lars 405f6b90fa improved detection of 'active' plugin for marking in the main menu
plugin plugin_manager: prevent browser from caching repeatitive actions
plugin plugin_manager: add support for properties/volume visibility
plugins: moved message handling to central header file (templates/header.cs)
splitted 'volume_props' into 'volume_rename' and 'volume_chpasswd'
volume_props: turned into a container for small property changes
renamed 'format_fs' to 'volume_format_fs'
moved inclusion of 'show_volume_[header|footer].cs' to central header file
2006-11-13 16:11:07 +00:00

20 lines
663 B

<?cs # $Id$ ?>
<h1><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.system_preferences.Title.Preferences) ?></h1>
<?cs # sort the Plugins - using the most stupid way :) ?>
<?cs loop: order = #0, #100, #1
?><?cs # plugins ?><?cs each:x = Settings.PluginList
?><?cs if:x.Types.system && x.Visible.preferences && x.Rank == order ?>
<div class="plugin_system ?>"><a href="<?cs
call:link(name(x),'','','','') ?>" title="<?cs
var:html_escape(x.Link) ?>"><img src="<?cs
call:link('icons/' + name(x), '','','','') ?>" alt="<?cs
var:html_escape('icon: ' + x.Name) ?>" /><br/><?cs
var:html_escape(x.Link) ?></a></div><?cs
/if ?><?cs
/each ?><?cs
/loop ?>