#!/bin/sh PROJ_DIR=$(dirname "$0")/.. PROJ_DIR=$(cd "$PROJ_DIR"; pwd) DEST_DIR="$PROJ_DIR/live-cd-tree.d/_offline/doc" WIKI_PAGES="doc/0.3/CryptoBoxUserGettingStarted/en doc/0.3/CryptoBoxUserDailyUse/en CryptoBoxUser/en faq" function prepare_wiki_page() { sed -i '1,/
/d' "$1" # remove the "comment" or "edit" stuff sed -i '/

Comments<\/h2>/,$d' "$1" sed -i '/
/,$d' "$1" # remove the last horizontal line sed -i '$,$d' "$1" # add anchor ids to every head line sed -i 's#\(.*\)\2#\n#g' "$1" sed -i '/outdated/,/<\/ol>/d' "$1" # remove "searchable" ids (blue coloring of head lines) sed -i 's#
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