Commit from Thorax Translation Center by user tenzin. 9 of 9 messages translated (0 fuzzy).

This commit is contained in:
pootle-translation 2007-03-27 12:52:04 +00:00
parent 1a967c10a2
commit 940e85845f

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: CryptoBox-Server 0.3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-21 08:49+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-12-21 15:01+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-27 14:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: tenzin <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ msgstr "Razpoložljivi diski"
#: Help.Disks
msgid "All available disks appear in this frame. To divide several disks from each other, their names and sizes are written below. Reload this page after you've connected a new device. Click on a disk symbol to activate or format it or for getting detailed information. It's good practice to give your volumes identifying names before you use them."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vsi razpoložljivi diski so vidni v tem okviru. Če želite ločiti nekatere diske od drugih imate spodaj napisana njihova imena in velikost posameznega diska. Po tem, ko boste naložili novo napravo morate stran ponovno naložiti. Kliknite na simbol z diskom če ga želite aktivirati, formatirati ali, če želite podrobne informacije o disku. Vsled boljši razvidnosti dajte različnim nosilcem različna imena, preden jih uporabljate."
#: Help.Active
msgid "The volumes shown here are currently activated."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nosilci, ki so tu prikazani so trenutno aktivirani."
#: Help.Legend
msgid "Here you see all used disk icons and next to each its correlating meaning. Just to make sure: \"unencrypted\" means that anyone who get's this disk in his/her fingers will be able to read all data stored on it! The options \"activated\" and \"deactivated\" are describing the status of the disk inside the CryptoBox and so in your network. If a disk is \"activated\" its content is available in your network. So if you \"activated\" an \"encrypted\" disk, you can access its data in your network. This is symbolized by an opened lock icon."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tu lahko vidite vse ikone diskov, ki so v uporabi, zraven ikone pa njih pripadajoči pomen. V vednost: \"nešifrirano\" pomeni, da lahko vsakdo, ki bo dobil ta disk pod prste prebere njegovo celotno vsebino! Opciji \"aktivirano\" in \"neaktivirano\" opisujeta status diska v Cryptoboxu kakor tudi v vašem omrežju. Če je disk \"aktiviran\" je njegova vsebina dostopna na vašem omrežju. Zatorej, če \"aktivirate\" šifriran disk, lahko preko vašega omrežja dostopate do podatkov, ki so shranjeni nanj, kar je simbolizirano z ikono odprte ključavnice."
#: AdviceMessage.NoDisksAvailable.Text
msgid "No available disks were found!"
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ msgstr "Noben disk ni na razpolago"
#: Active
msgid "Active disks"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aktivni diski"
#: Legend
msgid "Icon legend"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Legenda ikon"