lars 2cec33cd2c css: language selection position is now 'fixed' instead of 'absolute'
added context sensitive help (hover)
css: changed hovered color of buttons to light green
hdf: renamed some elements of the data tree
cgi: language validation fixed
cgi: documentation language setting fixed
cgi: diskinfo rendering fixed
2005-09-06 23:28:12 +00:00

11 lines
502 B

<h3>Password of encrypted filesystem</h3>
<p>This password is the final protection for your sensible data. You should
choose a complicated password, that fullfills at least the following requirements:</p>
<li>more than 20 characters</li>
<li>contain lowercase, uppercase, numbers, special characters</li>
<li>may not be written anywhere in cleartext</li>
<p>Do not forget your encryption password! There is no way to recover your data
without it (of course, there should be none).</p>