replaced some nearly-static english texts reduced resolution of language_selection icon to 64x64
41 lines
1.6 KiB
41 lines
1.6 KiB
<?cs # $Id$ ?>
<?cs # show all available volume plugins on top of the volume table ?>
<?cs # count volume plugins ?>
<?cs set:volume_plugin_count=0 ?><?cs
each: x = Settings.PluginList ?><?cs
if:x.Types.volume ?><?cs set:volume_plugin_count=volume_plugin_count+1 ?><?cs /if ?><?cs
/each ?>
<?cs # show one tab for each plugin ?>
<?cs if:volume_plugin_count > 0 ?>
<?cs # two possibilities to find the active ('to be marked') plugin:
- the active plugin is part of the volume menu list -> mark it
- the rest: mark 'volume_props' ?><?cs
# first: set default value ?><?cs
set:markPlugin = 'volume_props' ?><?cs
# check if the active plugin is visible in the menu ?><?cs
each:plugin = Settings.PluginList ?><?cs
if:plugin.Visible.volume && (name(plugin) == Data.ActivePlugin) ?><?cs
set:markPlugin = name(plugin) ?><?cs
/if ?><?cs
/each ?><?cs
# sort the Plugins - using the most stupid way :) ?><?cs
loop: order = #0, #100, #1
?><?cs # plugins ?><?cs each:x = Settings.PluginList
?><?cs if:x.Types.volume && x.Visible.volume && x.Rank == order ?>
<td <?cs if:markPlugin == name(x)
else ?>class="volume_plugin_passive"<?cs
/if ?>><a href="<?cs call:link(name(x),'device',Data.CurrentDisk.device,'','')
?>" title="<?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins[name(x)].Link)
?>"><img src="<?cs call:link("icons/" + name(x),'','','','')
?>" alt="icon: <?cs var:html_escape(name(x)) ?>" /> <?cs
?></a></td><!-- add some space --><td> </td><?cs
/if ?><?cs
/each ?><?cs
/loop ?>
<?cs /if ?>