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.TH gpgpy-ezmlm-manage 1 "March 02007" "gpgpy-ezmlm" "Manual of gpgpy-ezmlm"
gpgpy-ezmlm-manage \- manage encrypted ezmlm mailing lists
.B gpgpy-ezmlm-manage [\fIMAILINGLIST_DIR\fR] [\fIACTION\fR] [\fIPARAMETER\fR]
gpgpy-ezmlm-manage configures the encryption support of your \fBezmlm(5)\fR
mailing lists.
Call gpgpy-ezmlm-manage without any arguments to run some self-tests. An
exit code of zero indicate, that no problem was found. Any other exit code is
accompanied by a description of the detected problem.
Besides these self-tests, gpgpy-ezmlm-manage supports the following actions:
.IP \fBenable\fR
Enable encryption for a mailing list. Essentially this just creates the
file \fBconf-gpgpy\fR(5) in the mailing list directory with default values.
Nothing happens, if the mailing list directory already contains this file.
Afterwards you will probably want to create a private key for the list
by using the action \fBgenkey\fR described below.
.IP \fBdisable\fR
Disable encryption of a mailing list. This just removes the file
\fBconf-gpgpy\fR(5) from the mailing list directory.
Nothing happens, if this file does not exist.
Be aware, that the gnupg keyring of the mailing list
will not be deleted automatically. This makes it possible to enable encryption
later again without recreating and importing the previous keys. Remove the
gnupg directory manually if you know, what you are doing. Check the action
\fBget_gnupg_dir\fR below for this purpose.
.IP "\fBgenkey\fR [ NAME [ COMMENT [ MAIL ]]]"
Generate the private key of this list. Additional arguments may be used to
change the description of the key (see \fBgpg\fR(1) for details). Empty values
are guessed automatically - e.g. the mail address of the key is extracted from
the respective files of the ezmlm-idx mailing list directory.
Key generation may take some time.
The generated keys do (by default) never expire.
Use gpg(1) directly, if you do not like the default assumptions of
gpgpy-ezmlm-manage. For this purpose you should retrieve the location of the
gnupg keyring directory by using the action \fBget_gnupg_dir\fR described
.IP \fBis_encrypted\fR
Check if the specified mailing list is currently encrypted. This just checks
if the file \fBconf-gpgpy\fR(5) exists in the mailing list directory.
An exit code of zero indicates an encrypted mailing list. The exit code 100
is returned for a plaintext mailing list. Any other exit code indicates a
configuration problem.
The current encryption state of the mailing list is also written to STDOUT in
a humanly readable way.
.IP \fBget_gnupg_dir\fR
Return the directory of the gnupg keyring used by this mailinglist. The result
is written to STDOUT.
The location of the directory can be configured in the file \fBconf-gpgpy\fR(5).
See its manpage for details.
Use the gnupg directory to manage the keyring of the list. E.g. the following
command imports the public key of a recipient into the keyring:
gpgpy-ezmlm-manage returns the following (non-zero) exit codes:
.IP \fB1\fR
gpgpy-ezmlm is not installed or configured properly.
.IP \fB2\fR
The specified arguments are invalid.
.IP \fB3\fR
The specified mailing list directory is invalid.
.IP \fB4\fR
The requested action failed.
.IP \fB100\fR
The action \fBis_encrypted\fR returns this value for non-encrypted mailing
Lars Kruse
Report bugs to <devel@sumpfralle.de>
Copyright \(co 02007 Lars Kruse
This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. There is NO
WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
gpgpy-ezmlm(5), conf-gpgpy(5), ezmlm(5), gpgpy-ezmlm-queue(1)