lars 77324ae946 added minor parts of slovene translation
fixed samba integration script
added syslog support
replaced 'pattern' with 'level' for 'logs' plugin
improved fetch_po_files script
improved output of log plugin
recursively storing setting files fixed
umask set to 022
defining bootup and shutdown handler for the server
implementing volume_automount mounting
simplified the output preperation of the partition plugin
"busy" flag handling moved from core/container to core/main
2006-12-11 14:16:10 +00:00

24 lines
393 B

Name = Show event log
Link = Event log
Title.Log = CryptoBox event log
Text {
ShowAll = Show all messages
AtLeastWarnings = Show warnings and errors
OnlyErrors = Show errors only
AgeOfEvent = Time passed
EventText = Description
TimeUnits {
Days = days
Hours = hours
Minutes = minutes
Seconds = seconds
AdviceMessage {
EmptyLog.Text = There are no messages available.