Name = English Status = $Id$ Title { Top = The CryptoBox Slogan = Privacy for the rest of us. Volume = Volume AccessDenied = Access denied } Text { AccessDenied = Sorry - you are not allowed to do this! EnterCurrentPassword = Enter the password EnterNewPassword = Enter new password EnterSamePassword = Repeat new password RedirectNote = Click here if your browser does not support automatic redirection. ProjectHomePage = Website of project ProjectNote = The CryptoBox is a project of ContainerName = Container's name } Button { HelpForForm = Get help } WarningMessage { EmptyPassword { Title = Missing password Text = You have to enter a password! } EmptyNewPassword { Title = Missing new password Text = You have to enter a new password! } DifferentPasswords { Title = Different passwords Text = The passwords you entered did not match. } InvalidDevice { Title = Invalid device Text = The device you have chosen is invalid! } VolumeMayNotBeMounted { Title = The container is mounted Text = This action is not available while the container is active. Please turn it off first. Link.Text = Deactivate volume Link.Rel = volume_mount } } EnvironmentWarning { ReadOnlyConfig { Text = Read-only setup detected - probably you should create a configuration partition. Link.Text = Initialize partition Link.Rel = partition } NoSSL { Text = The connection is not encrypted - passwords can be easily intercepted. Link.Text = Use encrypted connection Link.Prot = https } } }