1. News
  2. Overview
  3. Specs
  4. Usage
  5. Development
  6. Legal stuff

see CryptoBoxIntro/en for a very short overview


We are moving this project to https://codecoop.org/projects/cryptobox/

The first release of the CryptoBox-LiveCD is planned for October 02005.


The CryptoBox is a Debian/Linux based live-cd. This CD boots up, starting a secure fileserver. Even non-technical users are able to store their data on its encrypted harddisk. There is no special knowledge about cryptography or servers required at all.

We provide the documentation in different languages. Feel free to add more translations:



Debian/Linux based Live-CD

needed hardware

"outdated" PC (i386 p1-100 32MB RAM minimum)

supported clients

*nix; *bsd; Windows; Mac OS


samba (network shares)


fully remote controlled via webbrowser


AES via device-mapper

The web interface of the CryptoBox supports the following languages:

Feel free to contribute a translation for another language (preferably utf-encoded).


The user documentation has its home at CryptoBoxUser/en.


Take a look at the developer's documentation at CryptoBoxDev/en.

Report bugs at https://systemausfall.org/trac/cryptobox.

Browse the source code in the CryptoBox-websvn interface.

Anything else? Write us an email: cryptobox[at]systemausfall.org

Legal stuff

  1. All scripts are GPL licensed

  2. The documentation licensed under a Creative Commons License

  3. We do not take any warranty for the functionality or usability of the CryptoBox.

last edited 2005-09-22 00:40:58 by lars