update gnupg options implemented

gpg-ezmlm: config update bug fixed
This commit is contained in:
lars 2006-04-10 14:26:25 +00:00
parent 807de1a0d7
commit 3068271d6e
5 changed files with 40 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -205,7 +205,11 @@ elsif ($action eq '' || $action eq 'list_select') {
$pagename = '';
if ($pagename ne '') {
$success = 'UpdateConfig' if (($action eq 'config_do') && &update_config());
if (&is_list_gnupg($q->param('list'))) {
$success = 'UpdateConfig' if (($action eq 'config_do') && &update_gnupg());
} else {
$success = 'UpdateConfig' if (($action eq 'config_do') && &update_config());
} else {
$error = 'UnknownConfigPage';
warn "missing config page: $subset";
@ -225,7 +229,7 @@ elsif ($action eq '' || $action eq 'list_select') {
$pagename = '';
if ($pagename ne '') {
$success = 'UpdateGnupg' if (($action eq 'gnupg_do') && &update_gnupg());
$success = 'UpdateGnupg' if (($action eq 'gnupg_do') && &manage_gnupg_keys());
} else {
$error = 'UnknownGnupgPage';
warn "missing gnupg page: $subset";
@ -1204,20 +1208,46 @@ sub extract_options_from_params()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub update_gnupg {
sub manage_gnupg_keys()
# manage gnupg keys
return (1==0) unless ($GPG_SUPPORT);
return (0==0);
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub update_gnupg {
# save the new gnupg configuration
# TODO: add headeradd and so on ...
my ($list, %switches);
return (1==0) unless ($GPG_SUPPORT);
$list = new Mail::Ezmlm::Gpg("$LIST_DIR/" . $q->param('list'));
my ($one_switch, $one_value, $key);
my @all_params = $q->param;
foreach $one_switch (@all_params) {
if ($one_switch =~ /^available_option_gnupg_(\w*)$/) {
$key = $1;
$switches{$key} = (defined($q->param('option_gnupg_' . $key))) ? 1 : 0;
$list->update(%switches) && return (0==0);
return (1==0);
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub update_config {
# Save the new user entered config ...
my ($list, $options, @inlocal, @inhost, $dir_of_list);
my ($old_msgsize);
$list = new Mail::Ezmlm("$LIST_DIR/" . $q->param('list'));
$dir_of_list = $LIST_DIR . '/' . $q->param('list');
$list = new Mail::Ezmlm($dir_of_list);
$options = &extract_options_from_params();

View file

@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ Lang {
ListLanguage = Sprache der Liste
ListCharset = Zeichensatz der Liste
ModSubOverridesRemote = Hinweis: falls sowohl die Datenbank der Einsende-ModeratorInnen als auch die der Fern-AdministratorInnen in einem nicht-Standard-Verzeichnis liegen, dann wird die Einsende-ModeratorInnen-Datenbank für beides verwendet
NoPublicKeys = Es sind keine öffentlichen Schlüssel vorhanden.
NoSecretKeys = Es sind keine privaten Schlüssel vorhanden.
GnupgNoPublicKeys = Es sind keine öffentlichen Schlüssel vorhanden.
GnupgNoSecretKeys = Es sind keine privaten Schlüssel vorhanden.
GnupgImportKey = Schlüssel aus einer Datei importieren:
GnupgKeyName = Die Bezeichung des Schlüssels
GnupgKeyComment = Ein Kommentar (optional)

View file

@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ Lang {
ListLanguage = Language of the list
ListCharset = Charset of the list
ModSubOverridesRemote = Hint: if both the database of subscripton moderators and of remote administrators use customized locations, then the database of subscription moderators will be used for both of them
NoPublicKeys = There are no public keys available.
NoSecretKeys = There are no secret keys available.
GnupgNoPublicKeys = There are no public keys available.
GnupgNoSecretKeys = There are no secret keys available.
GnupgImportKey = Import a new key from a file:
GnupgKeyName = Name of the key
GnupgKeyComment = Comment (optional)

View file

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<?cs else ?>
<p><? var:html_escape(Lang.Misc.NoPublicKeys ?></p>
<p><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Misc.GnupgNoPublicKeys) ?></p>
<?cs /if ?>

View file

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<?cs else ?>
<p><? var:html_escape(Lang.Misc.NoSecretKeys ?></p>
<p><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Misc.GnupgNoSecretKeys) ?></p>
<?cs /if ?>