as there is no debian-package for the perl bindings of clearsilver, you have to add it manually to the tree of the cbox-tree 1) download - get it from: - unpack (tar xzf . ...) 2) configuration ./configure --disable-python --disable-ruby --disable-csharp --disable-apache --disable-java --disable-compression --enable-perl --enable-gettext --prefix=/tmp/clearsilver-perl 3) fix a problem in scripts/ change the first line to "#!/usr/bin/env python" 4) build it - make - make install 5) cp to the cbox cp -a /tmp/clearsilver-perl/local/lib/perl/5.8.7/. cryptobox.conf.d/usr/lib/perl5 rm cryptobox.conf.d/usr/lib/perl5/perllocal.pod 6) dependencies add python-clearsilver to the box (dfsbuild.conf)