lars 645445d95c userdoc pages added
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2005-08-12 16:14:42 +00:00

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<a id="top"></a>
<p><em>This is a first overview of the <a href="/cryptobox?action=show_doc&page=CryptoBox">CryptoBox</a> Live-CD. We apologize for publishing the documentation atm in german only. We started the <a href="/cryptobox?action=show_doc&page=CryptoBox">CryptoBox</a> project for a german speaking association. For now we're deeply into bringing this CD up and running, so we prefer coding than translating docs ;). Sorry!</em> </p>
<p><em>Feel free to start a translation in this wiki. Otherwise just be patient a few weeks. (it's 12th of july as i'm writing)</em> </p>
<h3 id="head-bcd3c71e6cd0adb01302f5903f235299682ae28a">Overview</h3>
<p>The <a href="/cryptobox?action=show_doc&page=CryptoBox">CryptoBox</a> is a Debian/Linux based live-cd. This CD boots up, starting a secure fileserver. Even non-technical users are able to store their data on its encrypted harddisk. There is no special knowledge about cryptgraphy or servers required at all. </p>
<h3 id="head-06e39b97d2b48d950da32608efa367371bb0a9cc">Specs</h3>
<p>Debian/Linux based Live-CD</p>
<p>needed hardware</p>
<p> "outdated" PC (i386 p1-100 32MB RAM minimum)</p>
<p>supported clients</p>
<p><a class="interwiki" title="WikiPedia" href=""><img src="/moin-base/greenthumb/img/moin-inter.png" alt="[WikiPedia]" height="16" width="16">*nix; *bsd; Windows; Mac OS</a></p>
<p>internal fileserver</p>
<p><a class="external" href=""><img src="/moin-base/greenthumb/img/moin-www.png" alt="[WWW]" height="11" width="11"> samba</a> (Networkshares)</p>
<p>fully remote controlled via webbrowser (Perl,https interface)</p>
<p><a class="interwiki" title="WikiPedia" href=""><img src="/moin-base/greenthumb/img/moin-inter.png" alt="[WikiPedia]" height="16" width="16">AES</a> via device-mapper</p>
<h3 id="head-8d738f62cb1a70005c64de686c424efe89f07ad2">Development</h3>
<p>Browse the source code in the <a class="interwiki" title="SubVersion" href="/websvn/cryptobox"><img src="/moin-base/greenthumb/img/moin-inter.png" alt="[SubVersion]" height="16" width="16">CryptoBox-websvn</a> </p>
<h3 id="head-f5510e22bd4e832da55c40e1e95886a46fc05b7e">TODO</h3>
<p>Read more about the <a href="/cryptobox?action=show_doc&page=CryptoBox">CryptoBox</a> in german or try kind of a babelfish. </p>
<a id="bottom"></a>
<p id="pageinfo" class="info" lang="en" dir="ltr">last edited 2005-07-25 12:50:07 by <span title=""></span></p>
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