ckubu e06da8137d - If Environment variable EZMLM_WEB_RC ist set (e.g. at webservers vhost
configuration), the applicatiom loads ezmlmwebrc from that setting. That 
   allows multiple Webinterfaces on the same host with different settings.

 - Subscribition of different adresses at once via textarea input (Closes #70)
   TODO: change concerning labels for language other than german or english

 - Fix setting of chaerset variable (Close #69 ?)

 - Fix en-/decoding (if system charset differs from charset of list)

 - Handling of all text files will be done from the list directory, even if
   the defaults are used.That makes the list robust against changing server
   default settings or moving list from one to another server.

 - conf-lang file will always be written, even if language is the default
   one. So users can see their language setting from the Options screen.

 - Print available listdomains in alphabetical order.

 - trailer is no longer editable from the Overview screen. Changing trailer
   can be done - like other textfiles - from the text screen.

 - Add configuration variable DEBUG. If enabled, application prints Error/Warning 
   messages instead of "Internal Server Error" page.
2011-01-05 01:21:43 +00:00

1351 lines
40 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ezmlm-web v3.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: devel@sumpfralle.de\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-01 18:06+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-16 00:17+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: clavdia <clavdia@systemausfall.org>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || "
"n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 1.2.0-rc1\n"
"Language: sl\n"
#: Lang.Menue.ListCreate
msgid "Create new list"
msgstr "Ustvari nov seznam"
#: Lang.Menue.ListDelete
msgid "Delete list"
msgstr "Izbriši seznam"
#: Lang.Menue.Subscribers
msgid "Subscribers"
msgstr "Naročniki"
#: Lang.Menue.AllowList
msgid "allow list"
msgstr "odobri seznam"
#: Lang.Menue.DenyList
msgid "deny list"
msgstr "zavrni seznam"
#: Lang.Menue.DigestList
msgid "digest list"
msgstr "povzami seznam"
#: Lang.Menue.ModList
msgid "moderators"
msgstr "moderatorji"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigMain
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Možnosti"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigSub
msgid "subscription"
msgstr "podpis"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigPost
msgid "posting"
msgstr "pošiljanje"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigAdmin
msgid "administration"
msgstr "administracija"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigArchive
msgid "archive"
msgstr "arhiv"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigProcess
msgid "processing"
msgstr "procesiranje"
#: Lang.Menue.ConfigAll
msgid "overview"
msgstr "pregled"
#: Lang.Menue.Gnupg
msgid "Key management"
msgstr "Upravljanje ključev"
#: Lang.Menue.GnupgPublicKeys
msgid "public keys"
msgstr "javni ključi"
#: Lang.Menue.GnupgSecretKeys
msgid "secret keys"
msgstr "skrivni ključi"
#: Lang.Menue.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid "generate key"
msgstr "ustvari ključ"
#: Lang.Menue.GpgEzmlmConvert
msgid "Encryption"
msgstr "Šifriranje"
#: Lang.Menue.GpgEzmlmOptions
msgid "encryption"
msgstr "šifriranje"
#: Lang.Menue.TextFiles
msgid "Text files"
msgstr "besedilne datoteke"
#: Lang.Menue.ListSelect
msgid "Choose a list"
msgstr "Izberi seznam"
#: Lang.Menue.Properties
msgid "Properties of"
msgstr "Lastnosti"
#: Lang.Menue.Language
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jezik"
#: Lang.Menue.Interface
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Vmesnik"
#: Lang.Menue.Help
msgid "Help (external)"
msgstr "Pomoč (zunanja)"
#: Lang.Menue.SubscribeLog
msgid "Subscriber's log"
msgstr "Naročnikov dnevnik"
#: Lang.Menue.DomainSelect
msgid "Choose a domain"
msgstr "Izberi domeno"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigMain
msgid "List configuration"
msgstr "Seznam postavitev"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigSub
msgid "Subscription options"
msgstr "Naročnikove možnosti"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigPosting
msgid "Posting options"
msgstr "Možnosti objavljanja"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigAdmin
msgid "Remote administration"
msgstr "daljinsko upravništvo"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigArchive
msgid "Archive options"
msgstr "Možnosti arhiva"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigProcess
msgid "Message processing"
msgstr "Obdelava sporočil"
#: Lang.Title.ConfigAll
msgid "Complete configuration"
msgstr "Popolna konfiguracija"
#: Lang.Title.SubscriberList
msgid "Subscribers of the list"
msgstr "Naročniki seznama"
#: Lang.Title.AllowList
msgid "Allowed users"
msgstr "Uporabniki z dovoljenjem"
#: Lang.Title.DenyList
msgid "Blocked users"
msgstr "Blokirani uporabniki"
#: Lang.Title.DigestList
msgid "Digest subscribers"
msgstr "Pregled uporabnikov"
#: Lang.Title.ModList
msgid "Moderators of the mailinglist"
msgstr "Moderator poštnega seznama"
#: Lang.Title.ListCreate
msgid "Create a new list"
msgstr "Ustvari nov seznam"
#: Lang.Title.FileSelect
msgid "Choose a file for editing"
msgstr "Izberi datoteko za urejanje"
#: Lang.Title.FileEdit
msgid "Editing file"
msgstr "Urejevalna datoteka"
#: Lang.Title.SubscribeLog
msgid "Subscription events"
msgstr "subskripcijski dogodki"
#: Lang.Title.GnupgPublic
msgid "Public keys"
msgstr "Javni ključi"
#: Lang.Title.GnupgSecret
msgid "Secret keys"
msgstr "Skrivni ključi"
#: Lang.Title.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid "Generate a new keypair"
msgstr "Proizvedi nov par ključev"
#: Lang.Title.GpgEzmlmOptions
msgid "Encryption settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve šifriranja"
#: Lang.Buttons.Create
msgid "Create list"
msgstr "Ustvari seznam"
#: Lang.Buttons.ConfirmDeletion
msgid "Delete the list"
msgstr "Izbriši seznam"
#: Lang.Buttons.DeleteAddress
msgid "Delete address(es)"
msgstr "Izbriši naslov(e)"
#: Lang.Buttons.DownloadSubscribersList
msgid "Download subscribers"
msgstr "Snami naročnike "
#: Lang.Buttons.AddAddress
msgid "Add address(es)"
msgstr "Dodaj naslov(e)"
#: Lang.Buttons.UpdateConfiguration
msgid "Update configuration"
msgstr "Ažuriraj konfiguracijo"
#: Lang.Buttons.UpdateGnupg
msgid "Update keyring"
msgstr "Ažuriranje ključev"
#: Lang.Buttons.EditFile
msgid "Edit file"
msgstr "Uredi datoteko"
#: Lang.Buttons.SaveFile
msgid "Save file"
msgstr "Shrani datoteko"
#: Lang.Buttons.ResetFile
msgid "Remove customized file"
msgstr "Odstrani prikrojene datoteke"
#: Lang.Buttons.InterfaceSet
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Potrdi"
#: Lang.Buttons.GpgEzmlmConvertToEncrypted
msgid "Convert to an encrypted mailinglist"
msgstr "Pretvori v šifriran poštni seznam"
#: Lang.Buttons.GpgEzmlmConvertToPlain
msgid "Convert to a plaintext mainlinglist"
msgstr "Pretvori v odkrito besedilni poštni seznam"
#: Lang.Buttons.DeletePublicKey
msgid "Delete public key(s)"
msgstr "Izbriši javni ključ"
#: Lang.Buttons.DeleteSecretKey
msgid "Delete secret key(s)"
msgstr "Izbriši skrivni ključ"
#: Lang.Buttons.GnupgImportKey
msgid "Import key"
msgstr "Uvozi ključ"
#: Lang.Buttons.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid "Generate key pair"
msgstr "Proizvedi par ključev"
#: Lang.Buttons.GnupgExportKey
msgid "download"
msgstr "snami"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.UnknownAction
msgid "this action is undefined"
msgstr "nejasno dejanje"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.ParameterMissing
msgid "this action needs one or more parameters"
msgstr "to dejanje potrebuje enega ali več parametrov"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.Forbidden
msgid "Error: you are not allowed to do this!"
msgstr "Napaka: za to dejanje nimaš dovoljenja "
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.InvalidFileName
msgid "The name of the file is invalid!"
msgstr "Ime datoteke ni veljavno!"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.UnknownConfigPage
msgid "The chosen config page is invalid!"
msgstr "Izbrana config stran ni veljavna"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.UnknownGnupgPage
msgid "The chosen gnupg page is invalid!"
msgstr "Izbrana gnupg stran ni veljavna"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.GnupgKeyImport
msgid "Failed to import the uploaded key!"
msgstr "Neuspešen uvoz naloženega ključa"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.GnupgDelKey
msgid "Failed to remove the key(s)!"
msgstr "Odstranitev ključa (ključev) ni uspela!"
#: Lang.ErrorMessage.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid "Failed generate a new key!"
msgstr "Proizvodnja novega ključa ni uspela!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.AddAddress
msgid "Adding of at least one mail address failed!"
msgstr "Dodajanje enega (ali več) naslova ni uspelo! "
#: Lang.WarningMessage.DeleteAddress
msgid "Removal of at least one mail address failed!"
msgstr "Odstranitev vsaj enega (ali več) naslova ni uspela!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.CreateList
msgid "Creation of new mailing list failed!"
msgstr "Ustvarjanje novega poštnega seznama ni uspelo!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.DeleteList
msgid "Removal of mailing list failed!"
msgstr "Odstranitev poštnega seznama ni uspela!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.UpdateConfig
msgid "Update of configuration failed!"
msgstr "Ažuriranje konfiguracij ni uspelo! "
#: Lang.WarningMessage.SaveFile
msgid "The file could not be saved!"
msgstr "Datoteke ni moč shraniti!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ListNameAlreadyExists
msgid "There is already a list with this name!"
msgstr "Seznam s tem imenom že obstaja!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ListAddressAlreadyExists
msgid "There is already a list with this address!"
msgstr "Seznam s tem naslovom že obstaja!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ListDoesNotExist
msgid "A list with this name does not exist!"
msgstr "Seznam s tem imenom ne obstaja!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ListDirAccessDenied
msgid "Unable to access the list's directory"
msgstr "Direktorij seznama ni dostopen"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.TextDirAccessDenied
msgid "Unable to access the list's directory of text files"
msgstr "Dostop do direktorija tekstovne datoteke ni mogoč"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.SafeRemoveRenameDirFailed
msgid "Unable to rename list for safe removal"
msgstr "Ni moč preimenovati seznama za varno odstranjevanje"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.DotQmailDirAccessDenied
msgid "Unable to read the mail user's home directory for .qmail files"
msgstr "Ni moč prebrati uporabnikovega domačega direktorija za .qmail datoteke"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.SafeRemoveMoveDotQmailFailed
msgid "Unable to move .qmail files"
msgstr "Ni moč premakniti .qmail datotek"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.UnsafeRemoveListDirFailed
msgid "Unable to delete list"
msgstr "Ni moč izbrisati seznama"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.UnsafeRemoveDotQmailFailed
msgid "Unable to delete .qmail files"
msgstr "Ni moč izbrisati .qmail datotek"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.InvalidFileFormat
msgid "The uploaded file must be a text file"
msgstr "Naložitena datoteka mora biti v besedilni obliki"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.WebUsersUpdate
msgid "Could not update the webusers file"
msgstr "Ažuriranje datotek spletnega uporabnika ni mogoče"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.WebUsersRead
msgid "Could not read the webusers file"
msgstr "Ni moč prebrati datotek spletnega uporabnika "
#: Lang.WarningMessage.InvalidListName
msgid "The name of the list contains invalid characters"
msgstr "Ime seznama vsebuje neveljavne znake"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ReservedListName
msgid "This listname may not be used as it is reserved for internal purposes"
msgstr ""
"Tega imena seznama ne morete uporabiti, ker je rezervirano za interne namene"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.EmptyListName
msgid "The name of the list may not be empty"
msgstr "Vpišite Ime seznama. To mesto ne sme biti prazno."
#: Lang.WarningMessage.EmptyList
msgid "This list has no subscribers."
msgstr "Ta seznam nima naročnikov"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.InvalidLocalPart
msgid "The local part of the list address is not valid"
msgstr "Lokalen del seznama naslovov ni veljaven"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.RequiresIDX5
msgid "This action requires ezmlm-idx v5.0 or higher."
msgstr "To dejanje zahteva ezmlm-idx v5.0 ali višjo verzijo"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ResetFileIsDefault
msgid "There is no customized text file, that can be removed."
msgstr "Ni prikrojene tekstovne datoteke, ki bi jo lahko odstranili"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.ResetFile
msgid "Removal of custimized text file failed."
msgstr "Odstranitev prikrojene tekstovne datoteke ni uspela"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.LogFile
msgid "Reading of log file failed."
msgstr "Branje dnevnika ni uspelo"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgNoKeyFile
msgid "There was no key file selected for upload!"
msgstr "Niste izbrali datoteke s ključem, da bi jo naložili "
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgDelKey
msgid "Removal of (at least) one key failed!"
msgstr "Odstranitev (vsaj enega) kjuča ni uspela"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgNoKeySelected
msgid "There was no key selected to be removed!"
msgstr "Niste izbrali ključa za odstranitev"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgNoName
msgid "The name of the key may not be empty!"
msgstr "Vpišite ime ključa. To mesto ne sme biti prazno"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgInvalidExpiration
msgid "The expiration time is invalid!"
msgstr "Čas poteka ni veljaven "
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgInvalidKeySize
msgid "The length of the key is invalid!"
msgstr "Dolžina ključa ni veljavna"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GnupgExportKey
msgid "Export of key failed!"
msgstr "Izvoz ključa ni uspel!"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertEnable
msgid "Conversion to encrypted mailing list failed!"
msgstr "Pretvorba v kriptirano poštni seznam ni uspela"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertDisable
msgid "Conversion to plaintext mailing list failed!"
msgstr "Pretvorba v besedilni poštni seznam ni uspela"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertAlreadyEnabled
msgid "Encryption was already enabled for this mailing list."
msgstr "Šifriranje za ta poštni seznam je že omogočeno"
#: Lang.WarningMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertAlreadyDisabled
msgid "Encryption was already disabled for this mailing list."
msgstr "Šifriranje za ta poštni seznam je bilo (že)onemogočeno"
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.AddAddress
msgid "The address was added to the list."
msgstr "Naslov je dodan seznamu"
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.DeleteAddress
msgid "The address was removed from the list."
msgstr "Naslov je izbrisan iz seznama"
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.CreateList
msgid "The new mailing list was successfully created."
msgstr "Nov poštni seznam je bil uspešno narejen"
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.DeleteList
msgid "The mailing list was successfully removed."
msgstr "Poštni seznam je bil uspešno odstranjen"
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.UpdateConfig
msgid "The mailing list's configuration was successfully changed."
msgstr "konfiguracija pošnega seznama je bila uspešno spremenjena"
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.UpdateGnupg
msgid "The keyring has been changed successfully."
msgstr "Ključenje je uspešno spremenjeno"
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.SaveFile
msgid "The file was saved."
msgstr "Datoteka je shranjena"
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.ResetFile
msgid ""
"The customized text file was successfully removed. From now on, the system-"
"wide default text file will be used instead of it."
msgstr ""
"prikrojena tekstovna datoteka je uspešno odstranjena. Od zdaj naprej bo "
"namesto te, uporabljena system-wide default tekstovna datoteka "
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.GnupgKeyImport
msgid "The key was successfully imported."
msgstr "Ključ je bil uspešno uvožen"
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid "The key was created successfully."
msgstr "Ključ je bil uspešno narejen"
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.GnupgGenerateKeyInBackground
msgid ""
"The key is created in the background. It will be visible in a few minutes."
msgstr "Ključ je ustvarjen v ozadju in bo viden v nekaj minutah "
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertEnable
msgid "Encryption is now enabled for this list."
msgstr "Šifriranje za ta seznam je zdaj omogočeno "
#: Lang.SuccessMessage.GpgEzmlmConvertDisable
msgid "Encryption is now disabled for this list."
msgstr "Šifriranje za ta seznam je zdaj onemogočeno"
#: Lang.Options.a
msgid "Archive mailing list messages"
msgstr "Arhiv sporočil poštnega seznama "
#: Lang.Options.b
msgid "Only moderators are allowed to access the archive"
msgstr "Samo moderatorji imajo dostop do arhiva"
#: Lang.Options.d
msgid "Activate the digest list"
msgstr "Aktiviraj vhodni seznam "
#: Lang.Options.f
msgid "Add a prefix to the subject line of outgoing messages"
msgstr "Dodaj prefix vrstici predmet, pri izhodnih sporočilih "
#: Lang.Options.g
msgid "Archive requests from unrecognised senders are denied"
msgstr "Zahteve neznanih pošiljateljev so zavrnjene "
#: Lang.Options.h
msgid "Subscriptions do not require confirmation by the user"
msgstr "Subskripcije ne zahtevajo potrditve uporabnika"
#: Lang.Options.i
msgid "Index mailing list messages for WWW archive access"
msgstr "Kazalo poštnega seznama, sporočila za dostop do WWW arhiva"
#: Lang.Options.j
msgid "Unsubscribe does not require confirmation"
msgstr "Izpis ne zahteva potrditve "
#: Lang.Options.k
msgid "Use deny list to prevent some users from posting"
msgstr ""
"Uporabi seznam zavrnitev če želiš preprečiti objavo nekaterim uporabnikom "
#: Lang.Options.l
msgid "Remote administrators (moderators) may request a subscriber list"
msgstr ""
"Skrbniki na daljavo (ali moderatorji) lahko zahtevajo seznam vseh, ki so "
#: Lang.Options.m
msgid "All incoming messages are moderated"
msgstr "Vsa vhodna sporočila so moderirana"
#: Lang.Options.n
msgid "Remote administrators (moderators) may edit text files in DIR/text"
msgstr ""
"Skrbniki na daljavo (ali moderatorji) lahko urejajo tekstovne datoteke v "
#: Lang.Options.o
msgid "Only moderators may post"
msgstr "Samo moderatorji laghko objavljajo"
#: Lang.Options.p
msgid "Allow subscription and archive retrieval for everyone"
msgstr "Dovoli prijavo in arhiv vzpostavitev - za vse "
#: Lang.Options.q
msgid "Process mailman-style requests (to local-request@domain)"
msgstr "procesiranje mailman-style zahteve (lokalno-request@domain)"
#: Lang.Options.r
msgid "Enable remote administration of the list (for moderators)"
msgstr "Za ta seznam omogoči skrbništvo na daljavo (za moderatorje) "
#: Lang.Options.s
msgid "Subscriptions to the main list and the digest list will be moderated"
msgstr "Prijava v glavni seznam in povzeti seznam bosta moderirana."
#: Lang.Options.t
msgid "Add a trailing text to every (plaintext) message"
msgstr "Dodaj podtekst vsakemu tekstovnemu sporočilu"
#: Lang.Options.u
msgid ""
"Only subscribed users may post messages (for moderated lists: always accept "
"subscribers' postings)"
msgstr ""
"Samo prijavljeni uporabniki lahko objavljajo sporočila (za moderatorjev "
"seznam: vedno sprejmi sporočila prijavnikov)"
#: Lang.Options.w
msgid "Remove the ezmlm-warn invocations from the list setup (rarely useful)"
msgstr ""
"Odstrani ezmlm- opozorilni poziv s seznama namestitev (redko uporabno) "
#: Lang.Options.x
msgid "Reset the list of to be stripped mime types to its default value"
msgstr "ponastavi seznam: odstrani MIME types na privzete vrednosti"
#: Lang.Options.y
msgid "Request a confirmation mail for every posted message"
msgstr "Zahtevaj potrditveno pošto za vsako objavljeno sporočilo"
#: Lang.Options.special_replytoself
msgid "Redirect replies to the list"
msgstr "Preusmeri odgovore na seznam"
#: Lang.Options.gpgezmlm_nokeynocrypt
msgid ""
"Send a warning instead of the original content to subscribers without a key"
msgstr "pošlji opozorilol namesto prvotnega sporočila naročnikom brez ključa"
#: Lang.Options.gpgezmlm_signmessages
msgid "Sign outgoing messages with the list's key"
msgstr "Podpiši izhodna sporočila s ključem seznama"
#: Lang.Options.gpgezmlm_requiresigs
msgid "Accept only incoming messages with signatures"
msgstr "Sprejmi le podpisana vhodna sporočila"
#: Lang.Options.gpgezmlm_allowkeysubmission
msgid "Allow submitting a key in the subscription confirmation mail"
msgstr "Dovoli predložitev ključa ob pošiljanju potrditvene pošte naročniku"
#: Lang.Options.gpgezmlm_encrypttoall
msgid ""
"Encrypt the message to all subscribers within one mail instead of sending a "
"single mail for each subscriber"
msgstr ""
"Kodiraj sporočilo s pošiljanjem pisma vsem naročnikom hkrati, namesto "
"pošiljanja pisma vsakemu naročniku posebej"
#: Lang.Options.gpgezmlm_verifiedkeyreq
msgid "Use only trusted keys"
msgstr "Uporabi le zaupanja vredne ključe"
#: Lang.Selections.archive
msgid "Access to the archive is granted for"
msgstr "Dostop do arhiva je odobren za"
#: Lang.Selections.archive.bg
msgid "administrators"
msgstr "administratorje"
#: Lang.Selections.archive.Bg
msgid "subscribers and administrators"
msgstr "prijavljene in administratorje"
#: Lang.Selections.archive.BG
msgid "everyone"
msgstr "vse"
#: Lang.Selections.subscribe
msgid "Public subscription is"
msgstr "Javna prijava"
#: Lang.Selections.subscribe.pS
msgid "open"
msgstr "je odprta"
#: Lang.Selections.subscribe.ps
msgid "moderated"
msgstr "je moderirana"
#: Lang.Selections.subscribe.P
msgid "not allowed"
msgstr "ni dovoljena"
#: Lang.Selections.posting
msgid "Posting is"
msgstr "Objava"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.MOU
msgid "allowed for everyone"
msgstr "je dovoljena vsem"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.mOU
msgid "moderated for everyone"
msgstr "je moderirana za vse"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.mou
msgid "moderated for subscribers; others are rejected"
msgstr "je moderirana le za naročnike; ostali so zavrnjeni"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.mOu
msgid "allowed for subscribers and moderated for others"
msgstr "je dovoljena vsem prijavljenim in moderirana za vse ostale"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.MOu
msgid "allowed for subscribers"
msgstr "je dovoljena vsem prijavljenim"
#: Lang.Selections.posting.moU
msgid "allowed only for moderators"
msgstr "je dovoljena le moderatorjem"
#: Lang.Selections.confirmation
msgid "Confirmation mails are required for"
msgstr "Potrditveno sporočilo je zahtevano za"
#: Lang.Selections.confirmation.J
msgid "unsubscription"
msgstr "odjavo"
#: Lang.Settings.0
msgid "Make the list a sublist of another list"
msgstr "Naredi ta seznam podseznam seznama"
#: Lang.Settings.3
msgid "Set a custom \"From:\" header for outgoing messsages"
msgstr "Po meri nastavi glavo \"Od:\" za izhodna sporočila"
#: Lang.Settings.4
msgid "Define customized setting for digest creation (ezmlm-tstdig)"
msgstr "Določi, po meri, nastavitve za digest creation (ezmlm-tstdig)"
#: Lang.Settings.5
msgid "Define the email address of the list owner"
msgstr "Določi naslov elektronske pošte lastnika seznama "
#: Lang.Settings.6
msgid "Use a SQL database"
msgstr "uporabi SQL podatkovno bazo"
#: Lang.Settings.7
msgid "Define a custom path to the database for posting moderators"
msgstr "Določi običajno pot podatkovni bazi za moderatorje objav"
#: Lang.Settings.8
msgid "Define a custom path to the database for subscription moderators"
msgstr "Določi običajno pot podatkovni bazi za prijavljene moderatorje"
#: Lang.Settings.9
msgid "Define a custom path to the database for remote administators"
msgstr "Določi običajno pot podatkovni bazi za skrbnike na daljavo"
#: Lang.Misc.HelpLink
msgid "The manual page of ezmlm-idx"
msgstr "Stran Uporabniškega priročnika za ezmlm-idx"
#: Lang.Misc.Subscription
msgid "Subscription"
msgstr "Prijava"
#: Lang.Misc.Subscribers
msgid "subscribers"
msgstr "Naročniki"
#: Lang.Misc.RemoteAdmin
msgid "Remote Admin"
msgstr "Srbniki na daljavo"
#: Lang.Misc.ListName
msgid "List Name"
msgstr "Ime seznama"
#: Lang.Misc.ListAddress
msgid "List Address"
msgstr "Naslov seznama"
#: Lang.Misc.ListOptions
msgid "Basic List Options"
msgstr "Osnovni seznam - možnosti"
#: Lang.Misc.AllowedToEdit
msgid "Users allowed to edit this list via web interface"
msgstr "Uporabnikom je dovoljeno urejati seznam preko spletnega vmesnika"
#: Lang.Misc.HeaderFiltering
msgid "Header filtering"
msgstr "Filtriranje glave"
#: Lang.Misc.HeaderRemove
msgid "strip these header lines"
msgstr "Odstrani vrstico za glavo"
#: Lang.Misc.HeaderKeep
msgid "keep only these header lines"
msgstr "Obsrzi le to vrstico za glavo"
#: Lang.Misc.HeaderAdd
msgid "Headers to add to all outgoing mail"
msgstr "glave - za dodajanje vsem izhodnim sporočilom"
#: Lang.Misc.MimeTypeExamples
msgid "Show some example mime types"
msgstr "prikaži nekaj primerov mime tipov"
#: Lang.Misc.MimeFiltering
msgid "Mime type filtering (for multipart mails)"
msgstr "Mime tip filtriranje (za mnogodelno pošto)"
#: Lang.Misc.MimeRemove
msgid "strip these from all messages"
msgstr "Odstrani to z vseh sporočil"
#: Lang.Misc.MimeKeep
msgid "keep only these in messages"
msgstr "Obdrži samo te v sporočilih"
#: Lang.Misc.MimeReject
msgid "Messages containing any of these mime type will be rejected"
msgstr ""
"Sporočila, ki bodo vsebovala katerega koli od teh mime tipov bodo zavrnjena "
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.CommonTags
msgid "common tags"
msgstr "common tags"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.ListNameLocal
msgid "The local part of the list name"
msgstr "Lokalni del imena seznama"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.ListNameHost
msgid "The host name of the list name"
msgstr "Ime gostitelja seznama imen"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.MessageNumber
msgid "Number of the respective message"
msgstr "Število individualnih sporočil"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.SubAddress
msgid "The subscription address"
msgstr "Naslov subskripcije"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.SubReplyAddress
msgid "The address a subscriber must reply to"
msgstr "Naslov na katerega naj prijavljeni odgovori"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.AcceptanceAddress
msgid "The acceptance address"
msgstr "Naslov odobritve"
#: Lang.Misc.EditFileInfo.RejectionAddress
msgid "The rejection address"
msgstr "Naslov zavrnitve"
#: Lang.Misc.SuggestDefaultPath
msgid ""
"It is recommended to use the default path for the moderation database. "
"Otherwise you cannot manage the moderators' list with ezmlm-web."
msgstr ""
"Priporočljivo je, da se uporablja privzeta pot za moderatorsko podatkovno "
"bazo. Drugače ne boste mogli upravljati moderatorskega seznama z ezmlm-web"
#: Lang.Misc.PostModPathWarn
msgid "Posting moderators are stored in a non-standard location"
msgstr "Posting moderators so shranjeni na ne-običajni lokaciji"
#: Lang.Misc.SubModPathWarn
msgid "Subscription moderators are stored in a non-standard location"
msgstr "Subscription moderators so shranjeni na ne-običajni lokaciji"
#: Lang.Misc.RemoteAdminPathWarn
msgid "Remote administrators are stored in a non-standard location"
msgstr "Skrbniki na daljavo so shranjeni na ne-običajni lokaciji"
#: Lang.Misc.MessageSize.Max
msgid "Reject messages exceeding a specified value"
msgstr "Zavrnjena sporočila presegajo določeno vrednost"
#: Lang.Misc.MessageSize.Min
msgid "Reject messages smaller than a specified value"
msgstr "Zavrnjrna sporočila so manjša kot je določena vrednost"
#: Lang.Misc.MessageSize.Unit
msgid "bytes"
msgstr "byti"
#: Lang.Misc.NoFiles
msgid "There are no files in the text directory of the mailinglist."
msgstr "V tem direktoriju poštnega seznama ni datotek"
#: Lang.Misc.AddSubscriberAddress
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add new mail address(es):"
msgstr "Dodaj nov poštni naslov "
#: Lang.Misc.AddSubscriberFile
msgid "Upload a text file containing mail addresses to be added:"
msgstr "Naloži besedilno datoteko ki vsebuje poštni naslov ki bo dodan"
#: Lang.Misc.FooterText
msgid "a web interface for"
msgstr "Spletni vmesnik za"
#: Lang.Misc.NoListsAvailable
msgid "I could not find any accessible list for you."
msgstr "Ne najdem dostopnih seznamov za vas"
#: Lang.Misc.ConfirmDelete
msgid "Do you really want to remove this list completely?"
msgstr "Ali zares želite popolnoma odstraniti ta seznam?"
#: Lang.Misc.CustomizedFiles
msgid "customized files"
msgstr "Prikrojene datoteke"
#: Lang.Misc.DefaultFiles
msgid "default files"
msgstr "Privzete datoteke"
#: Lang.Misc.ListLanguage
msgid "Language of the list"
msgstr "Jezik seznama"
#: Lang.Misc.ListCharset
msgid "Charset of the list"
msgstr "Nabor znakov seznama"
#: Lang.Misc.ModSubOverridesRemote
msgid ""
"Hint: if both the database of subscripton moderators and of remote "
"administrators use customized locations, then the database of subscription "
"moderators will be used for both of them"
msgstr ""
"Namig: Če oba - podatkovna baza vpisanega moderatorja in skrbnik na daljavo "
"uporabljata prikrojeno lokacijo, potem bo podatkovna baza moderatorja "
"uporabljena za oba"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgNoPublicKeys
msgid "There are no public keys available."
msgstr "Ni razpoložljivih javnih ključev"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgNoSecretKeys
msgid "There are no secret keys available."
msgstr "Ni razpoložljivih skrivnih ključev"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgImportKey
msgid "Import a new key from a file:"
msgstr "Uvozi nov ključ iz datoteke:"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgKeyName
msgid "Name of the key"
msgstr "Ime ključa"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgKeyComment
msgid "Comment (optional)"
msgstr "Razlaga (neobvezno)"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgKeySize
msgid "Length of the key (bytes)"
msgstr "Dolžina ključa (byti)"
#: Lang.Misc.GnupgKeyExpires
msgid "Expiration time (years)"
msgstr "Potek časa (leta)"
#: Lang.Misc.Never
msgid "never"
msgstr "nikoli"
#: Lang.Misc.NoDomainsAvailable
msgid "No domains are available."
msgstr "Ni razpoložljivih domen"
#: Lang.Misc.CopyLinesEnabled
msgid "Add some lines of every original message to automatic replies"
msgstr "Samodejnim odgovorom dodaj vrstice vsakega prvotnega sporočila "
#: Lang.Misc.CopyLinesNumber
msgid "number of lines"
msgstr "število vrstic"
#: Lang.Misc.Interfaces.easy
msgid "basic"
msgstr "osnovno"
#: Lang.Misc.Interfaces.normal
msgid "default"
msgstr "privzeto"
#: Lang.Misc.Interfaces.expert
msgid "expert"
msgstr "napredno"
#: Lang.Misc.MailAddress
msgid "Mail address"
msgstr "Poštni naslov"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeAction
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Dogodek"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActionDetails
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Podrobnosti"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.remove
msgid "removed"
msgstr "odstranjeno"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.add
msgid "added"
msgstr "dodano"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.manual
msgid "by admin"
msgstr "s strani administratorja"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.probe
msgid "delivery failed"
msgstr "Dostava ni uspela"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.auto
msgid "via mail"
msgstr "po posti"
#: Lang.Misc.SubscribeActions.unknown
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "neznano"
#: Lang.Misc.Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr "datum"
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigAdmin
msgid ""
"Remote administrators are (by default) also moderators for subscription and "
"for posting. They may have the permission to (un)subscribe users and to "
"change the text files of the list by sending emails to the mailing list "
msgstr ""
"Skrbniki na daljavo so (privzeto) tudi moderatorji za vpisovanje in objave. "
"Imajo dovoljenje za vpis ali izpis uporabnikov in dovoljenje za spreminjanje "
"besedilnih datotek seznama, s pošiljanjem elektronske pošte to the mailing "
"list software"
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigArchive
msgid ""
"The mailing list archive can be accessed by mail. Additionally you will want "
"to create a list archive, if you plan to publish it (e.g. with ezmlm-www)."
msgstr ""
"Arhiv poštnega seznama je dostopen preko pošte. Če nameravate objaviti "
"seznam, boste verjetno želeli ustvariti seznam arhiva (e.g. z ezmlm-www)."
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigProcess
msgid ""
"Modify some message properties, before they are distributed to the "
msgstr ""
"Prilagodi lastnosti sporočila preden bo dostavljeno tistim, ki so na "
"seznamu. "
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigMain
msgid "Here you find some settings, that did not fit into any other category."
msgstr "Tu najdete nastavitve, ki niso bile primerne za ostale kategorije"
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigPosting
msgid ""
"The posting configuration determines, who is allowed to send messages to the "
"list and how these mails will be processed."
msgstr ""
"Konfiguracija objavljanja določa komu je dovoljeno objavljati sporočila, jih "
"pošiljati prijavljenim na seznamu in kako bodo sporočila obdelana."
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigSub
msgid ""
"Here you may define, who is allowed to subscribe to the list and you can set "
"some details of the subscription process."
msgstr ""
"Tu lahko določite kdo se lahko prijavi na seznam in nastavite podrobnosti "
"procesa vpisovanja - subskripcije. "
#: Lang.Introduction.ConfigAll
msgid ""
"This is the complete list of all available properties of the list. Usually "
"it should be easier to use the topic-based configuration pages, but - of "
"course - this is your choice."
msgstr ""
"To je ves seznam vseh razpoložljivih lastnosti seznama. Pravzaprav bi bilo "
"enostavneje uporabiti topic-based configuration pages, - izbira je seveda "
#: Lang.Introduction.ListDelete
msgid ""
"This mailinglist and everything inside of it will be removed completely."
msgstr "Ta poštni seznam z vso vsebino, bo popolnoma izbrisan"
#: Lang.Introduction.AllowList
msgid ""
"Members of the allow list will not receive outgoing mails, but they have the "
"same rights, as normal subscribers. Usually the allow list will contain "
"mail aliases of subscribers."
msgstr ""
"Člani seznama \"dovoljeni\" ne bodo prejeli izhodnih sporočil, imajo pa enake "
"pravice kot ostali prijavljeni. Navadno ta seznam vsebuje vzdevke, ki jih "
"prijavljeni uporabljajo za svoj poštni naslov. "
#: Lang.Introduction.DenyList
msgid ""
"If you want to prevent specific mail addresses from using this list "
"(subscription, posting, ...), then you should add them to the deny list and "
"activate it. This can be useful for annoying people and even for notorious "
"vacation reply users. But since it is fairly easy to fake an mail address, "
"this will not really improve security."
msgstr ""
"Če želite določenim poštnim naslovom preprečiti, da bi uporabljali ta seznam "
"ali se vpisali, ali, da bi objavljali, potem jih dodajte na seznam \"zavrni\" "
"in naslove aktivirajte. Uporabno, kadar se želite znebiti zateženih "
"uporabnikov, ali(notorious vacation reply) uporabnikov. Ker pa ni ravno "
"težko ponarediti poštnega naslova, vam to ne bo pomagalo izboljšati "
"varnosti. "
#: Lang.Introduction.DigestList
msgid ""
"Some users of your mailing list may prefer to receive a regular digest "
"instead of all mailing list messages. They will usually not take part in "
"discussions, but aret somehow interested anyway."
msgstr ""
"Nekateri uporabniki vašega seznama bodo morda želeli prejemati običajni "
"povzetek namesto vseh sporočil s poštnega seznama. Navadno v razpravah ne "
"bodo sodelovali, vendar jih bo zadeva na nek način vseeno zanimala. "
#: Lang.Introduction.ModList
msgid ""
"Moderators (for posting or subscription) and remote administrators can be "
"allowed to manage the most important parts of mailing list administration: "
"moderating subscription and posting, changing filtering rules, and managing "
"users. Moderators may even be configured to be the only ones, who are "
"allowed to send mails to the mailing list."
msgstr ""
"Moderatorjem (za objave in prijave) in skrbnikom na daljavo je dovoljeno "
"upravljanje z najpomembnejšimi deli administracije poštnega seznama; "
"moderiranje vpisovanja in objav, spreminjanje in določanje pravil "
"filtriranja in upravljanje uporabnikov. Moderatorji so lahko tudi edini, ki "
"jim je dovoljeno pošiljanje pošte na poštne sezname. "
#: Lang.Introduction.SubscriberList
msgid ""
"Subscribers of a mailing list will receive all outgoing message of the list. "
"They may also be allowed to post messages directly or moderated. Usually "
"anonymous users are able to subscribe and unsubscribe without the help of an "
"administrator - but of course, you may configure this to suit your needs."
msgstr ""
"Vpisani na poštni seznam bodo dobili vsa izhodna sporočila. Lahko jim je "
"tudi dovoljeno objavljati sporočila ali jih moderirati. Anonimni uporabniki "
"se lahko vpišejo ali izpišejo brez pomoči administratorja - lahko pa seveda "
"prikrojite ta pravila kakor vam ustreza. "
#: Lang.Introduction.TextFiles
msgid ""
"The selection box contains a list of files available in the DIR/text "
"directory. These files are sent out in response to specfic user requests or "
"as part of all outgoing messages. Edit them as necessary."
msgstr ""
"polje za urejenaje vsebuje seznam datotek, ki so dostopne v DIR/text "
"directory. Te datoteke so poslane z namenom odgovora na izrecno prošnjo "
"uporabnika ali kot del vsakega izhodnega sporočila. Uredite jih kot vam "
#: Lang.Introduction.EditTextFile
msgid ""
"Change this text according to your needs. Maybe you would like to use some "
"of the reserved tags, that are described at the bottom of this page."
msgstr ""
"Spremeni besedilo v skladu s svojimi potrebami. Morda vam bo prav prišlo "
"katera od oznak podanih na dnu strani."
#: Lang.Introduction.ResetTextFile
msgid ""
"This text file was customized for this list. If you want to use the system-"
"wide default text file of the choosen language instead, you may remove this "
"customized file."
msgstr ""
"To besedilo je prirejeno za ta seznam. Če bi raje uporabljali system-wide "
"default text file izbranega jezika, lahko to datoteko odstranite."
#: Lang.Introduction.GpgEzmlmConvert
msgid ""
"You can convert a normal mailinglist to an encrypted list and vice versa."
msgstr "Navadni poštni seznam lahko preoblikujete v šifriranega in obratno. "
#: Lang.Introduction.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid ""
"Every encrypted mailing list needs a secret key. You can import this key or "
"create it using the form below. After submitting the form, you have to be "
"patient, as it takes some time (up to several minutes) to create a key."
msgstr ""
"Za vsak šifriran poštni seznam (mailinglist) potrebujete skrivni ključ. "
"Lahko ga uvozite ali ustvarite s pomočjo obrazca podanega niže. Po potrditvi "
"obrazca ostanite potrpežljivi. V nekaj minutah bo ključ ustvarjen. "
#: Lang.Introduction.GpgEzmlmOptions
msgid "Configure some useful settings of the encrypted mailing list."
msgstr "oblikujte koristne nastavitve šifriranega poštnega seznama."
#: Lang.Introduction.GnupgSecret
msgid ""
"Every every mailing list needs a secret key to decrypt incoming. You should "
"take care that the secret key is kept safe. Otherwise the security of your "
"mailing list is broken."
msgstr ""
"Poštni seznam potrebuje skrivni ključ za dešifriranje sporočil. Poskrbite, "
"da bo skrivni ključ varno spravljen. V nasprotnem primeru bo varnost vašega "
"poštnega seznama ogrožena."
#: Lang.Introduction.GnupgPublic
msgid ""
"There should be a public key for every subscriber of the mailing list. "
"Additionally there is the key of the mailing list, which should be "
"distributed to all subscribers. It is safe to openly publish public keys."
msgstr ""
"Za vsakega prijavljenega uporabnika poštnega seznama mora obstajati javni "
"ključ. Dodatno je tu ključ poštnega seznama, ki naj bo dostavljen vsem "
"uporabnikom poštnega seznama. Javna objava javnega ključa je varna."
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigAdmin
msgid "Remote administrator's permissions"
msgstr "Dovoljenja administratorjev na daljavo"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigArchive
msgid "Archive configuration"
msgstr "Arhiv postavitve (konfiguracije)"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigPosting
msgid "Posting rules"
msgstr "Pravila objavljanja"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigSub
msgid "Subscription details"
msgstr "Naročnikove podrobnosti"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigMain
msgid "General list configuration"
msgstr "Obči seznam konfiguracij"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigProcess
msgid "Processing rules"
msgstr "Pravila obdelovanja"
#: Lang.Legend.ConfigAll
msgid "Available properties"
msgstr "Razpoložljive lastnosti"
#: Lang.Legend.ListCreate
msgid "Properties of the new list"
msgstr "Lastnosti novega seznama"
#: Lang.Legend.ListDelete
msgid "Remove this mailinglist"
msgstr "odstrani ta pošni seznam"
#: Lang.Legend.RelevantOptions
msgid "Useful settings"
msgstr "Koristne nastavitve "
#: Lang.Legend.MembersList
msgid "Manage subscribers"
msgstr "Upravljanje vpisanih v poštni seznam"
#: Lang.Legend.MembersAllow
msgid "Manage allowed users"
msgstr "Upravljanje \"dovoljenih uporabnikov\""
#: Lang.Legend.MembersDeny
msgid "Manage blocked users"
msgstr "Upravljanje \"blokiranih\" uporabnikov"
#: Lang.Legend.MembersDigest
msgid "Manage digest subscribers"
msgstr "Upravljanje povzetkov naročnikov"
#: Lang.Legend.MembersMod
msgid "Manage moderators and administrators"
msgstr "Upravljanje moderatorjev in administratorjev"
#: Lang.Legend.TextFiles
msgid "Available text files"
msgstr "Dostopne besedilne datoteke"
#: Lang.Legend.TextFileEdit
msgid "Edit content of text file"
msgstr "Uredi vsebino besedilne datoteke"
#: Lang.Legend.TextFileReset
msgid "Discard customized text"
msgstr "Zavrzi prikrojene tekste"
#: Lang.Legend.TextFileInfo
msgid "Useful placeholders"
msgstr "Uporabne namestitve"
#: Lang.Legend.AvailableLists
msgid "Available lists"
msgstr "Dostopni seznami"
#: Lang.Legend.SubscribeLog
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Dogodki"
#: Lang.Legend.GpgEzmlmConvert
msgid "Encryption support"
msgstr "Podpora šifriranja "
#: Lang.Legend.GnupgPublicKeys
msgid "Public keys of this list"
msgstr "Javni ključi tega seznama"
#: Lang.Legend.GnupgSecretKeys
msgid "Secret keys of this list"
msgstr "Skriti ključi tega seznama"
#: Lang.Legend.GnupgKeyImport
msgid "Import a key"
msgstr "Uvozi ključ"
#: Lang.Legend.GnupgGenerateKey
msgid "Generate the key for this list"
msgstr "Ustvari ključ za ta seznam"
#: Lang.Legend.AvailableDomains
msgid "Available domains"
msgstr "Razpoložljive domene"
#~ msgid "select"
#~ msgstr "izberi"
#~ msgid "Send plaintext to the subscribers which have no key"
#~ msgstr "Pošlji le-besedilo tistim, ki so prijavljeni pa nimajo ključa"
#~ msgid "manual"
#~ msgstr "ročno"
#~ msgid "automatical"
#~ msgstr "samodejno"