#!/bin/sh # # This file is part of gpgpy-ezmlm - an encryption filter for the # ezmlm-idx mailinglist manager. # # Copyright 02007 Sense.Lab e.V. # # This script is used to decide if we have to call qmail-queue directly # or if we should call the gpgpy re-encrypting wrapper instead. # # Add the following environment setting to qmail-start (e.g. in # /var/qmail/rc): # QMAILQUEUE=PATH_TO_THIS_SCRIPT # # In case you did not install qmail in its default directory (/var/qmail) # or if you use a filtering qmail-queue wrapper (e.g. for spam filtering) # then you should change the setting GPGPY_QMAILQUEUE so that it contains # the path of your qmail-queue program. # # # gpgpy-ezmlm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # gpgpy-ezmlm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with the CryptoBox; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ##################### configuration ##################### # maybe you have to adjust the following lines according to your setup # the following settings can also be overriden by environment settings # with the same name # the original qmail-queue program GPGPY_QMAILQUEUE=${GPGPY_QMAILQUEUE:=/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue} # the python filter of gpgpy-ezmlm-queue GPGPY_EZMLM_ENCRYPT=${GPGPY_EZMLM_ENCRYPT:=/usr/local/bin/gpgpy-ezmlm-encrypt} # are all encrypted mailinglists handled by a single user? # then put its UID here - for all other UIDs the original qmail-queue will be # used instead GPGPY_RESTRICT_UID=${GPGPY_RESTRICT_UID:=} # we read our configuration from 'conf-gpgpy' GPGPY_EZMLM_CONF_FILE="conf-gpgpy" # call the original qmail-queue program without the changed QMAILQUEUE setting EXEC_ORIG_QUEUE="exec env --unset=QMAILQUEUE $GPGPY_QMAILQUEUE" ##################### self-test ######################### # should we do some self-tests? if test "$#" -eq 1 -a "$1" = "test" then error= # check if the original qmail-queue is executable if test -x "$GPGPY_QMAILQUEUE" then true else error=yes echo >&2 "Could not find executable qmail-queue: $GPGPY_QMAILQUEUE" fi # check if the gpgpy-ezmlm wrapper for qmail-queue exists # also check if it returns any errors if test -x "$GPGPY_EZMLM_ENCRYPT" then if "$GPGPY_EZMLM_ENCRYPT" then true else error=yes fi 2>&1 | sed 's/^/[gpg-ezmlm-encrypt] /' >&2 else error=yes echo >&2 "Could not find executable gpgpy-ezmlm-queue: $GPGPY_EZMLM_ENCRYPT" fi # check GPGPY_RESTRICT_UID for invalid values if test -n "$GPGPY_RESTRICT_UID" then if test 0 -le "$GPGPY_RESTRICT_UID" 2>/dev/null then true else error=yes echo >&2 "Invalid value of GPGPY_RESTRICT_UID ($GPGPY_RESTRICT_UID) - only integer values are allowed!" fi fi # print results to stderr if test -z "$error" then echo "Successfully finished self-tests" exit 0 else echo >&2 echo >&2 "Some self-tests failed - please fix them before deploying gpgpy-ezmlm!" exit 81 fi fi ################### queue selection ##################### # do some tests to decide, if we should run the gpgpy filter or not test -n "$GPGPY_RESTRICT_UID" -a "$UID" != "$GPGPY_RESTRICT_UID" && $EXEC_ORIG_QUEUE # the HOME setting is necessary test -z "$HOME" && $EXEC_ORIG_QUEUE # which dot-qmail file should we check? (see 'man qmail-command' for details) if test -z "$EXT" then DOTQMAIL_FILE=$HOME/.qmail else DOTQMAIL_FILE=$HOME/.qmail-$EXT fi # does the dot-qmail file exist? test -r "$DOTQMAIL_FILE" || $EXEC_ORIG_QUEUE # filter the respective mailing list directory of this delivery MAILINGLIST_DIR=$(grep "/ezmlm-send '" "$DOTQMAIL_FILE" | sed "s#^.* '\(.*\)'.*\$#\1#") # is it a mailinglist directory? test -e "$MAILINGLIST_DIR/lock" || $EXEC_ORIG_QUEUE # is this mailinglist configured for gpgpy-ezmlm? test -r "$MAILINGLIST_DIR/$GPGPY_EZMLM_CONF_FILE" || $EXEC_ORIG_QUEUE # ok - it is a delivery of an encrypted mailinglist exec env QMAILQUEUE=$GPGPY_QMAILQUEUE "$GPGPY_EZMLM_ENCRYPT" "$MAILINGLIST_DIR"