lars 16b5e2f07b images moved to /var/www/cryptobox-img
doc pages served by the CGI again (as until rev 164)
URLs of images in stylesheet are absolute now
moved 'partition_info' layout to stylesheet file
CGI: file handling now done with perl instead of shell utilities
CGI: removed warning for 'crypto not mounted' after 'poweroff' or 'reboot'
CGI: warning, if unmount-crypto failed
CGI: warning, if configuration of any value failed silently
texts for 'ConfigTimeOutFailed', 'ConfigLanguageFailed' and 'ConfigIPFailed' added to language file syntax info updated action 'crypto-(u)mount' renamed to 'crypto-up/down'
2005-09-01 15:00:54 +00:00

20 lines
1.1 KiB

<!-- mounting possible? -->
<?cs if:((Data.Status.Config == 1) && (Data.Status.InitRunning == 0)) ?>
<?cs if:(Data.Status.Mounted == 1) ?>
<a href="<?cs call:getSelfURL('action=umount_do','action') ?>" title="Deaktivierung des verschl&uuml;sselten Dateisystems">Deaktivierung</a>
<?cs else ?>
<a href="<?cs call:getSelfURL('action=mount_ask','action') ?>" title="Aktivierung des verschl&uuml;sselten Dateisystems">Aktivierung</a>
<?cs /if ?>
<?cs /if ?>
<!-- already initialized (or at least in progress)? -->
<?cs if:(Data.Status.Config == 1) ?>
<a href="<?cs call:getSelfURL('action=config_ask','action') ?>" title="Einstellungen">Einstellungen</a>
<?cs /if ?>
<a href="<?cs call:getSelfURL('action=init_ask','action') ?>" title="Ersteinrichtung">Initialisierung</a>
<a href="<?cs call:getSelfURL('action=show_log','action') ?>" title="Ereignis-Protokoll">Protokoll</a>
<a href="<?cs call:getSelfURL('action=doc&page=CryptoBox','action') ?>" title="Nutzer-Handbuch">Hilfe</a>
<a href="<?cs call:getSelfURL('action=shutdown_ask','action') ?>" title="Herunterfahren">Herunterfahren</a>