lars da3774d537 warning for unusable cdebootstrap version added
chroot procedure simplified
cryptobox and perl-clearsilver package added to dfsbuild config
init.d-script moved closer to "debian" style
uninitialized config partition does not cause error in boot script anymore
/etc/default/cryptobox completed
initialization of network, stunnel and iptables now depends on /etc/default settings
removed hard-coded dependencies on samba and thttpd
2005-12-01 18:47:52 +00:00
cryptobox Added a tag to the footer.cs to expose a developer version on the web frontend. 2005-11-29 20:30:57 +00:00
doc/cryptobox warning for unusable cdebootstrap version added 2005-12-01 18:47:52 +00:00