# # Copyright 2006 sense.lab e.V. # # This file is part of the CryptoBox. # # The CryptoBox is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The CryptoBox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with the CryptoBox; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # __revision__ = "$Id" import cryptobox.web.testclass class unittests(cryptobox.web.testclass.WebInterfaceTestClass): def test_read_form(self): """Check if the 'volume_rename' plugin works. """ url = self.url + "volume_rename?weblang=en&device=%2Fdev%2F" + self.device self.register_auth(url) self.cmd.go(url) self.cmd.find('Change the name of this volume') def test_rename(self): """Try to rename the volume. """ save_name = self.__get_name() ## set 'foo' self.__set_name("foo") self.cmd.find('The name of this volume was changed successfully.') self.assertEquals("foo", self.__get_name()) ## set 'bar' self.__set_name("bar") self.cmd.find('The name of this volume was changed successfully.') self.assertEquals("bar", self.__get_name()) ## set the same name twice to catch all lines of code self.__set_name("bar") self.cmd.notfind('The name of this volume was changed successfully.') self.assertEquals("bar", self.__get_name()) self.__set_name(save_name) self.assertEquals(save_name, self.__get_name()) def test_invalid_names(self): """Setting of invalid names should fail. """ save_name = self.__get_name() ## we want to avoid, that if the previous name is (by accident) 'foo' ## then the later search for "changed successfully" would fail if save_name == "foo": self.__set_name("bar") self.__set_name("foo") self.cmd.find('The name of this volume was changed successfully.') self.assertEquals("foo", self.__get_name()) self.__set_name("foo:") self.cmd.find("Changing of volume's name failed") self.assertEquals("foo", self.__get_name()) self.__set_name("foo/") self.cmd.find("Changing of volume's name failed") self.assertEquals("foo", self.__get_name()) self.__set_name("foo&") self.cmd.find("Changing of volume's name failed") self.assertEquals("foo", self.__get_name()) self.__set_name("foo*") self.cmd.find("Changing of volume's name failed") self.assertEquals("foo", self.__get_name()) self.__set_name("foo(") self.cmd.find("Changing of volume's name failed") self.assertEquals("foo", self.__get_name()) self.__set_name("") self.cmd.notfind("Changing of volume's name failed") self.assertEquals("foo", self.__get_name()) self.__set_name(save_name) self.assertEquals(save_name, self.__get_name()) def test_rename_while_open(self): """Try to change the name of the volume while it is open. """ save_name = self.__get_name() ## first set the name to 'bar' self.__set_name("bar") mount_url = self.url + "volume_mount?weblang=en&device=%2Fdev%2F" + self.device self.register_auth(mount_url) name_url = self.url + "volume_rename?weblang=en&device=%2Fdev%2F" + self.device self.register_auth(name_url) self.cmd.go(mount_url + "&action=mount_plain") self.cmd.find('Volume opened') ## we have to do it manually, as there is no form when it is open self.cmd.go(name_url + "&store=1&vol_name=foo") self.cmd.find('You may not rename a volume while it is open.') self.assertEquals("bar", self.__get_name()) self.cmd.go(mount_url + "&action=umount") self.__set_name(save_name) self.assertEquals(save_name, self.__get_name()) def test_name_in_use(self): """Try to set a name that is already in use. """ used_name = [ e.get_name() for e in self.cbox.get_container_list() if e.get_device() != self.device ] if not used_name: self.fail("could not find another device for this test") old_name = self.__get_name() self.assertNotEquals(old_name, used_name[0]) self.__set_name(used_name[0]) self.cmd.find('The new name is already in use by another volume.') self.assertEquals(old_name, self.__get_name()) def __set_name(self, name): """Set the name of a volume. """ url = self.url + "volume_rename?weblang=en&device=%2Fdev%2F" + self.device self.register_auth(url) self.cmd.go(url) self.cmd.formvalue("set_name", "vol_name", name) self.cmd.submit() def __get_name(self): """Retrieve the current name of the volume. """ url = self.url + "volume_rename?weblang=en&device=%2Fdev%2F" + self.device self.register_auth(url) self.cmd.go(url) self.cmd.find("Data.Status.Plugins.volume_rename=(.*)$", "m") return self.locals["__match__"]