improved usability of "plugin_manager" plugin

This commit is contained in:
lars 2006-11-08 12:19:30 +00:00
parent adab9731c5
commit 3fe6170979
23 changed files with 186 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import CryptoBoxPlugin
class date(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "system" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "preferences" ]
requestAuth = False
rank = 10

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import CryptoBoxPlugin
class disks(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "menu" ]
pluginCapabilities = [ "system" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "menu" ]
requestAuth = False
rank = 10

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from CryptoBoxExceptions import *
class format_fs(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "volume" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "volume" ]
requestAuth = True
rank = 60

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import CryptoBoxPlugin
class help(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "menu" ]
pluginCapabilities = [ "system" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "menu" ]
requestAuth = False
rank = 80

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ import CryptoBoxPlugin
class language_selection(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "system", "menu" ]
pluginCapabilities = [ "system" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "menu", "preferences" ]
requestAuth = False
rank = 60

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import os
class logs(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "system" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "preferences" ]
requestAuth = False
rank = 90

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ CHANGE_IP_DELAY=1
class network(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "system" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "preferences" ]
requestAuth = True
rank = 30

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import CryptoBoxPlugin
class partition(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "system" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "preferences" ]
requestAuth = True
rank = 80

View File

@ -32,11 +32,13 @@ Python code interface:
time (for the "date" plugin))
- the class variable "pluginCapabilities" must be an array of strings (supported: "system" and
- the class variable "pluginVisibility" may contain one or more of the following items:
menu/preferences/volume. This obviously should fit to the 'pluginCapabilities' variable.
An empty list is interpreted as a disabled plugin.
- the class variable "requestAuth" is boolean and defines, if admin authentication is necessary
for this plugin
- the class variable "rank" is an integer in the range of 0..100 - it determines the order
of plugins in listings (lower value -> higher priority)
- the class variable "enabled" is boolean and detemines the default availability of the plugin
- volume plugins contain the attribute "device" (you may trust this value - a volume plugin will
never get called with an invalid device)
- the python module which contains the plugin's class should also contain a class called
@ -50,8 +52,8 @@ Language file structure:
Name (a short description)
Link (the visible text for links to this plugin)
Rank (defines the order of the plugins displayed (0..100))
- all warnings, error and success messages should be stored below WarningMessage.???
(resp. ErrorMessage or SuccessMessage)
- all warnings, hints and success messages should be stored below WarningMessage.???
(resp. AdviceMessage or SuccessMessage)
Clearsilver template:

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB

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@ -1,17 +1,24 @@
Name = Plugin Manager
Link = Manage plugins
Title.PluginManager = Plugin Manager
Title {
PluginManager = Plugin Manager
VolumePlugins = Volume plugins
SystemPlugins = System plugins
Button.SaveSettings = Save settings
Button {
SaveSettings = Save settings
Up = move up
Down = move down
Text {
PluginName = Plugin
PluginRank = Priority
PluginRank = Order
PluginEnabled = Enabled?
RequestsAuth = Requires admin?
VolumePlugin = Volume
SystemPlugin = System
MenuPlugin = Menu
PluginTypes = Type of plugin
InMenu = Main menu
InPreferences = Preferences
WhereVisible = Where visible?

View File

@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
table.plugin_list a img {
border: none;
@ -22,36 +26,75 @@
<?cs call:handle_messages() ?>
<h2><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Title.VolumePlugins) ?></h2>
<?cs call:print_form_header("manage_plugins", "plugin_manager") ?>
<table class="plugin_list">
<th colspan="3"><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginTypes) ?></th>
<p><table class="plugin_list">
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginName) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.MenuPlugin) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.SystemPlugin) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.VolumePlugin) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginRank) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginEnabled) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.RequestsAuth) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginRank) ?></th>
<?cs each:x = Settings.PluginList
<?cs # count volume plugins ?><?cs set: all_count = #0
?><?cs each:x = Settings.PluginList ?><?cs if: x.Types.volume ?><?cs
set: all_count = all_count + 1 ?><?cs /if ?><?cs /each ?>
<?cs set:run_counter = 0 ?><?cs
loop: index = #0, #100, #1 ?><?cs
each:x = Settings.PluginList ?><?cs if:(x.Rank == index) && x.Types.volume
?><?cs set: run_counter = run_counter + 1
?><input type="hidden" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_listed" value="1" /><tr>
<td style="text-align:left"><?cs var:html_escape(name(x)) ?></td>
<td><?cs ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-ok_nuvola.png" alt="X" /><?cs else ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-stop_nuvola.png" alt="-" /><?cs /if ?></td>
<td><?cs if:x.Types.system ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-ok_nuvola.png" alt="X" /><?cs else ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-stop_nuvola.png" alt="-" /><?cs /if ?></td>
<td><?cs if:x.Types.volume ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-ok_nuvola.png" alt="X" /><?cs else ?><img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=gtk-stop_nuvola.png" alt="-" /><?cs /if ?></td>
<td><input style="text-align:right" type="text" size="3" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_rank" value="<?cs var:html_escape(x.Rank) ?>" /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_enabled" <?cs if:x.Enabled ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> /></td>
<td style="text-align:left"><a name="<?cs var:html_escape(name(x)) ?>"><?cs var:html_escape(x.Name) ?></a></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_visible_volume" <?cs if:x.Visible.volume ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_auth" <?cs if:x.RequestAuth ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> /></td>
</tr><?cs /each ?>
<?cs if:run_counter != all_count ?><a href="<?cs call:link("plugin_manager", "plugin_name", name(x), "action", "down") ?>">
<img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=tango-go-down.png" alt="<?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Button.Down) ?>" title="<?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Button.Down) ?>" /></a><?cs /if ?>
<?cs if:run_counter != 1 ?><a href="<?cs call:link("plugin_manager", "plugin_name", name(x), "action", "up") ?>" >
<img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=tango-go-up.png" alt="<?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Button.Up) ?>" title="<?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Button.Up) ?>" /></a><?cs /if ?>
<input type="hidden" name="<?cs var:html_escape(name(x)) ?>_rank" value="<?cs var:html_escape(x.Rank) ?>" /></td>
</tr><?cs /if ?><?cs /each ?><?cs /loop ?>
<h2><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Title.SystemPlugins) ?></h2>
<p><table class="plugin_list">
<th colspan="2"><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.WhereVisible) ?></th>
<?cs # count non-volume plugins ?><?cs set: all_count = #0
?><?cs each:x = Settings.PluginList ?><?cs if: !x.Types.volume ?><?cs
set: all_count = all_count + 1 ?><?cs /if ?><?cs /each ?>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginName) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.InMenu) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.InPreferences) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.RequestsAuth) ?></th>
<th><?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Text.PluginRank) ?></th>
<?cs set:run_counter = 0 ?><?cs
loop:index = #0, #100, #1 ?><?cs
each:x = Settings.PluginList ?><?cs if:(x.Rank == index) && !x.Types.volume
?><?cs set: run_counter = run_counter + 1
?><input type="hidden" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_listed" value="1" /><tr>
<td style="text-align:left"><a name="<?cs var:html_escape(name(x)) ?>"><?cs var:html_escape(x.Name) ?></a></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_visible_menu" <?cs ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_visible_preferences" <?cs if:x.Visible.preferences ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="<?cs var:name(x) ?>_auth" <?cs if:x.RequestAuth ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> /></td>
<?cs if:run_counter != all_count ?><a href="<?cs call:link("plugin_manager", "plugin_name", name(x), "action", "down") ?>">
<img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=tango-go-down.png" alt="<?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Button.Down) ?>" title="<?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Button.Down) ?>" /></a><?cs /if ?>
<?cs if:run_counter != 1 ?><a href="<?cs call:link("plugin_manager", "plugin_name", name(x), "action", "up") ?>" >
<img src="icons/plugin_manager?image=tango-go-up.png" alt="<?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Button.Up) ?>" title="<?cs var:html_escape(Lang.Plugins.plugin_manager.Button.Up) ?>" value="<?cs var:x.Rank ?>" /></a><?cs /if ?>
<input type="hidden" name="<?cs var:html_escape(name(x)) ?>_rank" value="<?cs var:html_escape(x.Rank) ?>" /></td>
</tr><?cs /if ?><?cs /each ?><?cs /loop ?>
<input type="hidden" name="store" value="1" />
@ -59,3 +102,5 @@

View File

@ -1,15 +1,30 @@
import CryptoBoxPlugin
import Plugins
class plugin_manager(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "system" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "preferences" ]
requestAuth = True
rank = 90
def doAction(self, store=None, **args):
def doAction(self, store=None, action=None, plugin_name=None, **args):
import re
if store:
if plugin_name:
## check for invalid characters
if'\W', plugin_name): return "plugin_list"
pluginList = Plugins.PluginManager(self.cbox, self.cbox.prefs["Locations"]["PluginDir"])
plugin = pluginList.getPlugin(plugin_name)
if not plugin: return "plugin_list"
## take only plugins, that are of the same type as the choosen one
self.plugins = [e for e in pluginList.getPlugins() if e.pluginCapabilities == plugin.pluginCapabilities]
if action == "up":
elif action == "down":
return "plugin_list"
elif store:
for key in args.keys():
if key.endswith("_listed"):
if not'\W',key):
@ -27,26 +42,80 @@ class plugin_manager(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
return "no status"
def __setConfig(self, name, args):
setting = {}
setting["enabled"] = False
def __sortPlugins(self):
"""sort all plugins in the list according to their rank"""
def cmp_func(x,y):
xRank = x.getRank()
yRank = y.getRank()
if xRank < yRank: return -1
elif xRank == yRank: return 0
else: return 1
self.plugins.sort(cmp = cmp_func)
def __distributeRanks(self):
"""evenly distribute the 'rank' values according to the current order of
the list"""
dist = 100/len(self.plugins)
for index,pl in enumerate(self.plugins):
if args[name + "_enabled"]:
setting["enabled"] = True
self.cbox.prefs.pluginConf[pl.getName()]["rank"] = dist*index
except KeyError:
setting["rank"] = "80"
self.cbox.prefs.pluginConf[pl.getName()] = {}
self.cbox.prefs.pluginConf[pl.getName()]["rank"] = dist*index
def __move_up(self, plugin):
index = self.plugins.index(plugin)
## first elements may not move up
if index == 0:
except ValueError:
self.plugins.insert(index-1, plugin)
def __move_down(self, plugin):
index = self.plugins.index(plugin)
## last elements may not move down
if index == len(self.plugins) - 1:
except ValueError:
self.plugins.insert(index+1, plugin)
def __setConfig(self, name, args):
import re
setting = {}
setting["visibility"] = []
## look for "_visible_" values and apply them
pattern = re.compile(u'%s_visible_([\w]+)$' % name)
for key in args.keys():
if key.startswith(name + "_visible_"):
(vis_type, ) = pattern.match(key).groups()
setting["rank"] = "50"
r = int(args[name + "_rank"])
if r>=0 and r<=100:
setting["rank"] = r
except KeyError, ValueError:
except (KeyError, ValueError):
setting["requestAuth"] = False
if args[name + "_auth"]:
setting["requestAuth"] = True
except KeyError, ValueError:
except (KeyError, ValueError):
self.cbox.prefs.pluginConf[name] = setting

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.4 KiB

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ REDIRECT_DELAY = 180
class shutdown(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "system", "menu" ]
pluginCapabilities = [ "system" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "preferences", "menu" ]
requestAuth = False
rank = 90

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<?cs # sort the Plugins - using the most stupid way :) ?>
<?cs loop: order = #0, #100, #1
?><?cs # plugins ?><?cs each:x = Settings.PluginList
?><?cs if:x.Enabled && x.Types.system && x.Rank == order ?>
?><?cs if:x.Types.system && x.Visible.preferences && x.Rank == order ?>
<?cs call:show_plugin(name(x), 'system') ?><?cs /if ?><?cs
/each ?><?cs
/loop ?>

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import CryptoBoxPlugin
class system_preferences(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "menu" ]
pluginCapabilities = [ "system" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "menu" ]
requestAuth = False
rank = 20

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ RESERVED_USERS = [ "admin" ]
class user_manager(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "system" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "preferences" ]
requestAuth = True
rank = 45

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import CryptoBoxPlugin
class volume_details(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "volume" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "volume" ]
requestAuth = False
rank = 100

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from CryptoBoxExceptions import *
class volume_mount(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "volume" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "volume" ]
requestAuth = False
rank = 0

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from CryptoBoxExceptions import *
class volume_props(CryptoBoxPlugin.CryptoBoxPlugin):
pluginCapabilities = [ "volume" ]
pluginVisibility = [ "volume" ]
requestAuth = False
rank = 40