added box-purge functionnality

This commit is contained in:
age 2005-10-21 15:59:56 +00:00
parent 7ac7e0bdb6
commit 28cc0be47f

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@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ function box_purge()
local device=$(find_harddisk)
log_msg "Purging $device ..."
dd if=/dev/zero of=$device bs=1M count=1
log_msg " "
@ -440,9 +441,6 @@ case "$ACTION" in
else echo -n "'$0' box-init-bg" | at now
box-purge )
is_crypto_mounted )
@ -478,6 +476,13 @@ case "$ACTION" in
diskinfo )
$SFDISK -L -q -l `find_harddisk`
box-purge )
log_msg "Cleaning the CryptoBox ..."
$0 crypto-down
$0 config-down
$0 diskinfo
poweroff )
is_crypto_mounted && umount_crypto
log_msg "Turning off the CryptoBox ..."
@ -488,15 +493,6 @@ case "$ACTION" in
log_msg "Rebooting the CryptoBox ..."
echo "reboot" | at now
clean )
# only for development
log_msg "Cleaning the CryptoBox ..."
$0 crypto-down
$0 config-down
# TODO: test this!
echo -e ";\n;\n;\n;\n" | $SFDISK "$device"
* )
echo "Syntax: `basename $0` ACTION [PARAMS]"
echo " config-up - scan for configuration partition and mount it"
@ -520,8 +516,8 @@ case "$ACTION" in
echo " set_config NAME VALUE - change a configuration setting"
echo " get_config NAME - retrieve a configuration setting"
echo " diskinfo - show the partition table of the harddisk"
echo " box-purge - destroy partitiontable of the harddisk (delete everything)"
echo " poweroff - shutdown the cryptobox"
echo " clean - remove all partitions [only for development]"
echo " reboot - reboot the cryptobox"