# # Copyright 2006 sense.lab e.V. # # This file is part of the CryptoBox. # # The CryptoBox is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The CryptoBox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with the CryptoBox; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # __revision__ = "$Id" import cryptobox.plugins.base import cryptobox.plugins.manage class plugin_manager(cryptobox.plugins.base.CryptoBoxPlugin): plugin_capabilities = [ "system" ] plugin_visibility = [ "preferences" ] request_auth = True rank = 90 def do_action(self, store=None, action=None, plugin_name=None, **args): import re if plugin_name: ## check for invalid characters if re.search(u'\W', plugin_name): return "plugin_list" plugin_manager = cryptobox.plugins.manage.PluginManager( self.cbox, self.cbox.prefs["Locations"]["PluginDir"]) plugin = plugin_manager.get_plugin(plugin_name) if not plugin: return "plugin_list" ## take only plugins, that are of the same type as the choosen one self.plugins = [e for e in plugin_manager.get_plugins() if e.plugin_capabilities == plugin.plugin_capabilities] if action == "up": self.__move_up(plugin) elif action == "down": self.__move_down(plugin) return "plugin_list" elif store: for key in args.keys(): if key.endswith("_listed"): if not re.search(u'\W',key): self.__setConfig(key[:-7], args) else: self.cbox.log.info("plugin_manager: invalid plugin name (%s)" % \ str(key[:-7])) try: self.cbox.prefs.plugin_conf.write() except IOError: self.cbox.log.warn("failed to write plugin configuration") return "plugin_list" def get_status(self): plugin_manager = cryptobox.plugins.manage.PluginManager( self.cbox, self.cbox.prefs["Locations"]["PluginDir"]) return ":".join([e.get_name() for e in plugin_manager.get_plugins()]) def __sort_plugins(self): """sort all plugins in the list according to their rank""" def cmp_func(x,y): x_rank = x.get_rank() y_rank = y.get_rank() if x_rank < y_rank: return -1 elif x_rank == y_rank: return 0 else: return 1 self.plugins.sort(cmp = cmp_func) def __distribute_ranks(self): """evenly distribute the 'rank' values according to the current order of the list""" dist = 100/len(self.plugins) for index,pl in enumerate(self.plugins): try: self.cbox.prefs.plugin_conf[pl.get_name()]["rank"] = dist*index except KeyError: self.cbox.prefs.plugin_conf[pl.get_name()] = {} self.cbox.prefs.plugin_conf[pl.get_name()]["rank"] = dist*index self.cbox.prefs.plugin_conf.write() def __move_up(self, plugin): self.__sort_plugins() try: index = self.plugins.index(plugin) ## first elements may not move up if index == 0: return except ValueError: return self.plugins.remove(plugin) self.plugins.insert(index-1, plugin) self.__distribute_ranks() def __move_down(self, plugin): self.__sort_plugins() try: index = self.plugins.index(plugin) ## last elements may not move down if index == len(self.plugins) - 1: return except ValueError: return self.plugins.remove(plugin) self.plugins.insert(index+1, plugin) self.__distribute_ranks() def __setConfig(self, name, args): import re setting = {} setting["visibility"] = [] ## look for "_visible_" values and apply them pattern = re.compile(u'%s_visible_([\w]+)$' % name) for key in args.keys(): if key.startswith(name + "_visible_"): (vis_type, ) = pattern.match(key).groups() setting["visibility"].append(vis_type) setting["rank"] = "50" try: r = int(args[name + "_rank"]) if r>=0 and r<=100: setting["rank"] = r except (KeyError, ValueError): pass setting["requestAuth"] = False try: if args[name + "_auth"]: setting["requestAuth"] = True except (KeyError, ValueError): pass self.cbox.prefs.plugin_conf[name] = setting