1. Software requirements
  2. Get the source
  3. First try
  4. Finished

back to CryptoBoxDev

Software requirements

We use Debian as our development environment. This was a natural choice, as the CryptoBox-LiveCD is also based on Debian. Other distributions should work too, of course - YMMV.



Get the source

Download the latest release from our subversion-Repository:

svn checkout https://svn.systemausfall.org/svn/cryptobox/trunk 

First try

run ./cbox-build.sh release as root - hopefully, there should be no errors :)

Hint: This step will fail, if you did not install apt-cacher. See CryptoBoxDevCustomBuild for details on how to change build-configuration settings (in this case: mirror in dfs.cbox.conf).


Now you can start to pariticipate in the development of the CryptoBox or simply customize your own CryptoBox-LiveCD.

See CryptoBoxDevWorkFlow for details of how to use the developer's tools of the CryptoBox.

CryptoBoxDevCustomBuild shows some examples for local customizations of the CryptoBox.

last edited 2005-09-05 18:48:32 by