lars 794998f950 broken interface fixed in 'partition' plugin for ie
rendering bug of volume_properties fixed for ie
fixed screen width in a mozilla/ie compatible way
added german translation: 'log', 'network', 'volume_automount' and 'volume_details'
fixed config management of 'plugin_manager' plugin
fixed filtering of log level messages for 'logs' plugin
updated documentation for ssl configurations
changed default installation destinations in
added nice background images to environment and help messages
replaced message 'div' with 'fieldset'
moved stylesheet data of plugins to html header (as required by spec)
removed obsolete css definitions
removed obsolete old perl/bash code
improved 'update_po_files': remove obsolete msgids
functionality of '' moved to 'update_po_files'
omit 'weblang' link attribute if it does not change the default setting
changed default language from 'de' to 'en'
fixed template bug that prevented the translation of plugin links
fixed invalid html
implement filecheck overriding for unittests
2006-12-18 13:37:08 +00:00

224 lines
8.3 KiB

# Copyright 2006 sense.lab e.V.
# This file is part of the CryptoBox.
# The CryptoBox is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The CryptoBox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with the CryptoBox; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
"""Manage the hdf dataset of the cryptobox web sites.
__revision__ = "$Id"
import os
import cryptobox.core.container as cbxContainer
import as cbxTools
class WebInterfaceDataset(dict):
"""this class contains all data that should be available for the clearsilver
def __init__(self, cbox, prefs, plugins):
super(WebInterfaceDataset, self).__init__()
self.prefs = prefs
self.cbox = cbox
self.plugins = plugins
def set_crypto_box_state(self):
"""Set some hdf values according to the cryptobox as a whole.
import cherrypy
import cryptobox.core.main
import cryptobox.web.languages
import cryptobox
self["Data.Version"] = cryptobox.__version__
## first: clean the dataset up - necessary if we were called more than once
for key in self.keys():
if key.startswith("Data.Languages."):
del self[key]
langs = self.cbox.prefs["WebSettings"]["Languages"][:]
for (index, lang) in enumerate(langs):
(langname, plural_info) = cryptobox.web.languages.LANGUAGE_INFO[lang]
self["" % index] = langname
self["" % index] = lang"language loaded: %s" % lang)
except KeyError:
## language was not found
"invalid language specified in configuration: %s" % lang)
## check the help setting
if cherrypy.request.params["help"] == "1":
self["Settings.Help"] = "1"
self[""] = "1"
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
## no setting or first start before request
self["Data.ScriptURL.Prot"] = cherrypy.request.scheme
host = cherrypy.request.headers["Host"]
self["Data.ScriptURL.Host"] = host.split(":", 1)[0]
complete_url = "%s://%s" % \
(self["Data.ScriptURL.Prot"], self["Data.ScriptURL.Host"])
port = int(host.split(":", 1)[1])
complete_url += ":%s" % port
except (IndexError, ValueError):
if cherrypy.request.scheme == "http":
port = 80
elif cherrypy.request.scheme == "https":
port = 443
## unknown scheme -> port 0"unknown protocol scheme used: %s" % \
port = 0
self["Data.ScriptURL.Port"] = port
## retrieve the relative address of the CGI (or the cherrypy base address)
## remove the last part of the url and add a slash
path = "/".join(cherrypy.request.path.split("/")[:-1]) + "/"
self["Data.ScriptURL.Path"] = path
complete_url += path
self["Data.ScriptURL"] = complete_url
for (key, value) in cherrypy.request.params.items():
if isinstance(value, list):
self["Data.ScriptParams.%s" % key] = value[0]
self["Data.ScriptParams.%s" % key] = str(value)
if cherrypy.request.headers.has_key("CRYPTOBOX-Location"):
self.cbox.log.debug("ProxyLocation: %s" % cherrypy.request.headers["CRYPTOBOX-Location"])
self["Data.Proxy.ScriptPath"] = \
if cherrypy.request.headers.has_key("X-Forwarded-Host"):
self.cbox.log.debug("ProxyHost: %s" % cherrypy.request.headers["X-Forwarded-Host"])
self["Data.Proxy.Host"] = cherrypy.request.headers["X-Forwarded-Host"]
except AttributeError:
self["Data.ScriptURL"] = ""
def set_current_disk_state(self, device):
"""Set some hdf values according to the currently active disk.
for container in self.cbox.get_container_list():
if container.get_device() == device:
is_encrypted = (container.get_type() == \
cbxContainer.CONTAINERTYPES["luks"]) and 1 or 0
is_plain = (container.get_type() == \
cbxContainer.CONTAINERTYPES["plain"]) and 1 or 0
is_mounted = container.is_mounted() and 1 or 0
is_busy = container.is_busy() and 1 or 0
self["Data.CurrentDisk.device"] = container.get_device()
self[""] = container.get_name()
self["Data.CurrentDisk.encryption"] = is_encrypted
self["Data.CurrentDisk.plaintext"] = is_plain
self[""] = is_mounted
self["Data.CurrentDisk.busy"] = is_busy
self["Data.CurrentDisk.size"] = cbxTools.get_blockdevice_size_humanly(
if is_mounted:
(size, avail, used) = container.get_capacity()
percent = used / size
self["Data.CurrentDisk.capacity.used"] = used
self[""] = avail
self["Data.CurrentDisk.capacity.size"] = size
self["Data.CurrentDisk.capacity.percent"] = percent
for key in self.keys():
if key.startswith("Data.CurrentDisk.capacity."):
del self[key]
self["Settings.LinkAttrs.device"] = device
def set_containers_state(self):
"""Set some hdf values according to the list of available containers.
## first: clean the dataset up - necessary if we were called more than once
for key in self.keys():
if key.startswith("Data.Disks."):
del self[key]
avail_counter = 0
active_counter = 0
for container in self.cbox.get_container_list():
## useful if the container was changed during an action
is_encrypted = (container.get_type() == \
cbxContainer.CONTAINERTYPES["luks"]) and 1 or 0
is_plain = (container.get_type() == \
cbxContainer.CONTAINERTYPES["plain"]) and 1 or 0
is_mounted = container.is_mounted() and 1 or 0
is_busy = container.is_busy() and 1 or 0
self["Data.Disks.%d.device" % avail_counter] = container.get_device()
self["" % avail_counter] = container.get_name()
self["Data.Disks.%d.encryption" % avail_counter] = is_encrypted
self["Data.Disks.%d.plaintext" % avail_counter] = is_plain
self["Data.Disks.%d.busy" % avail_counter] = is_busy
self["" % avail_counter] = is_mounted
self["Data.Disks.%d.size" % avail_counter] = \
if is_mounted:
active_counter += 1
avail_counter += 1
self["Data.activeDisksCount"] = active_counter
def set_plugin_data(self):
"""Set some hdf values according to the available features.
## first: clean the dataset up - necessary if we were called more than once
for key in self.keys():
if key.startswith("Settings.PluginList."):
del self[key]
for plugin in self.plugins:
entry_name = "Settings.PluginList." + plugin.get_name()
## first: remove all existing settings of this plugin
for key in self.keys():
if key.startswith(entry_name):
del self[key]
lang_data = plugin.get_language_data()
self[entry_name] = plugin.get_name()
self[entry_name + ".Name"] = lang_data.getValue("Name", plugin.get_name())
self[entry_name + ".Link"] = lang_data.getValue("Link", plugin.get_name())
self[entry_name + ".Rank"] = plugin.get_rank()
self[entry_name + ".RequestAuth"] = plugin.is_auth_required() and "1" or "0"
for capy in plugin.plugin_capabilities:
self[entry_name + ".Types." + capy] = "1"
for visi in plugin.get_visibility():
self[entry_name + ".Visible." + visi] = "1"
def __set_config_values(self):
"""Set some hdf values according to configuration settings.
self["Settings.TemplateDir"] = os.path.abspath(
self["Settings.DocDir"] = os.path.abspath(self.prefs["Locations"]["DocDir"])
self["Settings.Stylesheet"] = self.prefs["WebSettings"]["Stylesheet"]
self["Settings.Language"] = self.prefs["WebSettings"]["Languages"][0]
self["Settings.SettingsDir"] = self.prefs["Locations"]["SettingsDir"]