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# Copyright 2007 sense.lab e.V.
# This file is part of the CryptoBox.
# The CryptoBox is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The CryptoBox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with the CryptoBox; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
These classes detect and filter available blockdevices.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import os
import types
import re
import subprocess
import time
import logging
import cryptobox.core.settings
import cryptobox.core.exceptions
2008-01-14 21:46:42 +01:00
OPTIONAL_PROGS = { "lvm": True }
"""remember which programs don't exist to avoid calling them in vain
change default values from "True" to "False" to disable the respective program
LOGGER = logging.getLogger("CryptoNAS")
# defined device numbers:
2009-07-15 11:12:11 +02:00
MOUNT_STATE_FILE = '/proc/mounts'
## cache settings
CACHE_MONITOR_FILE = '/proc/partitions'
## useful for manual profiling
## caching is quite important for the following implementation
## the object will be initializes later below
CACHE = None
class Blockdevices:
"""handle all blockdevices of this system
def __init__(self,
self.sysblock_dir = sysblock_dir
self.devnode_dir = devnode_dir
self.devices = []
for major_minor in find_blockdevices(self.sysblock_dir).values():
blockdevice = get_blockdevice(major_minor,
self.sysblock_dir, self.devnode_dir)
if (not blockdevice is None) and blockdevice.is_valid():
def get_devices(self):
"""return a copy of the device list
return self.devices[:]
def get_storage_devices(self):
"""return a list of devices with the 'storage' flag
return [ dev for dev in self.devices if dev.is_storage() ]
def get_partitionable_devices(self):
"""return a list of devices with the 'partitionable' flag
return [ dev for dev in self.devices if dev.is_partitionable() ]
class Blockdevice:
"""don't instantiate this class directly!
use "_get_blockdevice" instead
def __init__(self, major_minor,
"""initialize the blockdevice
@param major_minor: major/minor value of the blockdevice
@type major_minor: tuple
@param dev: The /sys/block/ subdirectory describing a blockdevice
@type sysblock_dir: string
@param sysblock_dir: The linux /sys/ directory. Default is '/sys'.
@type devnode_dir: string
@param devnode_dir: The linux /dev/ directory. Default is '/dev'.
self.devnode_dir = devnode_dir
self.sysblock_dir = sysblock_dir
self.major, self.minor = major_minor
except ValueError:
# invalid device given
raise cryptobox.core.exceptions.CBInternalError(
"invalid block device requested: %s" % str(major_minor))
self.__cache_link = ["blockdevice_info", (self.major, self.minor)]
def __cmp__(self, other):
if (self.major < other.major) or \
((self.major == other.major) and (self.minor < other.minor)):
return -1
elif (self.major == other.major) and (self.minor == other.minor):
return 0
return 1
def reset(self):
"""reread the data of the device
usually we will have to reset the cache, too
just in case of first-time initialization, this is not necessary
@type empty_cache: boolean
@param empty_cache: Whether to discard the cached information or not.
def get_device(self):
"""Returns the path of a device node representing this device
e.g.: /dev/hdc1
# we need to check, which listed device nodes exists
# This is necessary, since temporary device nodes seem to be created
# immediately after partitioning a disk (e.g. "/dev/.tmp-22-1").
for dev in self.devnodes:
if os.path.exists(dev):
return dev
# none of the device nodes exists
LOGGER.warn("No valid device node found for %s out of %s" % \
(, str(self.devnodes)))
return None
def is_valid(self):
"""check if the device is usable and valid
causes of invalidity: unused loop device, floppy device
@rtype: boolean
@return: 'True' for a valid blockdevice
# return False if no device node for this block device exists
if self.get_device() is None:
return False
## check valid major_minor
if (self.major == 0) and (self.minor == 0):
return False
## loop devices are ignored, if they are unused
if (self.major == MAJOR_DEVNUM_LOOP) and (self.size == 0):
return False
## floppy disks are totally ignored
## otherwise we would have a long timeout, while reading the devices
if (self.major == MAJOR_DEVNUM_FLOPPY):
return False
# we don't want to store data in ramdisks (e.g. /dev/ram0)
if (self.major == MAJOR_DEVNUM_RAMDISK):
return False
except TypeError:
return False
return True
def is_storage(self):
"""return if this device can be used as a storage
@rtype: boolean
@return: 'True' for a device usable as a storage
## check the cache first
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["is_storage"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
result = True
# always check the current state of "result" to skip useless checks
if result and (self.range > 1):
## partitionable blockdevice
result = False
if result and not self.is_valid():
result = False
if result and (self.size < MINIMUM_STORAGE_SIZE):
## extended partition, unused loop device
result = False
## are we the device mapper of a luks device?
if result:
for slave in self.slaves:
if get_blockdevice(slave, self.sysblock_dir,
result = False
if result and self.children:
## if we are a luks device with exactly one child, then
## we are a storage
if not ((len(self.children) == 1) and self.is_luks()):
## a parent blockdevice
result = False
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result
def is_partitionable(self):
"""is the device partitionable
if self.range > 1:
return True
return False
2009-07-15 11:12:11 +02:00
def is_debian_live(self):
"""is the device part of the Debian Live runtime
##Check whether any Debian Live devices refer to the
##block device we were passed
2009-07-15 11:12:11 +02:00
deb_live_devs = _get_debian_live_devices()
## check for matches in self.__get_device_nodes() and deb_live_devs
matching_devices = [ devnode for devnode in self.__get_device_nodes()
if devnode in deb_live_devs ]
## return True, if a match was found
return len(matching_devices) > 0
def is_lvm_pv(self):
"""return if the device is a physical volume of a LVM
## check the cache first
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["is_lvm_pv"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
## is one of the devnodes of the device a physical volume?
for one_lvm_pv in find_lvm_pv():
if one_lvm_pv in self.devnodes:
CACHE.set(cache_link, True)
return True
CACHE.set(cache_link, False)
return False
def is_lvm_lv(self):
"""return if the device is a logical volume of a LVM
## check the cache first
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["is_lvm_lv"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
## is one of the devnodes of the device a physical volume?
## logical LVM volumes always depend on their physical volumes
if not self.slaves:
CACHE.set(cache_link, False)
return False
## is one of the LVM physical volumes a device node of our slave(s)?
for one_lvm_pv in find_lvm_pv():
for one_slave in self.slaves:
if one_lvm_pv in get_blockdevice(one_slave,
self.sysblock_dir, self.devnode_dir).devnodes:
CACHE.set(cache_link, True)
return True
CACHE.set(cache_link, False)
return False
def is_md_raid(self):
"""check if the device is the base of a md raid device
## check the cache first
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["is_md_raid"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
if self.range > 1:
result = False
elif self.size < MINIMUM_STORAGE_SIZE:
result = False
for hold in self.holders:
if get_blockdevice(hold, self.sysblock_dir,
self.devnode_dir).major == MAJOR_DEVNUM_MD_RAID:
result = True
result = False
## store result and return
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result
def is_luks(self):
"""check if the device is a luks container
## check the cache first
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["is_luks"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
if self.range > 1:
result = False
elif self.size < MINIMUM_STORAGE_SIZE:
result = False
elif self.is_lvm_pv():
result = False
elif self.is_md_raid():
result = False
## is the device a luks volume?
prefs = _load_preferences()
proc = subprocess.Popen(
shell = False,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
args = [
"program", "cryptsetup",
"isLuks", self.get_device()])
result = proc.returncode == 0
## store result and return
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result
def is_removable(self):
"""check if the device is marked as 'removable'
## check the cache first
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["is_removable"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
removable_file = os.path.join(self.devdir, "removable")
if os.path.isfile(removable_file):
content = file(removable_file).read().strip()
if content == "1":
return True
return False
except IOError:
result = False
result = False
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result
def is_parent_of(self, ask_child):
"""check if the blockdevice or any of its children contains the given child
the result of "foo.is_parent_of(foo)" returns False
invalid (None) "ask_child" devices return False
@param ask_child: the blockdevice that is considered to be a possible child
@type ask_child: Blockdevice
@return: True if the child is (even recursively) part of the blockdevice, otherwise False
@rtype: bool
## return False for non existing device
if ask_child is None:
return False
## throw exception for invalid call
if not isinstance(ask_child, Blockdevice):
raise cryptobox.core.exceptions.CBInternalError(\
"invalid arguments for 'is_parent_of'")
## recursively go through all the children
for child_devname in self.children:
child_dev = get_blockdevice(child_devname, self.sysblock_dir,
## direct child?
if child_dev == ask_child:
return True
## indirect child?
if child_dev.is_parent_of(ask_child):
return True
## no matches found
return False
def __get_devdir(self):
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["devdir"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
result = None
# find the devdir (usually in /sys/block/)
for devdir, one_major_minor in find_blockdevices(self.sysblock_dir).items():
if (self.major, self.minor) == one_major_minor:
result = devdir
# we did not find a suitable device
raise cryptobox.core.exceptions.CBInternalError(
"could not find blockdevice with the given major/minor: " \
+ "%d/%d" % (self.major, self.minor))
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result
def __get_dev_related(self, subdir):
"""return the content of sub directories (e.g. 'holders' or 'slaves')
return os.listdir(os.path.join(self.devdir, subdir))
except OSError:
return []
def __get_size_human(self):
"""return a human readable string representing the size of the device
if self.size > 5120:
return "%dGB" % int(self.size/1024)
return "%dMB" % self.size
def __get_size(self):
"""return the size (in MB) of the blockdevice
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["size"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
size_blocks = int(file(os.path.join(self.devdir, 'size')).read())
2008-01-14 23:11:03 +01:00
## size is defined as the number of blocks (512 byte each)
result = int(size_blocks*512/1024/1024)
except (IOError, ValueError):
result = 0
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result
def __get_device_range(self):
"""number of possible subdevices
partitionable blockdevices have a range > 1
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["device_range"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
result = int(file(os.path.join(self.devdir, "range")).read())
except (IOError, ValueError):
result = 1
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result
def __get_children(self):
"""return all devices depending on the current one
all holders, subdevices and children of subdevices
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["children"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
direct_children = [
get_blockdevice(major_minor, self.sysblock_dir, self.devnode_dir).name
for major_minor in find_blockdevices(self.devdir,
children = direct_children[:]
for dchild in direct_children:
children.extend(get_blockdevice(dchild, self.sysblock_dir,
self.devnode_dir, follow_links=False).children)
CACHE.set(cache_link, children)
return children
def __get_device_nodes(self):
"""get all device nodes with the major/minor combination of the device
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["device_nodes"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
result = find_device_nodes(self.devnode_dir)[(self.major, self.minor)]
except KeyError:
result = []
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result
def __get_uuid_luks(self):
"""determine the unique identifier of luks devices
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["uuid_luks"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
prefs = _load_preferences()
proc = subprocess.Popen(
shell = False,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
args = [
"program", "cryptsetup",
"luksUUID", self.get_device()])
(output, error) = proc.communicate()
except OSError, err_msg:
LOGGER.warning("Failed to call '%s' to determine UUID: %s" \
% (prefs["Programs"]["cryptsetup"], err_msg))
return None
if proc.returncode != 0:
LOGGER.warning("Execution of '%s' for '%s' failed: %s" % \
(prefs["Programs"]["cryptsetup"], self.get_device(),
return None
result = output.strip()
if not result:
result = None
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result
def __get_uuid_lvm_pv(self):
"""determine the unique identifier of physical LVM volumes
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["uuid_lvm_pv"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
result = None
2008-01-14 21:46:42 +01:00
if not OPTIONAL_PROGS["lvm"]:
## pvdisplay is not installed - skip it
return None
prefs = _load_preferences()
proc = subprocess.Popen(
shell = False,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
args = [ prefs["Programs"]["super"],
"program", "pvdisplay" ])
(output, error) = proc.communicate()
except OSError, err_msg:
LOGGER.warning("Failed to call '%s' via 'super' to determine " \
% prefs["Programs"]["pvdisplay"] + "UUID: %s" % err_msg)
return None
2008-01-14 21:46:42 +01:00
if proc.returncode == 101:
## pvdisplay is not installed
OPTIONAL_PROGS["lvm"] = False
LOGGER.warning("'lvm' is not installed - I will not try it again")
return None
if proc.returncode != 0:
LOGGER.warning("Execution of 'pvdisplay' failed: %s" % error)
return None
for line in output.splitlines():
items = line.strip().split(":")
if (len(items) == 12) and (items[0] in self.devnodes):
result = items[11]
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result
def __get_blkid_attributes(self):
"""determine the label of a filesystem contained in a device
returns a dictionary containing label, type_id and uuid
cache_link = self.__cache_link + ["blkid_attributes"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached
result = {"label": None, "type_id": None, "uuid": None}
if self.is_valid():
prefs = _load_preferences()
proc = subprocess.Popen(
shell = False,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
args = [ prefs["Programs"]["blkid"],
"-s", "LABEL",
"-s", "TYPE",
"-s", "UUID",
"-c", os.devnull,
"-w", os.devnull,
(output, error) = proc.communicate()
except OSError, err_msg:
LOGGER.warning("Failed to call '%s' to determine label for " \
% prefs["Programs"]["blkid"] + "'%s': %s" % \
(self.get_device(), err_msg))
if proc.returncode == 2:
## the device does not contain a filesystem (e.g. it is zeroed or
## it contains a partition table)
elif proc.returncode != 0:
LOGGER.warning("Execution of '%s' for '%s' failed: %s" % \
(prefs["Programs"]["blkid"], self.get_device(),
# scan the output string for results
# the output string could look like this:
# /dev/hda1: TYPE="ext3" LABEL="neu"de"
pattern = {"LABEL": "label", "TYPE": "type_id", "UUID": "uuid"}
for name, attr in pattern.items():
match =' %s="(.*?)"(?: [A-Z]+="| ?$)' % \
name, output)
if match:
result[attr] = match.groups()[0]
# Check for special attributes of LUKS devices and LVM
# physical volumes.
# In this case the previously retrieved "uuid" value is
# overwritten.
# UUIDs of physical LVM volumes can only be determined via
# pvdisplay.
if self.is_lvm_pv():
result["uuid"] = self.__get_uuid_lvm_pv()
## UUIDs of luks devices can be determined via luksDump
elif self.is_luks():
result["uuid"] = self.__get_uuid_luks()
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result
def __eq__(self, device):
"""compare two blockdevice objects
return ==
def __str__(self):
"""display the name of the device
def info(self):
"""display some information about the device
output = "%s:\n" %
output += "\t%s:\t%s\n" % ("blockdir", self.devdir)
output += "\t%s:\t%d/%d\n" % ("major/minor", self.major, self.minor)
output += "\t%s:\t\t%s\n" % ("label", self.label)
output += "\t%s:\t%s\n" % ("type_id", self.type_id)
output += "\t%s:\t\t%s\n" % ("UUID", self.uuid)
output += "\t%s:\t\t%s\n" % ("range", self.range)
output += "\t%s:\t\t%s\n" % ("size", self.size)
output += "\t%s:\t\t%s\n" % ("slaves", self.slaves)
output += "\t%s:\t%s\n" % ("holders", self.holders)
output += "\t%s:\t%s\n" % ("children", self.children)
output += "\t%s:\t%s\n" % ("device nodes", self.devnodes)
output += "\tflags:\t\t"
for funcname in [ func for func in dir(self)
if func.startswith("is_") and callable(getattr(self, func))]:
if getattr(self, funcname)():
output += "%s " % funcname[3:]
except TypeError:
# skip tests that need arguments (e.g. "is_parent_of")
output += "\n"
return output
devdir = property(__get_devdir)
name = property(lambda self: os.path.basename(self.devdir))
size = property(__get_size)
size_human = property(__get_size_human)
range = property(__get_device_range)
slaves = property(lambda self: self.__get_dev_related("slaves"))
holders = property(lambda self: self.__get_dev_related("holders"))
children = property(__get_children)
devnodes = property(__get_device_nodes)
label = property(lambda self: self.__get_blkid_attributes()["label"])
type_id = property(lambda self: self.__get_blkid_attributes()["type_id"])
uuid = property(lambda self: self.__get_blkid_attributes()["uuid"])
class BlockdeviceCache:
"""manage cached results of blockdevce queries
the cache expires every 60 seconds or as soon as CACHE_MONITOR_FILE changes
def __init__(self):
self.values = {}
self.expires = None
self.partitions_save = None
def reset(self, target=None):
"""empty the cache and reset the expire time
if target is None:
self.values = {}
self.partitions_save = file(CACHE_MONITOR_FILE).read()
except IOError, err_msg:
LOGGER.warning("Failed to read '%s': %s" % \
self.partitions_save = ""
self.expires = int(time.time()) + CACHE_EXPIRE_SECONDS
elif type(target) == types.ListType:
# we do not reset the expire date
self.set(target, {})
elif isinstance(target, Blockdevice):
# we do not reset the expire date
LOGGER.log.warn("Invalid argument type for reset: %s" % \
def __is_expired(self):
"""check if the cache is expired
if (file(CACHE_MONITOR_FILE).read() != self.partitions_save) or \
(self.expires < int(time.time())):
return True
except IOError, err_msg:
LOGGER.warning("Failed to read '%s': %s" % \
return False
def get(self, link):
"""return a cached value
"link" is an array of the hierachie of the accessed item
e.g. link = ["blockdevices", "hda"]
return None if the value is not in the cache or if CACHE_ENABLED is False
return None
if self.__is_expired():
## walk down the tree
ref = self.values
for element in link:
if element in ref:
ref = ref[element]
return None
return ref
def set(self, link, item):
"""store an item in the cache
"link" is an array of the hierachie of the accessed item
e.g. link = ["blockdevices", "hda"]
## walk down the tree
ref = self.values
for element in link[:-1]:
if not element in ref:
## create a non-existing sub element
ref[element] = {}
ref = ref[element]
## store the item
ref[link[-1]] = item
def get_age(self):
age = CACHE_EXPIRE_SECONDS - (self.expires - int(time.time()))
if age < 0:
return 0
return age
def __get_major_minor(dev):
""" return a tuple (major/minor) for a device node or for a
subdirectory of /sys/block containing a node named 'dev'
if os.path.isdir(dev):
# we assume, that is is a subdirectory of /sys/block
dev_file_name = os.path.join(dev, 'dev')
maj_min_string = file(dev_file_name).read().strip()
except IOError:
return None
if (maj_min_string.count(":") == 1):
major, minor = maj_min_string.split(":")
major = int(major)
minor = int(minor)
except ValueError:
return None
# everything looks ok
return (major, minor)
return None
# we assume, that it is a device node (e.g. /dev/hda1)
# we don't need to check for symlinks: "os.stat" resolves them
stat = os.stat(dev)
except OSError:
# the node does not exist
return None
# check if it is a block device
if (stat.st_mode & 060000 == 060000):
major = os.major(stat.st_rdev)
minor = os.minor(stat.st_rdev)
return (major, minor)
return None
def get_blockdevice(dev,
devnode_dir=DEFAULT_DEVNODE_DIR, retry_once=True, follow_links=True):
if dev is None:
return None
elif isinstance(dev, Blockdevice):
# it is already a blockdevice
major_minor = (dev.major, dev.minor)
elif type(dev) is types.TupleType:
# we assume that the tuple contains major/minor
major_minor = dev
elif os.path.isabs(dev):
## it is an absolute path
major_minor = __get_major_minor(dev)
## the name of a blockdevice (e.g.: 'dm-0')
for one_devdir, one_major_minor in find_blockdevices(sysblock_dir,
if os.path.basename(one_devdir) == dev:
major_minor = one_major_minor
# rebuild the cache if it is rather old and try again
# this is necessary for the "partition" plugin
if retry_once and (CACHE.get_age() > CACHE_MINIMUM_AGE_FOR_REBUILD):
device = get_blockdevice(dev, sysblock_dir, devnode_dir,
retry_once=False, follow_links=follow_links)
if not device is None:
major_minor = (device.major, device.minor)
major_minor = None
# it seems like it does really not exist
major_minor = None
if major_minor:
cache_link = ["blockdevices", major_minor]
dev = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if dev is None:
dev = Blockdevice(major_minor, sysblock_dir, devnode_dir)
if not dev is None:
CACHE.set(cache_link, dev)
return dev
return None
def find_blockdevices(top_dir, follow_links=True):
# normalize the input directory
top_dir = os.path.realpath(top_dir)
cache_link = ["blockdevice_dirs", top_dir]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached.copy()
dev_dirs = {}
dev_file_name = 'dev'
walk_dirs = [top_dir]
walk_dir_index = 0
while walk_dir_index < len(walk_dirs):
for dirname, dirs, fnames in os.walk(walk_dirs[walk_dir_index]):
## add directories containing the file 'dev' to the list
dev_file_path = os.path.join(dirname, dev_file_name)
# don't include the top-level device itself
if (os.path.realpath(dirname) != top_dir) and \
(dev_file_name in fnames) and os.path.isfile(dev_file_path):
major_minor = __get_major_minor(dirname)
if (not major_minor is None) and \
(not major_minor in dev_dirs.values()):
dev_dirs[dirname] = major_minor
# follow symlinks
if follow_links and (walk_dir_index == 0):
for dname in dirs:
fullpath = os.path.join(dirname, dname)
if (os.path.islink(fullpath) and os.path.isdir(fullpath)):
fullpath = os.path.realpath(fullpath)
if not fullpath in walk_dirs:
if not [one_walk for one_walk in walk_dirs
if os.path.samefile(one_walk, fullpath)]:
walk_dir_index += 1
CACHE.set(cache_link, dev_dirs)
return dev_dirs.copy()
def find_device_nodes(devnode_dir):
"""find all device nodes with the given major/minor values and
@param devnode_dir: usually /dev/
@type devnode_dir: string
@return: list of all found device nodes
@rtype: list of strings
cache_link = ["blockdevice_nodes", devnode_dir]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached.copy()
result = {}
def add_major_minor(arg, dirname, fnames):
for fname in fnames:
dev_node_path = os.path.join(dirname, fname)
if not os.path.isdir(dev_node_path):
major_minor = __get_major_minor(dev_node_path)
if not major_minor is None:
if result.has_key(major_minor):
result[major_minor] = [dev_node_path]
os.path.walk(devnode_dir, add_major_minor, None)
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result.copy()
def find_lvm_pv():
"""return the blockdevice names of all physical LVM volumes
2008-01-14 21:46:42 +01:00
if not OPTIONAL_PROGS["lvm"]:
return []
cache_link = ["lvm", "pv"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached[:]
prefs = _load_preferences()
result = None
proc = subprocess.Popen(
shell = False,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
args = [ prefs["Programs"]["super"],
"program", "pvdisplay" ])
(output, error) = proc.communicate()
except OSError, err_msg:"Failed to call 'pvdisplay' via 'super': %s" % err_msg)
result = []
2008-01-14 21:46:42 +01:00
if proc.returncode == 101:
## pvdisplay is not installed
OPTIONAL_PROGS["lvm"] = False
LOGGER.warning("'lvm' is not installed - I will not try it again")
return []
if proc.returncode != 0:"Execution of 'pvdisplay' failed: %s" % error.strip())
result = []
if result is None:
result = []
for line in output.splitlines():
result.append(line.split(":", 1)[0].strip())
CACHE.set(cache_link, result)
return result[:]
def _load_preferences():
prefs = cryptobox.core.settings.get_current_settings()
if not prefs is None:
## now the preferences are loaded
return prefs
## we have to load an emergency fallback for proper function
## this is mainly useful for local testing
alternative_locations = []
# try to use the '/bin/cryptobox.conf' location within a local working
# copy of the subversion repository
root_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(globals()["cryptobox"].__path__[0],
os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir))
os.path.join(root_dir, "bin", "cryptobox.conf"))
# try the default config file location
for config_file in alternative_locations:
if os.path.exists(config_file):
# we have to chdir to the 'bin' directory - otherwise the paths in
# cryptobox.conf do not work
return cryptobox.core.settings.CryptoBoxSettings(config_file)
2009-07-15 11:12:11 +02:00
raise cryptobox.core.exceptions.CBConfigUnavailableError()
2009-07-15 11:12:11 +02:00
def _get_debian_live_devices():
##Debian Live ("iso" or "usb-hdd" versions) uses two block
##devices as part of its runtime system. The raw boot media
##(such as a usb key or cdrom) is mounted at /live_media,
##and the root filesystem is mounted off of the live media
##using /dev/loop0.
cache_link = ["debian_live_devices"]
cached = CACHE.get(cache_link)
if not cached is None:
return cached[:]
## result is not cached yet - we need to find it
deb_live_devs = []
for line in file(MOUNT_STATE_FILE):
fields = line.split(" ")
##We are looking for, for example:
##/dev/hdc /live_media iso9660 ro 0 0
##/dev/loop0 /filesystem.squashfs squashfs ro 0 0
if (fields[1] == "/live_media" and
fields[3] == "ro"):
elif (fields[1] == "/filesystem.squashfs" and
fields[3] == "ro"):
except IndexError:
CACHE.set(cache_link, deb_live_devs)
return deb_live_devs[:]
## initialize cache
CACHE = BlockdeviceCache()
def show_devices(blocks):
result = ""
if len(blocks) > 0:
## show all devices and their properties
result += "Properties of all devices:\n"
for device in blocks:
result += + "\n"
## discover all self-check methods
example = blocks[0]
flag_checker = [ method for method in dir(example)
if callable(getattr(example, method))
and method.startswith("is_")]
## list all checks and the respective devices
for check in flag_checker:
result += "List of '%s' devices:" % check[3:] + "\n"
for device in blocks:
if getattr(device, check)():
result += "\t%s" % device + "\n"
except TypeError:
# ignore tests that need a second argument
result += "\n"
return result
def get_devices_and_show():
## list the properties of all available devices
## this is just for testing purposes
blocks = Blockdevices().get_devices()
blocks.sort(key=lambda x:
return show_devices(blocks)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# show some profiling information (requires the python-profiler package)
import cProfile
import pstats
for index in range(3):
print "Run: %d" % index'get_devices_and_show()', 'profinfo')
p = pstats.Stats('profinfo')
print get_devices_and_show()