lars 77324ae946 added minor parts of slovene translation
fixed samba integration script
added syslog support
replaced 'pattern' with 'level' for 'logs' plugin
improved fetch_po_files script
improved output of log plugin
recursively storing setting files fixed
umask set to 022
defining bootup and shutdown handler for the server
implementing volume_automount mounting
simplified the output preperation of the partition plugin
"busy" flag handling moved from core/container to core/main
2006-12-11 14:16:10 +00:00

64 lines
1.1 KiB

Name = Mount and umount volumes
Link = Activation
Title {
Mount = Opening a volume
Umount = Closing a volume
Button {
Mount = Open volume
Umount = Close volume
SuccessMessage {
MountDone {
Title = Volume opened
Text = The content of this volume is available now.
UmountDone {
Title = Volume closed
Text = The content of this volume is protected from access now.
WarningMessage {
MountFailed {
Title = Opening failed
Text = The volume could not be activated for some reason. Sorry!
MountCryptoFailed {
Title = Opening failed
Text = Maybe you entered the wrong password?
InvalidContainerType {
Title = Unknown format
Text = The type of this volume ist not known. Maybe you want to initialize itfirst?
Link.Text = Format volume
Link.Rel = volume_format_fs
UmountFailed {
Title = Closing failed
Text = The volume could not be closed. Probably some files are still in use.
IsAlreadyMounted {
Title = Already open
Text = The volume is already open.
IsNotMounted {
Title = Already closed
Text = The volume is already closed.