lars 5fb9108640 moved to a volume based web interface
initialization now uses a single volume (no partitioning)
SCAN_DEVICES now define only the allowed prefix ("hd" -> all harddisks)
check for https improved
2006-05-29 07:09:17 +00:00

27 lines
1.2 KiB

<?cs # $Id$ ?>
<?cs # mounting possible? ?>
<?cs if:((Data.Status.Config == 1) && (Data.Status.InitRunning == 0)) ?>
<!-- TODO: remove the following lines, as soon as we completely switched to the volume-based user interface
<?cs if:subcount(Data.Disks.passive) > 0 ?>
<a href="<?cs call:link('action','mount_ask','','','','') ?>" title="<?cs var:Lang.Text.DoMount ?>"><?cs var:Lang.Button.Mount ?></a><?cs /if ?>
<?cs if:subcount( > 0 ?>
<a href="<?cs call:link('action','umount_ask','','','','') ?>" title="<?cs var:Lang.Text.DoUmount ?>"><?cs var:Lang.Button.Umount ?></a><?cs /if ?>
<a href="<?cs if:subcount(Data.Disks.available) > 1
?><?cs call:link('action','show_status','','','','')
?><?cs else
?><?cs call:link('action','show_volume','device',Data.Disks.available.0.device,'','')
?><?cs /if
?>" title="<?cs var:Lang.Button.Status ?>"><?cs var:Lang.Button.Status ?></a>
<?cs /if ?>
<?cs # manual ?>
<a href="<?cs call:link('action','doc','','','','') ?>" title="<?cs var:Lang.Button.Documentation ?>"><?cs var:Lang.Button.Documentation ?></a>
<?cs # system ?>
<a href="<?cs call:link('action','system_ask','','','','') ?>" title="<?cs var:Lang.Button.System ?>"><?cs var:Lang.Button.System ?></a>