# import a public rsa key into the cryptobox for ssh authentication # # see README in configure-examples.d for details # # do not forget to activate the 'IdentityFile' setting in # etc-local.d/ssh_config # SSH_KEY_FILE="$LOCALCONF_DIR/id_rsa" # create a rsa key if it does not yet exist if [ ! -e "$SSH_KEY_FILE" ] then echo "Creating ssh key ($SSH_KEY_FILE) ..." mkdir -p $(dirname "$SSH_KEY_FILE") ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -N '' -q -f "$SSH_KEY_FILE" fi # copy new public ssh key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on cryptobox echo "Copying local public ssh key file to the box ..." mkdir -p "$IMAGE_DIR/opt/dfsbuild/runtimerd/root/.ssh" cp "${SSH_KEY_FILE}.pub" "$IMAGE_DIR/opt/dfsbuild/runtimerd/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"