<div class="left">
		<p><a href="screenshots.html"><img border="0" alt="img: screenshot" src="gfx/screen_mini.png"/><br/>
		See more screenshots</a></p>
		<br />
	<div class="leftcontent">
		<p>The CryptoBox is a Debian/Linux based live-cd. This CD boots
		up, starting a secure fileserver. Even non-technical users are
		able to store their data on its encrypted harddisk. There is no
		special knowledge about cryptography or servers required at
	<div class="leftcontent">
		<p>Fetch the latest release of the <a href="download.html">CryptoBox-server Debian
		package v0.3.0</a>.</p>
	<div class="leftcontent">
		<h2>foo bar</h2>
		<p>today is the day</p>