1. Overview
  2. Settings
    1. dfsbuild settings
    2. CryptoBox development configuration
    3. SSH connection
    4. qemu network configuration

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The following sections are useful, if you want to change the default settings of your personal CryptoBox development environment.

You should have completed the steps described in CryptoBoxDevPreparation.


dfsbuild settings

All settings for dfsbuild can be found in etc-defaults.d/dfs-cbox.conf.

If you want to change any of them, you should do the following:

  1. copy etc-defaults.d/dfs-cbox.conf file to etc-local.d/

  2. change etc-local.d/dfs-cbox.conf according to your needs

This allows you to use your own (personal) settings, without interfering with files under version control.

CryptoBox development configuration

Some settings regarding the building, configuring and validating of the CryptoBox can be found in etc-defaults.d/cbox-dev.conf.

If you want to change any of them, you should do the following:

  1. copy etc-defaults.d/cbox-dev.conf file to etc-local.d/

  2. change etc-local.d/cbox-dev.conf according to your needs

SSH connection

The file etc-defaults.d/ssh_config is used to establish a connection to a running CryptoBox system.

It can be necessary to change these settings, if:

If you want to change some settings, you should do the following:

  1. copy etc-defaults.d/ssh_config file to etc-local.d/

  2. change etc-local.d/ssh_config according to your needs

qemu network configuration

The file etc-defauolts.d/qemu-ifup is used for the CryptoBox emulation with qemu. See man qemu for details.

If you want to change some settings, you should do the following:

  1. copy etc-defaults.d/qemu-ifup file to etc-local.d/

  2. change etc-local.d/qemu-ifup according to your needs