lars 77324ae946 added minor parts of slovene translation
fixed samba integration script
added syslog support
replaced 'pattern' with 'level' for 'logs' plugin
improved fetch_po_files script
improved output of log plugin
recursively storing setting files fixed
umask set to 022
defining bootup and shutdown handler for the server
implementing volume_automount mounting
simplified the output preperation of the partition plugin
"busy" flag handling moved from core/container to core/main
2006-12-11 14:16:10 +00:00

92 lines
2 KiB

Name = Disk partitioning
Link = Partition a disk
Title.Partition = Disk partitions
Button {
SelectDevice = Manual partitioning
EasySetup = Automatic setup
AddPartition = Add
DelPartition = Remove
SavePartitions = Write new partition table
AbortPartitions = Cancel
Text {
FS {
Type = Filesystem type
Fat = FAT (Windows)
Ext2 = Ext2
Ext3 = Ext3
Reiser = Reiser
PartNum = Id
PartType = Type
Size = Size (MB)
SelectDevice = Choose a disk for partitioning
ProgressInfo = Progress of formatting:
CreateConfigPartition = Automatically creating a configuration partition.
RemovalContainers = These disks will be destroyed, if you continue
AdviceMessage {
DeviceDataIsLost {
Text = If you continue, you will destroy all data on the choosen disk. Please be VERY careful!
SuccessMessage {
Partitioned {
Title = Partitioning complete
Text = The disk was partitioned successfully.
EasySetup {
Title = Initialization completed
Text = Automatic initialization was finished successfully.
WarningMessage {
NoDisksAvailable {
Title = No disks found
Text = No suitable disks found - please check your configuration and hardware setup.
PartitioningFailed {
Title = Partitioning failed
Text = The partitioning of the device failed for some reason - sorry!
Link.Text = Show log messages
Link.Rel = logs = level
Link.Attr1.value = ERROR
FormattingFailed {
Title = Formatting failed
Text = Formatting of at least one volume failed - sorry!
Link.Text = Show log messages
Link.Rel = logs = level
Link.Attr1.value = ERROR
DiskIsBusy {
Title = This disk is busy
Text = Please deactivate all containers of this disk before partitioning.
Link.Text = Show all disks
Link.Rel = disks
PartitionTooBig {
Title = Invalid size
Text = The container size you entered exceeded the available size of the disk.
PartitionTooSmall {
Title = Invalid size
Text = The minimum size of a container is 10 megabytes.