
113 lines
4.9 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: CryptoBox-Server 0.3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-21 08:48+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-27 14:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: tenzin <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 0.10.1\n"
#: Name
msgid "Create filesystems"
msgstr "Ustvari datotečni sistem"
#: Link
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Oblika"
#: Title.Format
msgid "Initializing filesystem"
msgstr "Inicializiraj datotečni sistem"
#: Button.Format
msgid "Initialize filesystem"
msgstr "Inicializiraj datotečni sistem"
#: Text.Confirm
msgid "Yes, I know what I am doing!"
msgstr "Da, vem kaj počenjam!"
#: Text.FSType
msgid "Filesystem type"
msgstr "Tip datotečnega sistema"
#: Text.IsEncrypted
msgid "Encryption"
msgstr "Enkripcija (šifriranje)"
#: Text.Yes
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Da"
#: Text.No
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ne"
#: Help.Format
msgid "Usually you will only have to format a volume if you want to turn encryption on or off. Be aware, that you will erase all data from this volume."
msgstr "Navadno boste morali formatirati nosilec/vsebino, če boste želeli vključiti ali izključiti šifriranje. Zavedajte se, da boste s formatiranjem izbrisali vse obstoječe podatke na nosilcu."
#: Help.LuksFormat
msgid "In the last step you have chosen encryption for this volume. Now you have to enter a corresponding password."
msgstr "V prejšnjem koraku ste izbrali šifriranje tega nosilca (dela) Zdaj morate vnesti ustrezno geslo"
#: Help.Filesystem
msgid "Use a filesystem of your choice. The linux filesystem (ext3) should be a good choice. The windows filesystem (Fat32) is only useful, if you plan to connect your harddisk directly to a computer running the windows operating system."
msgstr "Uporabljajte datotečni sistem po vaši izbiri. Linux datotečni sistem (ext3) bi lahko bila dobra izbira. Datotečni sistem Windows (Fat32) je uporaben le, če nameravate priključiti trdi disk neposredno na računalnik, ki deluje preko operacijskega sistema windows."
#: Help.Encryption
msgid "Enable encryption if you want to keep your data private. You have to enter the password to open an encrypted container. Be aware that your encrypted data is accessible for your local network. Close it, whenever you do not need it anymore."
msgstr "omogočite šifriranje, če želite da vaši podatki (p)ostanejo osebni. Vnesti morate geslo, s katerim boste odprli šifrirane vsebine. Zavedajte se, da so šifrirane datoteke dostopne vaši lokalni mreži. zaprite jih, kadar jih ne potrebujete. "
#: Help.Password
msgid "Please choose a very good password consisting of letters, digits and special characters. There is no minimal length required, but you should not use less than ten characters. Twenty or more are recommended."
msgstr "Prosimo izberite dobro geslo, ki naj vsebuje črke, številke in posebne znake. Minimalna dolžina ni zahtevana, vendar naj ne bi uporabljali gesla z manj kot desetimi znaki. Priporočljivo je, da jih uporabljate dvajset ali več."
#: Help.Confirm
msgid "Don't forget to confirm your action with this checkbox. Nothing happens otherwise."
msgstr "Ne pozabite potrditi akcije v potrdilnem polju! V nasprotnem primeru se ne bo zgodilo prav nič."
#: AdviceMessage.FormatWarning.Text
msgid "All data of the selected filesystem will get lost!"
msgstr "Vsi podatki datotečnega sistema bodo izbrisani!"
#: AdviceMessage.UnmountBeforeInit.Text
msgid "You must close this volume before you may initialize it."
msgstr "Ta nosilec morate zapreti preden ga inicializirate."
#: AdviceMessage.UnmountBeforeInit.Link.Text
msgid "Close volume now"
msgstr "Zapri nosilec"
#: SuccessMessage.FormatSuccess.Title
msgid "Formatting is running"
msgstr "Formatiranje poteka"
#: SuccessMessage.FormatSuccess.Text
msgid "The selected filesystem is being formatted in the background. This may take some time (depending on the size of your disk)."
msgstr "Izbrani nosilec je bil formatiran v ozadju. ta akcija lahko vzame nekaj časa (odvisno od velikosti vašega diska)."
#: WarningMessage.FormatNotConfirmed.Title
msgid "Confirmation missing"
msgstr "Manjka potrditev"
#: WarningMessage.FormatNotConfirmed.Text
msgid "You did not confirm this action by activating the checkbox."
msgstr "Niste potrdili akcije s klikom na potrdilno polje"
#: WarningMessage.FormatFailed.Title
msgid "Formatting failed"
msgstr "Formatiranje ni uspelo"
#: WarningMessage.FormatFailed.Text
msgid "Formatting of the selected filesystem failed for unknown reasons - sorry!"
msgstr "Formatiranje izbranega nosilca/vsebine ni uspelo iz (ne)znanega vzroka - oprostite!"
#: WarningMessage.FormatFailed.Link.Text
msgid "View log messages"
msgstr "Preglej dnevniška sporočila"