language
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Language"
#: Lang.Menue.Interface
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interface"
#: Lang.Menue.Help
msgid "Help (external)"
msgstr "Help (external)"
#: Lang.Menue.SubscribeLog
msgid "Subscriber's log"
msgstr "Subscriber's log"
#: Lang.Menue.DomainSelect
msgid "Choose a domain"
msgstr "Choose a domain"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigMain
msgid "List configuration"
msgstr "List configuration"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigSub
msgid "Subscription options"
msgstr "Subscription options"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigPosting
msgid "Posting options"
msgstr "Posting options"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigAdmin
msgid "Remote administration"
msgstr "Remote administration"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigArchive
msgid "Archive options"
msgstr "Archive options"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigProcess
msgid "Message processing"
msgstr "Message processing"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigAll
msgid "Complete configuration"
msgstr "Complete configuration"
#: Lang.Title.SubscriberList
msgid "Subscribers of the list"
msgstr "Subscribers of the list"
#: Lang.Title.AllowList
msgid "Allowed users"
msgstr "Allowed users"
#: Lang.Title.DenyList
msgid "Blocked users"
msgstr "Blocked users"
#: Lang.Title.DigestList
msgid "Digest subscribers"
msgstr "Digest subscribers"
#: Lang.Title.ModList
msgid "Moderators of the mailinglist"
msgstr "Moderators of the mailinglist"
#: Lang.Title.ListCreate
msgid "Create a new list"
msgstr "Create a new list"
#: Lang.Title.FileSelect
msgid "Choose a file for editing"
msgstr "Choose a file for editing"
#: Lang.Title.FileEdit
msgid "Editing file"
msgstr "Editing file"
#: Lang.Title.SubscribeLog
#, fuzzy
msgid "Subscription events"
msgstr "Subscription events"
#: Lang.Title.GnupgPublic
msgid "Public keys"
msgstr "Public keys"
#: Lang.Title.GnupgSecret
msgid "Secret keys"
msgstr "Secret keys"
#: Lang.Title.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid "Generate a new keypair"
msgstr "Generate a new keypair"
#: Lang.Title.GpgEzmlmOptions
msgid "Encryption settings"
msgstr "Encryption settings"
#: Lang.Buttons.Create
msgid "Create list"
msgstr "Create list"
#: Lang.Buttons.ConfirmDeletion
msgid "Delete the list"
msgstr "Delete the list"
#: Lang.Buttons.DeleteAddress
msgid "Delete address(es)"
msgstr "Delete address(es)"
#: Lang.Buttons.DownloadSubscribersList
msgid "Download subscribers"
msgstr "Download subscribers"
#: Lang.Buttons.AddAddress
msgid "Add address(es)"
msgstr "Add address(es)"
#: Lang.Buttons.UpdateConfiguration
msgid "Update configuration"
msgstr "Update configuration"
#: Lang.Buttons.UpdateGnupg
msgid "Update keyring"
msgstr "Update keyring"
#: Lang.Buttons.EditFile
msgid "Edit file"
msgstr "Edit file"
#: Lang.Buttons.SaveFile
msgid "Save file"
msgstr "Save file"
#: Lang.Buttons.ResetFile
msgid "Remove customized file"
msgstr "Remove customized file"
#: Lang.Buttons.InterfaceSet
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Apply"
#: Lang.Buttons.GpgEzmlmConvertToEncrypted
msgid "Convert to an encrypted mailinglist"
msgstr "Convert to an encrypted mailinglist"
#: Lang.Buttons.GpgEzmlmConvertToPlain
msgid "Convert to a plaintext mainlinglist"
msgstr "Convert to a plaintext mainlinglist"
#: Lang.Buttons.DeletePublicKey
msgid "Delete public key(s)"
msgstr "Delete public key(s)"
#: Lang.Buttons.DeleteSecretKey
msgid "Delete secret key(s)"
msgstr "Delete secret key(s)"
#: Lang.Buttons.GnupgImportKey
msgid "Import key"
msgstr "Import key"
#: Lang.Buttons.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid "Generate key pair"
msgstr "Generate key pair"
#: Lang.Buttons.GnupgExportKey
msgid "download"
msgstr "download"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.UnknownAction
msgid "this action is undefined"
msgstr "this action is undefined"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.ParameterMissing
msgid "this action needs one or more parameters"
msgstr "this action needs one or more parameters"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.Forbidden
msgid "Error: you are not allowed to do this!"
msgstr "Error: you are not allowed to do this!"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.InvalidFileName
msgid "The name of the file is invalid!"
msgstr "The name of the file is invalid!"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.UnknownConfigPage
msgid "The chosen config page is invalid!"
msgstr "The chosen config page is invalid!"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.UnknownGnupgPage
msgid "The chosen gnupg page is invalid!"
msgstr "The chosen gnupg page is invalid!"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.GnupgKeyImport
msgid "Failed to import the uploaded key!"
msgstr "Failed to import the uploaded key!"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.GnupgDelKey
msgid "Failed to remove the key(s)!"
msgstr "Failed to remove the key(s)!"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid "Failed generate a new key!"
msgstr "Failed generate a new key!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.AddAddress
msgid "Adding of at least one mail address failed!"
msgstr "Adding of at least one mail address failed!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.DeleteAddress
msgid "Removal of at least one mail address failed!"
msgstr "Removal of at least one mail address failed!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.CreateList
msgid "Creation of new mailing list failed!"
msgstr "Creation of new mailing list failed!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.DeleteList
msgid "Removal of mailing list failed!"
msgstr "Removal of mailing list failed!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.UpdateConfig
msgid "Update of configuration failed!"
msgstr "Update of configuration failed!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.SaveFile
msgid "The file could not be saved!"
msgstr "The file could not be saved!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ListNameAlreadyExists
msgid "There is already a list with this name!"
msgstr "There is already a list with this name!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ListAddressAlreadyExists
msgid "There is already a list with this address!"
msgstr "There is already a list with this address!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ListDoesNotExist
msgid "A list with this name does not exist!"
msgstr "A list with this name does not exist!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ListDirAccessDenied
msgid "Unable to access the list's directory"
msgstr "Unable to access the list's directory"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.TextDirAccessDenied
msgid "Unable to access the list's directory of text files"
msgstr "Unable to access the list's directory of text files"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.SafeRemoveRenameDirFailed
msgid "Unable to rename list for safe removal"
msgstr "Unable to rename list for safe removal"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.DotQmailDirAccessDenied
msgid "Unable to read the mail user's home directory for .qmail files"
msgstr "Unable to read the mail user's home directory for .qmail files"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.SafeRemoveMoveDotQmailFailed
msgid "Unable to move .qmail files"
msgstr "Unable to move .qmail files"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.UnsafeRemoveListDirFailed
msgid "Unable to delete list"
msgstr "Unable to delete list"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.UnsafeRemoveDotQmailFailed
msgid "Unable to delete .qmail files"
msgstr "Unable to delete .qmail files"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.InvalidFileFormat
msgid "The uploaded file must be a text file"
msgstr "The uploaded file must be a text file"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.WebUsersUpdate
msgid "Could not update the webusers file"
msgstr "Could not update the webusers file"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.WebUsersRead
msgid "Could not read the webusers file"
msgstr "Could not read the webusers file"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.InvalidListName
msgid "The name of the list contains invalid characters"
msgstr "The name of the list contains invalid characters"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ReservedListName
msgid "This listname may not be used as it is reserved for internal purposes"
msgstr "This listname may not be used as it is reserved for internal purposes"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.EmptyListName
msgid "The name of the list may not be empty"
msgstr "The name of the list may not be empty"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.EmptyList
msgid "This list has no subscribers."
msgstr "This list has no subscribers."
#: Lang.WarningMessage.InvalidLocalPart
msgid "The local part of the list address is not valid"
msgstr "The local part of the list address is not valid"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.RequiresIDX5
msgid "This action requires ezmlm-idx v5.0 or higher."
msgstr "This action requires ezmlm-idx v5.0 or higher."
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ResetFileIsDefault
msgid "There is no customized text file, that can be removed."
msgstr "There is no customized text file, that can be removed."
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ResetFile
msgid "Removal of custimized text file failed."
msgstr "Removal of custimized text file failed."
#: Lang.WarningMessage.LogFile
msgid "Reading of log file failed."
msgstr "Reading of log file failed."
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgNoKeyFile
msgid "There was no key file selected for upload!"
msgstr "There was no key file selected for upload!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgDelKey
msgid "Removal of (at least) one key failed!"
msgstr "Removal of (at least) one key failed!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgNoKeySelected
msgid "There was no key selected to be removed!"
msgstr "There was no key selected to be removed!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgNoName
msgid "The name of the key may not be empty!"
msgstr "The name of the key may not be empty!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgInvalidExpiration
msgid "The expiration time is invalid!"
msgstr "The expiration time is invalid!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgInvalidKeySize
msgid "The length of the key is invalid!"
msgstr "The length of the key is invalid!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgExportKey
msgid "Export of key failed!"
msgstr "Export of key failed!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertEnable
msgid "Conversion to encrypted mailing list failed!"
msgstr "Conversion to encrypted mailing list failed!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertDisable
#, fuzzy
msgid "Conversion to plaintext mailing list failed!"
msgstr "Conversion to plaintext mailing list failed!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertAlreadyEnabled
msgid "Encryption was already enabled for this mailing list."
msgstr "Encryption was already enabled for this mailing list."
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertAlreadyDisabled
msgid "Encryption was already disabled for this mailing list."
msgstr "Encryption was already disabled for this mailing list."
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.AddAddress
msgid "The address was added to the list."
msgstr "The address was added to the list."
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.DeleteAddress
msgid "The address was removed from the list."
msgstr "The address was removed from the list."
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.CreateList
msgid "The new mailing list was successfully created."
msgstr "The new mailing list was successfully created."
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.DeleteList
msgid "The mailing list was successfully removed."
msgstr "The mailing list was successfully removed."
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.UpdateConfig
msgid "The mailing list's configuration was successfully changed."
msgstr "The mailing list's configuration was successfully changed."
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.UpdateGnupg
msgid "The keyring has been changed successfully."
msgstr "The keyring has been changed successfully."
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.SaveFile
msgid "The file was saved."
msgstr "The file was saved."
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.ResetFile
msgid ""
"The customized text file was successfully removed. From now on, the system-"
"wide default text file will be used instead of it."
msgstr ""
"The customized text file was successfully removed. From now on, the system-"
"wide default text file will be used instead of it."
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.GnupgKeyImport
msgid "The key was successfully imported."
msgstr "The key was successfully imported."
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertEnable
msgid "Encryption is now enabled for this list."
msgstr "Encryption is now enabled for this list."
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertDisable
#, fuzzy
msgid "Encryption is now disabled for this list."
msgstr "Encryption is now disabled for this list."
#: Lang.Options.a
msgid "Archive mailing list messages"
msgstr "Archive mailing list messages"
#: Lang.Options.b
msgid "Only moderators are allowed to access the archive"
msgstr "Only moderators are allowed to access the archive"
#: Lang.Options.d
msgid "Activate the digest list"
msgstr "Activate the digest list"
#: Lang.Options.f
msgid "Add a prefix to the subject line of outgoing messages"
msgstr "Add a prefix to the subject line of outgoing messages"
#: Lang.Options.g
msgid "Archive requests from unrecognised senders are denied"
msgstr "Archive requests from unrecognised senders are denied"
#: Lang.Options.h
msgid "Subscriptions do not require confirmation by the user"
msgstr "Subscriptions do not require confirmation by the user"
#: Lang.Options.i
msgid "Index mailing list messages for WWW archive access"
msgstr "Index mailing list messages for WWW archive access"
#: Lang.Options.j
msgid "Unsubscribe does not require confirmation"
msgstr "Unsubscribe does not require confirmation"
#: Lang.Options.k
msgid "Use deny list to prevent some users from posting"
msgstr "Use deny list to prevent some users from posting"
#: Lang.Options.l
msgid "Remote administrators (moderators) may request a subscriber list"
msgstr "Remote administrators (moderators) may request a subscriber list"
#: Lang.Options.m
msgid "All incoming messages are moderated"
msgstr "All incoming messages are moderated"
#: Lang.Options.n
msgid "Remote administrators (moderators) may edit text files in DIR/text"
msgstr "Remote administrators (moderators) may edit text files in DIR/text"
#: Lang.Options.o
msgid "Only moderators may post"
msgstr "Only moderators may post"
#: Lang.Options.p
msgid "Allow subscription and archive retrieval for everyone"
msgstr "Allow subscription and archive retrieval for everyone"
#: Lang.Options.q
msgid "Process mailman-style requests (to local-request@domain)"
msgstr "Process mailman-style requests (to local-request@domain)"
#: Lang.Options.r
msgid "Enable remote administration of the list (for moderators)"
msgstr "Enable remote administration of the list (for moderators)"
#: Lang.Options.s
msgid "Subscriptions to the main list and the digest list will be moderated"
msgstr "Subscriptions to the main list and the digest list will be moderated"
#: Lang.Options.t
msgid "Add a trailing text to every message"
msgstr "Add a trailing text to every message"
#: Lang.Options.u
msgid ""
"Only subscribed users may post messages (for moderated lists: always accept "
"subscribers' postings)"
msgstr ""
"Only subscribed users may post messages (for moderated lists: always accept "
"subscribers' postings)"
#: Lang.Options.w
msgid "Remove the ezmlm-warn invocations from the list setup (rarely useful)"
msgstr "Remove the ezmlm-warn invocations from the list setup (rarely useful)"
#: Lang.Options.x
msgid "Reset the list of to be stripped mime types to its default value"
msgstr "Reset the list of to be stripped mime types to its default value"
#: Lang.Options.y
msgid "Request a confirmation mail for every posted message"
msgstr "Request a confirmation mail for every posted message"
#: Lang.Options.special_replytoself
msgid "Redirect replies to the list"
msgstr "Redirect replies to the list"
#: Lang.Options.gpgezmlm_nokeynocrypt
msgid ""
"Send a warning instead of the original content to subscribers without a key"
msgstr ""
"Send a warning instead of the original content to subscribers without a key"
#: Lang.Options.gpgezmlm_signmessages
msgid "Sign outgoing messages with the list's key"
msgstr "Sign outgoing messages with the list's key"
#: Lang.Selections.archive
msgid "Access to the archive is granted for"
msgstr "Access to the archive is granted for"
#: Lang.Selections.archive.bg
#, fuzzy
msgid "administrators"
msgstr "administrators"
#: Lang.Selections.archive.Bg
msgid "subscribers and administrators"
msgstr "subscribers and administrators"
#: Lang.Selections.archive.BG
msgid "everyone"
msgstr "everyone"
#: Lang.Selections.subscribe
msgid "Public subscription is"
msgstr "Public subscription is"
#: Lang.Selections.subscribe.pS
msgid "open"
msgstr "open"
#: Lang.Selections.subscribe.ps
msgid "moderated"
msgstr "moderated"
#: Lang.Selections.subscribe.P
msgid "not allowed"
msgstr "not allowed"
#: Lang.Selections.posting
msgid "Posting is"
msgstr "Posting is"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.MOU
msgid "allowed for everyone"
msgstr "allowed for everyone"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.mOU
msgid "moderated for everyone"
msgstr "moderated for everyone"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.mou
msgid "moderated for subscribers; others are rejected"
msgstr "moderated for subscribers; others are rejected"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.mOu
msgid "allowed for subscribers and moderated for others"
msgstr "allowed for subscribers and moderated for others"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.MOu
msgid "allowed for subscribers"
msgstr "allowed for subscribers"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.moU
msgid "allowed only for moderators"
msgstr "allowed only for moderators"
#: Lang.Selections.confirmation
msgid "Confirmation mails are required for"
msgstr "Confirmation mails are required for"
#: Lang.Selections.confirmation.J
#, fuzzy
msgid "unsubscription"
msgstr "unsubscription"
#: Lang.Settings.0
msgid "Make the list a sublist of another list"
msgstr "Make the list a sublist of another list"
#: Lang.Settings.3
msgid "Set a custom \"From:\" header for outgoing messsages"
msgstr "Set a custom \"From:\" header for outgoing messsages"
#: Lang.Settings.4
msgid "Define customized setting for digest creation (ezmlm-tstdig)"
msgstr "Define customized setting for digest creation (ezmlm-tstdig)"
#: Lang.Settings.5
msgid "Define the email address of the list owner"
msgstr "Define the email address of the list owner"
#: Lang.Settings.6
msgid "Use a SQL database"
msgstr "Use a SQL database"
#: Lang.Settings.7
msgid "Define a custom path to the database for posting moderators"
msgstr "Define a custom path to the database for posting moderators"
#: Lang.Settings.8
msgid "Define a custom path to the database for subscription moderators"
msgstr "Define a custom path to the database for subscription moderators"
#: Lang.Settings.9
msgid "Define a custom path to the database for remote administators"
msgstr "Define a custom path to the database for remote administators"
#: Lang.Misc.HelpLink
msgid "The manual page of ezmlm-idx"
msgstr "The manual page of ezmlm-idx"
#: Lang.Misc.Subscription
msgid "Subscription"
msgstr "Subscription"
#: Lang.Misc.Subscribers
msgid "subscribers"
msgstr "subscribers"
#: Lang.Misc.RemoteAdmin
msgid "Remote Admin"
msgstr "Remote Admin"
#: Lang.Misc.ListName
msgid "List Name"
msgstr "List Name"
#: Lang.Misc.ListAddress
msgid "List Address"
msgstr "List Address"
#: Lang.Misc.ListOptions
msgid "Basic List Options"
msgstr "Basic List Options"
#: Lang.Misc.AllowedToEdit
#, fuzzy
msgid "Users allowed to edit this list via web interface"
msgstr "Users allowed to edit this list via web interface"
#: Lang.Misc.HeaderFiltering
msgid "Header filtering"
msgstr "Header filtering"
#: Lang.Misc.HeaderRemove
msgid "strip these header lines"
msgstr "strip these header lines"
#: Lang.Misc.HeaderKeep
msgid "keep only these header lines"
msgstr "keep only these header lines"
#: Lang.Misc.HeaderAdd
msgid "Headers to add to all outgoing mail"
msgstr "Headers to add to all outgoing mail"
#: Lang.Misc.MimeTypeExamples
msgid "Show some example mime types"
msgstr "Show some example mime types"
#: Lang.Misc.MimeFiltering
msgid "Mime type filtering (for multipart mails)"
msgstr "Mime type filtering (for multipart mails)"
#: Lang.Misc.MimeRemove
msgid "strip these from all messages"
msgstr "strip these from all messages"
#: Lang.Misc.MimeKeep
msgid "keep only these in messages"
msgstr "keep only these in messages"
#: Lang.Misc.MimeReject
msgid "Messages containing any of these mime type will be rejected"
msgstr "Messages containing any of these mime type will be rejected"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.CommonTags
msgid "common tags"
msgstr "common tags"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.ListNameLocal
msgid "The local part of the list name"
msgstr "The local part of the list name"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.ListNameHost
msgid "The host name of the list name"
msgstr "The host name of the list name"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.MessageNumber
msgid "Number of the respective message"
msgstr "Number of the respective message"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.SubAddress
msgid "The subscription address"
msgstr "The subscription address"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.SubReplyAddress
msgid "The address a subscriber must reply to"
msgstr "The address a subscriber must reply to"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.AcceptanceAddress
msgid "The acceptance address"
msgstr "The acceptance address"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.RejectionAddress
msgid "The rejection address"
msgstr "The rejection address"
#: Lang.Misc.SuggestDefaultPath
msgid ""
"It is recommended to use the default path for the moderation database. "
"Otherwise you cannot manage the moderators' list with ezmlm-web."
msgstr ""
"It is recommended to use the default path for the moderation database. "
"Otherwise you cannot manage the moderators' list with ezmlm-web."
#: Lang.Misc.PostModPathWarn
msgid "Posting moderators are stored in a non-standard location"
msgstr "Posting moderators are stored in a non-standard location"
#: Lang.Misc.SubModPathWarn
msgid "Subscription moderators are stored in a non-standard location"
msgstr "Subscription moderators are stored in a non-standard location"
#: Lang.Misc.RemoteAdminPathWarn
msgid "Remote administrators are stored in a non-standard location"
msgstr "Remote administrators are stored in a non-standard location"
#: Lang.Misc.MessageSize.Max
msgid "Reject messages exceeding a specified value"
msgstr "Reject messages exceeding a specified value"
#: Lang.Misc.MessageSize.Min
msgid "Reject messages smaller than a specified value"
msgstr "Reject messages smaller than a specified value"
#: Lang.Misc.MessageSize.Unit
msgid "bytes"
msgstr "bytes"
#: Lang.Misc.NoFiles
msgid "There are no files in the text directory of the mailinglist."
msgstr "There are no files in the text directory of the mailinglist."
#: Lang.Misc.AddSubscriberAddress
msgid "Add a new mail address:"
msgstr "Add a new mail address:"
#: Lang.Misc.AddSubscriberFile
msgid "Upload a text file containing mail addresses to be added:"
msgstr "Upload a text file containing mail addresses to be added:"
#: Lang.Misc.FooterText
msgid "a web interface for"
msgstr "a web interface for"
#: Lang.Misc.NoListsAvailable
msgid "I could not find any accessible list for you."
msgstr "I could not find any accessible list for you."
#: Lang.Misc.ConfirmDelete
msgid "Do you really want to remove this list completely?"
msgstr "Do you really want to remove this list completely?"
#: Lang.Misc.CustomizedFiles
msgid "customized files"
msgstr "customized files"
#: Lang.Misc.DefaultFiles
msgid "default files"
msgstr "default files"
#: Lang.Misc.ListLanguage
msgid "Language of the list"
msgstr "Language of the list"
#: Lang.Misc.ListCharset
msgid "Charset of the list"
msgstr "Charset of the list"
#: Lang.Misc.ModSubOverridesRemote
msgid ""
"Hint: if both the database of subscripton moderators and of remote "
"administrators use customized locations, then the database of subscription "
"moderators will be used for both of them"
msgstr ""
"Hint: if both the database of subscripton moderators and of remote "
"administrators use customized locations, then the database of subscription "
"moderators will be used for both of them"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgNoPublicKeys
msgid "There are no public keys available."
msgstr "There are no public keys available."
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgNoSecretKeys
msgid "There are no secret keys available."
msgstr "There are no secret keys available."
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgImportKey
msgid "Import a new key from a file:"
msgstr "Import a new key from a file:"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgKeyName
msgid "Name of the key"
msgstr "Name of the key"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgKeyComment
msgid "Comment (optional)"
msgstr "Comment (optional)"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgKeySize
msgid "Length of the key (bytes)"
msgstr "Length of the key (bytes)"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgKeyExpires
msgid "Expiration time (years)"
msgstr "Expiration time (years)"
#: Lang.Misc.Never
msgid "never"
msgstr "never"
#: Lang.Misc.NoDomainsAvailable
msgid "No domains are available."
msgstr "No domains are available."
#: Lang.Misc.CopyLinesEnabled
msgid "Add some lines of every original message to automatic replies"
msgstr "Add some lines of every original message to automatic replies"
#: Lang.Misc.CopyLinesNumber
msgid "number of lines"
msgstr "number of lines"
#: Lang.Misc.Interfaces.easy
msgid "basic"
msgstr "basic"
#: Lang.Misc.Interfaces.normal
msgid "default"
msgstr "default"
#: Lang.Misc.Interfaces.expert
msgid "expert"
msgstr "expert"
#: Lang.Misc.MailAddress
msgid "Mail address"
msgstr "Mail address"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeAction
#, fuzzy
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Event"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActionDetails
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.remove
msgid "removed"
msgstr "removed"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.add
msgid "added"
msgstr "added"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.manual
msgid "by admin"
msgstr "by admin"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.probe
msgid "delivery failed"
msgstr "delivery failed"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.auto
msgid "via mail"
msgstr "via mail"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.unknown
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "unknown"
#: Lang.Misc.Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Date"
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigAdmin
msgid ""
"Remote administrators are (by default) also moderators for subscription and "
"for posting. They may have the permission to (un)subscribe users and to "
"change the text files of the list by sending emails to the mailing list "
msgstr ""
"Remote administrators are (by default) also moderators for subscription and "
"for posting. They may have the permission to (un)subscribe users and to "
"change the text files of the list by sending emails to the mailing list "
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigArchive
msgid ""
"The mailing list archive can be accessed by mail. Additionally you will want "
"to create a list archive, if you plan to publish it (e.g. with ezmlm-www)."
msgstr ""
"The mailing list archive can be accessed by mail. Additionally you will want "
"to create a list archive, if you plan to publish it (e.g. with ezmlm-www)."
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigProcess
msgid ""
"Modify some message properties, before they are distributed to the "
msgstr ""
"Modify some message properties, before they are distributed to the "
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigMain
msgid "Here you find some settings, that did not fit into any other category."
msgstr "Here you find some settings, that did not fit into any other category."
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigPosting
msgid ""
"The posting configuration determines, who is allowed to send messages to the "
"list and how these mails will be processed."
msgstr ""
"The posting configuration determines, who is allowed to send messages to the "
"list and how these mails will be processed."
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigSub
msgid ""
"Here you may define, who is allowed to subscribe to the list and you can set "
"some details of the subscription process."
msgstr ""
"Here you may define, who is allowed to subscribe to the list and you can set "
"some details of the subscription process."
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigAll
msgid ""
"This is the complete list of all available properties of the list. Usually "
"it should be easier to use the topic-based configuration pages, but - of "
"course - this is your choice."
msgstr ""
"This is the complete list of all available properties of the list. Usually "
"it should be easier to use the topic-based configuration pages, but - of "
"course - this is your choice."
#: Lang.Introduction.ListDelete
msgid ""
"This mailinglist and everything inside of it will be removed completely."
msgstr ""
"This mailinglist and everything inside of it will be removed completely."
#: Lang.Introduction.AllowList
msgid ""
"Members of the allow list will not receive outgoing mails, but they have the "
"same rights, as normal subscribers. Usually the allow list will contain "
"mail aliases of subscribers."
msgstr ""
"Members of the allow list will not receive outgoing mails, but they have the "
"same rights, as normal subscribers. Usually the allow list will contain "
"mail aliases of subscribers."
#: Lang.Introduction.DenyList
msgid ""
"If you want to prevent specific mail addresses from using this list "
"(subscription, posting, ...), then you should add them to the deny list and "
"activate it. This can be useful for annoying people and even for notorious "
"vacation reply users. But since it is fairly easy to fake an mail address, "
"this will not really improve security."
msgstr ""
"If you want to prevent specific mail addresses from using this list "
"(subscription, posting, ...), then you should add them to the deny list and "
"activate it. This can be useful for annoying people and even for notorious "
"vacation reply users. But since it is fairly easy to fake an mail address, "
"this will not really improve security."
#: Lang.Introduction.DigestList
msgid ""
"Some users of your mailing list may prefer to receive a regular digest "
"instead of all mailing list messages. They will usually not take part in "
"discussions, but aret somehow interested anyway."
msgstr ""
"Some users of your mailing list may prefer to receive a regular digest "
"instead of all mailing list messages. They will usually not take part in "
"discussions, but aret somehow interested anyway."
#: Lang.Introduction.ModList
msgid ""
"Moderators (for posting or subscription) and remote administrators can be "
"allowed to manage the most important parts of mailing list administration: "
"moderating subscription and posting, changing filtering rules, and managing "
"users. Moderators may even be configured to be the only ones, who are "
"allowed to send mails to the mailing list."
msgstr ""
"Moderators (for posting or subscription) and remote administrators can be "
"allowed to manage the most important parts of mailing list administration: "
"moderating subscription and posting, changing filtering rules, and managing "
"users. Moderators may even be configured to be the only ones, who are "
"allowed to send mails to the mailing list."
#: Lang.Introduction.SubscriberList
msgid ""
"Subscribers of a mailing list will receive all outgoing message of the list. "
"They may also be allowed to post messages directly or moderated. Usually "
"anonymous users are able to subscribe and unsubscribe without the help of an "
"administrator - but of course, you may configure this to suit your needs."
msgstr ""
"Subscribers of a mailing list will receive all outgoing message of the list. "
"They may also be allowed to post messages directly or moderated. Usually "
"anonymous users are able to subscribe and unsubscribe without the help of an "
"administrator - but of course, you may configure this to suit your needs."
#: Lang.Introduction.TextFiles
msgid ""
"The selection box contains a list of files available in the DIR/text "
"directory. These files are sent out in response to specfic user requests or "
"as part of all outgoing messages. Edit them as necessary."
msgstr ""
"The selection box contains a list of files available in the DIR/text "
"directory. These files are sent out in response to specfic user requests or "
"as part of all outgoing messages. Edit them as necessary."
#: Lang.Introduction.EditTextFile
msgid ""
"Change this text according to your needs. Maybe you would like to use some "
"of the reserved tags, that are described at the bottom of this page."
msgstr ""
"Change this text according to your needs. Maybe you would like to use some "
"of the reserved tags, that are described at the bottom of this page."
#: Lang.Introduction.ResetTextFile
msgid ""
"This text file was customized for this list. If you want to use the system-"
"wide default text file of the choosen language instead, you may remove this "
"customized file."
msgstr ""
"This text file was customized for this list. If you want to use the system-"
"wide default text file of the choosen language instead, you may remove this "
"customized file."
#: Lang.Introduction.GpgEzmlmConvert
msgid ""
"You can convert a normal mailinglist to an encrypted list and vice versa."
msgstr ""
"You can convert a normal mailinglist to an encrypted list and vice versa."
#: Lang.Introduction.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid ""
"Every encrypted mailing list needs a secret key. You can import this key or "
"create it using the form below. After submitting the form, you have to be "
"patient, as it takes some time (up to several minutes) to create a key."
msgstr ""
"Every encrypted mailing list needs a secret key. You can import this key or "
"create it using the form below. After submitting the form, you have to be "
"patient, as it takes some time (up to several minutes) to create a key."
#: Lang.Introduction.GpgEzmlmOptions
msgid "Configure some useful settings of the encrypted mailing list."
msgstr "Configure some useful settings of the encrypted mailing list."
#: Lang.Introduction.GnupgSecret
msgid ""
"Every every mailing list needs a secret key to decrypt incoming. You should "
"take care that the secret key is kept safe. Otherwise the security of your "
"mailing list is broken."
msgstr ""
"Every every mailing list needs a secret key to decrypt incoming. You should "
"take care that the secret key is kept safe. Otherwise the security of your "
"mailing list is broken."
#: Lang.Introduction.GnupgPublic
msgid ""
"There should be a public key for every subscriber of the mailing list. "
"Additionally there is the key of the mailing list, which should be "
"distributed to all subscribers. It is safe to openly publish public keys."
msgstr ""
"There should be a public key for every subscriber of the mailing list. "
"Additionally there is the key of the mailing list, which should be "
"distributed to all subscribers. It is safe to openly publish public keys."
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigAdmin
msgid "Remote administrator's permissions"
msgstr "Remote administrator's permissions"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigArchive
msgid "Archive configuration"
msgstr "Archive configuration"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigPosting
msgid "Posting rules"
msgstr "Posting rules"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigSub
msgid "Subscription details"
msgstr "Subscription details"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigMain
msgid "General list configuration"
msgstr "General list configuration"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigProcess
msgid "Processing rules"
msgstr "Processing rules"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigAll
msgid "Available properties"
msgstr "Available properties"
#: Lang.Legend.ListCreate
msgid "Properties of the new list"
msgstr "Properties of the new list"
#: Lang.Legend.ListDelete
msgid "Remove this mailinglist"
msgstr "Remove this mailinglist"
#: Lang.Legend.RelevantOptions
msgid "Useful settings"
msgstr "Useful settings"
#: Lang.Legend.MembersList
msgid "Manage subscribers"
msgstr "Manage subscribers"
#: Lang.Legend.MembersAllow
msgid "Manage allowed users"
msgstr "Manage allowed users"
#: Lang.Legend.MembersDeny
msgid "Manage blocked users"
msgstr "Manage blocked users"
#: Lang.Legend.MembersDigest
msgid "Manage digest subscribers"
msgstr "Manage digest subscribers"
#: Lang.Legend.MembersMod
msgid "Manage moderators and administrators"
msgstr "Manage moderators and administrators"
#: Lang.Legend.TextFiles
msgid "Available text files"
msgstr "Available text files"
#: Lang.Legend.TextFileEdit
msgid "Edit content of text file"
msgstr "Edit content of text file"
#: Lang.Legend.TextFileReset
msgid "Discard customized text"
msgstr "Discard customized text"
#: Lang.Legend.TextFileInfo
msgid "Useful placeholders"
msgstr "Useful placeholders"
#: Lang.Legend.AvailableLists
msgid "Available lists"
msgstr "Available lists"
#: Lang.Legend.SubscribeLog
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Events"
#: Lang.Legend.GpgEzmlmConvert
msgid "Encryption support"
msgstr "Encryption support"
#: Lang.Legend.GnupgPublicKeys
msgid "Public keys of this list"
msgstr "Public keys of this list"
#: Lang.Legend.GnupgSecretKeys
msgid "Secret keys of this list"
msgstr "Secret keys of this list"
#: Lang.Legend.GnupgKeyImport
msgid "Import a key"
msgstr "Import a key"
#: Lang.Legend.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid "Generate the key for this list"
msgstr "Generate the key for this list"
#: Lang.Legend.AvailableDomains
msgid "Available domains"
msgstr "Available domains"
#~ msgid "select"
#~ msgstr "select"
#~ msgid "Send plaintext to the subscribers which have no key"
#~ msgstr "Send plaintext to the subscribers which have no key"
#~ msgid "manual"
#~ msgstr "manual"
#~ msgid "automatical"
#~ msgstr "automatical"