This is a bugfix and translation update release.
A French translation was added by Gilles Accad.
A Dutch translation was added by Michiel van Dijk - thanks to both of you!
A bug regarding changing the IP address was fixed.
The translation manager is running again. The service was moved to another server and should be available without any further issues. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please contribute translated strings with the translation center. Thanks for your help!
The translation manager is down. We are moving one server around and it's unclear at the moment when it will be back online again. Sorry for this service interruption.
As we are working on the next stable release (0.4) we are improving the installation of the CryptoBox server. There is a new site in the user documentation describing the installations from the sources very detailed. Follow the direct link. We hope this makes it easier to use the CryptoBox in more Linux distributions.
The CryptoBox website from now on has a nice dragon as mascot.
It's also on the CD-cover and a CD-label is in progress, too.
Thank you Raimar and keep on rocking with Blender!
This is a translation update release.
A Spanish translation was added by Fadrique - thanks a lot!
The following languages are now supported by the live-CD:
This is a translation update release.
A Polish translation was added by Andrzej S. Kaznowski - thanks a lot!
This is a translation update release.
An Italian translation was added by Fabrizio Tarizzo - thanks a lot!
This is a translation update release.
A Japanese translation was added by kinneko - thanks a lot!
This is a major release.
The following list contains only the most important improvements:
BEWARE: As the CryptoBox live-CD v0.3 uses a standard compliant encryption header (LUKS), it does not support the old format of the harddisks that you used with the CryptoBox live-CD v0.2.1 release. Please move all you encrypted data somewhere else before migrating to the new version of the CryptoBox live-CD. We are very sorry for any inconvenience!
This is a bugfix release.
The following bug was fixed:
This release fixes some small bugs:
Additionally the following features were added:
The Slovenian and German translations are complete.
This release is planned to be the base for the next live-cd, which will be published within the next week.
This release contains some important bugfixes:
This release contains some usability fixes for users of the Internet Explorer, as well as some additional translations and more convenient default settings.
Here it comes - the earliest x-mas present 02006: the CryptoBox-Server 0.3.0 package. It is not a live-cd, but a software package that you can just install on your favourite linux system.
Take a look at the screenshots.
It was a long ride and this is the first milestone we reached. Be prepared fo another 1000 miles of code.
The live-CD based on this new version will be released in February 02007.
Finally the cryptobox-python-rewrite-process is in progress. From now on you can follow discussions and participate at the development mailinglist via gmane.
Sorry folks, codecoop.org is temporarily down.
UPDATE: It is up and running again. Fetch the latest version here.
We are currently splitting the CryptoBox into the CryptoBox-Server and the Cryptobox-CD. This will let you use the CryptoBox-Server in your favourite Linux installation.
Stay tuned ...
The latest CryptoBox version 0.2.1 is available at codecoop.org!