lars d845390a9b removed ezmlmwebrc.gnupg file - setting moved to ezmlmwebrc
removed implementation of 'ui_set'
fixed gnupg support
improved gettext support (still needs some testing)
Encode module is now optional (instead of being required)
2007-03-26 19:06:45 +00:00

210 lines
3.9 KiB

UI {
Navigation {
ListSelect = 1
ListCreate = 1
Subscribers {
Subscribers = 1
Digest = 1
Allow = 1
Deny = 1
Moderators = 1
Config {
Main = 1
Subscription = 1
Posting = 1
Processing = 1
GnupgOptions = 1
Archive = 1
Admin = 1
All = 1
Gnupg {
PublicKeys = 1
SecretKeys = 1
GenerateKey = 1
TextEdit = 1
ListDelete = 1
GnupgConvert = 1
Language = 1
Interface = 1
Help = 1
Options {
Create {
Listname = create_listname
Listaddress = create_listaddress
Listlanguage = lang_select
Mysql = mysql
Webuser = webusers
Subscribers {
Subscribers = {}
Digest {
Enabled = digest_enabled
Settings = digest_settings
Deny {
Enabled = block_deny
Moderators {
Posting {
Self = mod_post
Path = mod_post_path
Subscription {
Self = mod_sub
Path = mod_sub_path
Administration {
Self = admin_enabled
Path = admin_path
GenerateKey {
KeyName = gnupg_keyname
KeyComment = gnupg_keycomment
KeySize = gnupg_keysize
KeyExpiration = gnupg_keyexpires
Config {
Main {
Language = lang_select
Charset = charset_select
Owner = owner_address
MainList = mainlist
MailmanRequests = mailman_requests
RemoveWarn = warn_remove
SQL = mysql
WebUsers = webusers
Archive {
Enabled {
Self = archive_enabled
Public = public
ModOnly = archive_mod_only
Guard = archive_deny_unknown
RemovePrivateHeader = archive_remove_private_header
Subscription {
Public = public
ConfirmSub = confirm_sub
ConfirmUnsub = confirm_unsub
ModSub {
Self = mod_sub
Path = mod_sub_path
Admin {
Enabled {
Self = admin_enabled
RequestSubscribers = admin_get_subscribers
EditText = admin_edit_text
Path = admin_path
Posting {
UseDeny = block_deny
BlockOthers = block_others_post
Confirm = confirm_post
Moderate {
Self = mod_post
NonMod = block_nonmod_post
Path = mod_post_path
SizeMax = msgsize_max
SizeMin = msgsize_min
MimeCheck {
Self = mimecheck
MimeReject = mimereject
GnupgOptions {
SignMessages = gnupg_sign_messages
PlainWithoutKey = gnupg_plain_without_key
Processing {
Prefix = prefix
Trailer = trailer
From = from_address
MimeCheck {
Self = mimecheck
MimeRemove = mimeremove
HeaderRemove = headerremove
HeaderAdd = headeradd
Overview {
Public = public
ConfirmSub = confirm_sub
ConfirmUnsub = confirm_unsub
ModSubEnable = mod_sub
UseDeny = block_deny
BlockOthers = block_others_post
ConfirmPosting = confirm_post
ModPosting = mod_post
NonModPosting = block_nonmod_post
MailmanRequests = mailman_requests
RemoveWarn = warn_remove
DigestEnabled = digest_enabled
DigestSettings = digest_settings
ArchiveEnabled = archive_enabled
ArchiveModOnly = archive_mod_only
ArchiveGuard = archive_deny_unknown
RemovePrivateHeader = archive_remove_private_header
AdminEnabled = admin_enabled
AdminRequestSubscribers = admin_get_subscribers
AdminEditText = admin_edit_text
FromAddress = from_address
Owner = owner_address
SQL = mysql
MainList = mainlist
ModPostPath = mod_post_path
ModSubPath = mod_sub_path
AdminPath = admin_path
Prefix = prefix
Trailer = trailer
SizeMax = msgsize_max
SizeMin = msgsize_min
MimeCheck {
Self = mimecheck
MimeRemove = mimeremove
MimeReject = mimereject
HeaderRemove = headerremove
HeaderAdd = headeradd
Language = lang_select
Charset = charset_select
WebUsers = webusers