lars ee33aaf182 improve performance of specific file accesses (e.g. for check_interface_language) through caching
allow to reset "owner"
update language files
update packaging scripts
only build i386 debian package
clarified some copyright stuff
move URL of data files from /ezmlm-web-data/ to /ezmlm-web/ (debian policy)
add example config file for apache
fixed 'usr/local/' to 'usr/local/' patch for debian
moved "confirmation selection" from "easy" to "expert"
ezmlm-web version number for web interface footer is retrieved from the SPOT ezmlm-web.cgi
2007-08-07 22:48:40 +00:00

14 lines
590 B

# example configuration of ezmlm-web for apache-style web servers
# you should copy this file to e.g. /etc/apache2/conf.d
# don't forget to restart the web server afterwards
# map the static content (css files and images) to the base URL /ezmlm-web/
Alias /ezmlm-web/ /usr/local/share/ezmlm-web/www-data/
# usually you will have to create a suid wrapper for ezmlm-web to enable
# write access to the mailing list directories
# see 'man ezmlm-web-make-suid' for details
# e.g.: 'ezmlm-web-make-suid ezmlm /usr/local/bin/ezmlm-web'
#ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ezmlm-web /usr/local/bin/ezmlm-web