lars 794998f950 broken interface fixed in 'partition' plugin for ie
rendering bug of volume_properties fixed for ie
fixed screen width in a mozilla/ie compatible way
added german translation: 'log', 'network', 'volume_automount' and 'volume_details'
fixed config management of 'plugin_manager' plugin
fixed filtering of log level messages for 'logs' plugin
updated documentation for ssl configurations
changed default installation destinations in
added nice background images to environment and help messages
replaced message 'div' with 'fieldset'
moved stylesheet data of plugins to html header (as required by spec)
removed obsolete css definitions
removed obsolete old perl/bash code
improved 'update_po_files': remove obsolete msgids
functionality of '' moved to 'update_po_files'
omit 'weblang' link attribute if it does not change the default setting
changed default language from 'de' to 'en'
fixed template bug that prevented the translation of plugin links
fixed invalid html
implement filecheck overriding for unittests
2006-12-18 13:37:08 +00:00

102 lines
3.5 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<?cs # $Id$ ?>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="<?cs var:Settings.Stylesheet ?>" type="text/css" />
<?cs if:?Data.Redirect.URL ?><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="<?cs var:Data.Redirect.Delay ?>;url=<?cs var:Data.Redirect.URL ?>" /><?cs
elif:Data.Redirect.Action ?><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="<?cs var:Data.Redirect.Delay ?>;url=<?cs call:link(Data.Redirect.Action,'','','','') ?>" /><?cs /if ?>
<?cs # any additional (plugin) stylesheets? ?><?cs
if:subcount(Data.StylesheetFiles) > 0
?><style type="text/css"><?cs
each:css_file = Data.StylesheetFiles ?><?cs
linclude:css_file ?><?cs
/each ?></style><?cs
/if ?>
<div id="main">
<div id="main_menu">
<?cs # three possibilities to find the active ('to be marked') plugin:
- the active plugin is a volume plugin -> mark 'disks'
- the active plugin is part of the menu list -> mark it
- the rest: mark 'preferences' ?><?cs
if:Settings.PluginList[Data.ActivePlugin].Types.volume ?><?cs
set:markPlugin = 'disks' ?><?cs
else ?><?cs
# first: set default value ?><?cs
set:markPlugin = 'system_preferences' ?><?cs
# check if the active plugin is visible in the menu ?><?cs
each:plugin = Settings.PluginList ?><?cs && (name(plugin) == Data.ActivePlugin) ?><?cs
set:markPlugin = name(plugin) ?><?cs
/if ?><?cs
/each ?><?cs
/if ?><?cs
# sort the Plugins - using the most stupid way :) ?><?cs
loop: order = #0, #100, #1 ?><?cs
# plugins ?><?cs each:x = Settings.PluginList ?><?cs
if:x.Types.system && && x.Rank == order ?>
<div class="plugin_menu plugin_menu_<?cs
if:markPlugin == name(x) ?>active<?cs else ?>passive<?cs /if
?>"><a href="<?cs call:link(name(x),'','','','') ?>" title="<?cs
var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins[name(x)].Link) ?>"><img src="<?cs
call:link('icons/' + name(x), '','','','') ?>" alt="<?cs
var:html_escape('icon: ' + name(x)) ?>" /><br/><?cs
var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins[name(x)].Link) ?></a></div><?cs
/if ?><?cs
/each ?><?cs
/loop ?>
<?cs # we need this div to get 100% of screenwidth in mozilla and ie ?>
<div id="pane_div">
<table id="pane">
<tr><td colspan="3"><div id="head">
<h1><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Title.Top) ?></h1>
<h2><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Title.Slogan) ?></h2>
<?cs if:Data.activeDisksCount > 0 ?><?cs
set:logoFile = "cbx-text-logo2.png" ?><?cs
else ?><?cs
set:logoFile = "cbx-text-logo1.png" ?><?cs
/if ?>
<div class="logo"><a href="<?cs call:link("", "", "", "", "")
?>" title="CryptoBox"><img src="cryptobox-misc/<?cs var:logoFile
?>" alt="icon: logo" />
<?cs call:help_link() ?>
<?cs if:?Data.EnvironmentWarning ?>
<tr><td colspan="3"><div id="EnvironmentWarning"><?cs
call:environment_warning(Data.EnvironmentWarning) ?></div></td></tr>
<?cs /if ?>
<tr><td id="pane_left_top" /><td id="pane_top" /><td id="pane_right_top" /></tr>
<tr><td id="pane_left" />
<td id="pane_content">
<div id="words">