2005-12-26 14:52:56 +00:00
# $Id: Makefile.PL,v 1.3 2005/03/05 14:15:20 guy Exp $
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
'CONFIGURE' => \&set_paths,
'NAME' => 'Mail::Ezmlm',
'VERSION_FROM' => 'Ezmlm.pm', # finds $VERSION
'DISTNAME' => 'Ezmlm',
'dist' => { COMPRESS => 'gzip', SUFFIX => 'gz' },
'clean' => { FILES => 'ezmlmtmp' }
sub set_paths {
my($qmail_path, $ezmlm_path);
# special case to handle the FreeBSD ports system
print STDERR "\$BSD_BATCH_INSTALL is set in your environment, assuming port defaults\n";
return {};
print << 'EOM';
We now need to know where some things live on your system. I'll try and make
some intelligent guesses - if I get it right, please just press enter at the
prompt. If I get them wrong, please type in the correct path for me and then
press enter.
First I need to know where the Ezmlm binaries live (ie where I can find
ezmlm-make, ezmlm-sub, etc).
*prompt = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt;
foreach (1..10) {
$ezmlm_path = prompt('Ezmlm binary directory?', '/usr/local/bin');
last if (-e "$ezmlm_path/ezmlm-make");
print "I can't find $ezmlm_path/ezmlm-make. Please try again\n";
2005-12-26 17:20:58 +00:00
if (! -e "$ezmlm_path/ezmlm-make") {
2005-12-26 14:52:56 +00:00
print STDERR "No correct input after $_ attempts. Exiting Makefile.PL.\n";
exit (2);
print << 'EOM';
Now I need to know where Qmail resides on your system. The Qmail base
directory is the one in which the Qmail bin, control, etc directories
live in.
foreach (1..10) {
$qmail_path = prompt('Qmail base directory?', '/var/qmail');
last if (-d "$qmail_path/control");
print "I can't find $qmail_path/control. Please try again\n";
2005-12-26 17:20:58 +00:00
if (! -e "$qmail_path/control") {
2005-12-26 14:52:56 +00:00
print STDERR "No correct input after $_ attempts. Exiting Makefile.PL.\n";
exit (2);
if(`strings $ezmlm_path/ezmlm-sub | grep -i 'MySQL'`) {
print << 'EOM';
It appears you have compiled MySQL support into your version of Ezmlm. If
this is correct, I now need to know where the MySQL client (mysql) lives on
your machine.
Please leave this blank if you do not want to enable MySQL support in the
Mail::Ezmlm module.
foreach (1..10) {
$mysql_path = prompt('MySQL binary directory?', '');
last if (-e "$mysql_path/mysql" || $mysql_path eq '');
print "I can't find $mysql_path/mysql. Please enter the full path\n";
print "or leave this option blank if you don't want to use MySQL\n";
2005-12-26 17:20:58 +00:00
if ((! -e "$mysql_path/mysql") && ($mysql_path ne '')) {
2005-12-26 14:52:56 +00:00
print STDERR "No correct input after $_ attempts. Exiting Makefile.PL.\n";
exit (2);
print << 'EOM';
Thank you. I will use this information to configure Mail::Ezmlm for you
# Back up file
open(EZMLM, '<Ezmlm.pm') or die "Unable to open Ezmlm.pm for read: $!";
open(TMP, ">Ezmlm.pm.tmp.$$") or die "Unable to create temp file: $!";
while(<EZMLM>) { print TMP; }
close TMP; close EZMLM;
# Do variable substitution
open(EZMLM, '>Ezmlm.pm') or die "Unable to open Ezmlm.pm for write: $!";
open(TMP, "<Ezmlm.pm.tmp.$$") or die "Unable to read temp file: $!";
while(<TMP>) {
s{^\$EZMLM_BASE\s*=\s*['"].+?['"]\s*;}{\$EZMLM_BASE = '$ezmlm_path'; #Autoinserted by Makefile.PL};
s{^\$QMAIL_BASE\s*=\s*['"].+?['"]\s*;}{\$QMAIL_BASE = '$qmail_path'; #Autoinserted by Makefile.PL};
s{^\$MYSQL_BASE\s*=\s*['"].*?['"]\s*;}{\$MYSQL_BASE = '$mysql_path'; #Autoinserted by Makefile.PL};
print EZMLM;
close TMP; close EZMLM;
unlink "Ezmlm.pm.tmp.$$";
return {};