import cryptobox.plugins.base import cryptobox.plugins.manage from cryptobox.core.exceptions import * class volume_props(cryptobox.plugins.base.CryptoBoxPlugin): pluginCapabilities = [ "volume" ] pluginVisibility = [ "volume" ] requestAuth = False rank = 30 def doAction(self, **args): import os self.props_plugins = [e for e in cryptobox.plugins.manage.PluginManager(self.cbox, self.cbox.prefs["Locations"]["PluginDir"]).getPlugins() if "properties" in e.getVisibility()] ## sort plugins by rank self.props_plugins.sort(cmp = self.__cmpPluginsRank) ## set the name of the templates for every plugin loadString = "" for p in self.props_plugins: p.device = self.device plfname = os.path.join(p.pluginDir, str(p.doAction(**args)) + ".cs") loadString += "" % plfname ## this is a little bit ugly: as it is not possible, to load cs files via ## 'linclude' (see clearsilver doc) if they use previously defined macros (see ## clearsilver mailing list thread 'linclude file which calls a macro' - 27th ## December 02005) ## our workaround: define the appropriate "include" (not 'linclude') commands ## as a hdf variable - then we can include it via 'evar' self.hdf[self.hdf_prefix + 'includePlugins'] = loadString return "volume_properties" def getStatus(self): return "TODO" def loadDataSet(self, hdf): """override the parent's function we have to get the data from all included plugins""" for p in self.props_plugins: p.loadDataSet(hdf) ## call our parent's method cryptobox.plugins.base.CryptoBoxPlugin.loadDataSet(self, hdf) def __cmpPluginsRank(self, p1, p2): order = p1.getRank() - p2.getRank() if order < 0: return -1 elif order == 0: return 0 else: return 1