added: volume_mount - warning message for mounting of invalid filesystem types

improved: plugin_manager - usable for the different plugin types now
This commit is contained in:
lars 2006-11-07 13:48:06 +00:00
parent 414389951e
commit 97ebd4c92e
8 changed files with 48 additions and 40 deletions

View file

@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ Text.Months {
12 = December
SuccessMessage.DateChanged {
SuccessMessage {
DateChanged {
Title = Date changed
Text = The date was changed successfully.
WarningMessage {
InvalidDate {

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB

View file

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Text {
PluginRank = Priority
PluginEnabled = Enabled?
RequestsAuth = Requires admin?
VolumePlugins = Volume plugins
SystemPlugins = System plugins
VolumePlugin = Volume
SystemPlugin = System
MenuPlugin = Menu
PluginTypes = Type of plugin

View file

@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
table.plugin_list td img {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
@ -19,46 +24,37 @@
<?cs call:print_form_header("manage_plugins", "plugin_manager") ?>
<h2><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.SystemPlugins) ?></h2>
<table class="plugin_list">
<th colspan="3"><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginTypes) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginName) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.MenuPlugin) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.SystemPlugin) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.VolumePlugin) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginRank) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginEnabled) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.RequestsAuth) ?></th>
<?cs each:x = Settings.PluginList ?><?cs if:x.Types.system
<?cs each:x = Settings.PluginList
?><input type="hidden" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_listed" value="1" /><tr>
<td style="text-align:left"><?cs var:html_escape(name(x)) ?></td>
<td><?cs ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-ok_nuvola.png" alt="X" /><?cs else ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-stop_nuvola.png" alt="-" /><?cs /if ?></td>
<td><?cs if:x.Types.system ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-ok_nuvola.png" alt="X" /><?cs else ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-stop_nuvola.png" alt="-" /><?cs /if ?></td>
<td><?cs if:x.Types.volume ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-ok_nuvola.png" alt="X" /><?cs else ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-stop_nuvola.png" alt="-" /><?cs /if ?></td>
<td><input style="text-align:right" type="text" size="3" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_rank" value="<?cs var:html_escape(x.Rank) ?>" /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_enabled" <?cs if:x.Enabled ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_auth" <?cs if:x.RequestAuth ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> /></td>
</tr><?cs /if ?><?cs /each ?>
<h2><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.VolumePlugins) ?></h2>
<table class="plugin_list">
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginName) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginRank) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginEnabled) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.RequestsAuth) ?></th>
<?cs each:x = Settings.PluginList ?><?cs if:x.Types.volume
?><input type="hidden" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_listed" value="1" /><tr>
<td style="text-align:left"><?cs var:html_escape(name(x)) ?></td>
<td><input style="text-align:right" type="text" size="3" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_rank" value="<?cs var:html_escape(x.Rank) ?>" /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_enabled" <?cs if:x.Enabled ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_auth" <?cs if:x.RequestAuth ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> /></td>
</tr><?cs /if ?><?cs /each ?>
</tr><?cs /each ?>
<input type="hidden" name="store" value="1" />
<button type="submit"><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Button.SaveSettings) ?></button>

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ SuccessMessage {
WarningMessage {
MountFailed {
Title = Activation failed
Text = The encrypted filesystem could not be activated. Probably the given password was wrong. Please try again.
Text = The volume could not be activated for some reason. Sorry!
MountCryptoFailed {
@ -38,9 +38,16 @@ WarningMessage {
Text = Maybe you entered the wrong password?
InvalidContainerType {
Title = Unknown format
Text = The type of this volume ist not known. Maybe you want to initialize itfirst?
Link.Text = Format volume
Link.Rel = format_fs
UmountFailed {
Title = Deactivation failed
Text = The encrypted filesystem could not be deactivated. Probably some files are still in use. Close all unclean programs (for example that widely used word processor). In case of emergency just shut down the CryptoBox!
Text = The volume could not be deactivated. Probably some files are still in use. In case of emergency just shut down the CryptoBox!
IsAlreadyMounted {

View file

@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ class volume_mount(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):"the device (%s) is already mounted" % self.device)
return "volume_status"
if self.container.getType() != self.container.Types["plain"]:
## not a plain container - fail silently
## not a plain container"plugin 'volume_mount' - invalid container type")
self.hdf["Data.Warning"] = "Plugins.volume_mount.InvalidContainerType"
return "volume_status"
@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ class volume_mount(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
except CBUmountError, errMsg:
self.hdf["Data.Warning"] = "InvalidType"
self.hdf["Data.Warning"] = "UmountFailed"
self.cbox.log.warn("could not umount the volume (%s): %s" % (self.device, errMsg))
return "volume_status""successfully unmounted the container: %s" % self.device)

View file

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
<?cs call:print_form_header("umount", "volume_mount") ?>
<p><input type="hidden" name="device" value="<?cs var:html_escape(Data.CurrentDisk.device) ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="umount" />
<button type="submit" tabindex="2"><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Button.Umount) ?></button></p>
<button type="submit" tabindex="2"><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.volume_mount.Button.Umount) ?></button></p>