# arch-tag: Default configuration file # Copyright (c) 2004 John Goerzen [DEFAULT] ###################################################################### # Overall settings, set defaults for all archs ###################################################################### # Name of generated disc & hostname # BEWARE: hostname does not work - you have to set the hostname manually at the end of this file name = CryptoBox # Version of generated disc version = 0.3.4 # Person that built it builder = sense.lab # Repositories to mirror. Details about each one are configured below. dlrepos = stable # Repository to build the CD with. Must be in above list. suite = stable # Whether or not to use zftree compression on ISO image compress = no # Files to never compress if the above is yes # If a dir is given, that dir and everything below is not compressed dontcompress = /boot /etc/*boot* /opt/dfsruntime/initrd.dfs # Location of dfsbuild support files libdir = /usr/lib/dfsbuild # Location of docs for CD docdir = /usr/share/doc/dfsbuild # Bootloader to place on CD. Choices are: # grub-hd GRUB with ElTorito hard disk emulation (not working yet) # grub-no-emul "raw" ElTorito image # aboot Alpha SRM bootloader # yaboot PowerPC bootloader # (usually set in arch area) #bootloader = grub-no-emul # Packages to install on live FS, on all archs, besides base system allpackages = util-linux grub parted dmsetup perl tar bash coreutils module-init-tools ifupdown busybox usbutils pciutils discover hdparm binutils debconf sysutils stunnel4 samba hashalot python-clearsilver python-cherrypy python-configobj python-central super dosfstools cryptsetup python-m2crypto # support for file systems e2tools e2fsprogs xfsprogs hfsutils jfsutils ## ntfs-3g is not in etch #ntfs-3g # TODO: remove the following packages for the final version subversion strace ssh vim nano less lynx w3m screen elinks # select a mirror for the repository (apt-cacher, apt-proxy, no caching) by # uncommenting the line of your choice # (1) apt-cacher (default) mirror = # (2) apt-proxy #mirror = # (3) no caching proxy for apt #mirror = http://ftp.debian.org/debian # Files to place on the ramdisk ramdisk_files = /etc/resolv.conf /etc/lvm* /tmp /var/tmp /dev /var/lib/dhcp /var/lib/samba /var/log /var/cache/samba /var/lock /var/run /var/state /etc/mtab /root /etc/network /var/lib/misc /var/lib/urandom #/etc/hotplug/.run /var/spool/cron # Directories to create on live fs makedirs = # Files to delete from live fs deletefiles = /etc/rcS.d/*discover /etc/rcS.d/*lvm /var/log/dpkg.log /var/log/bootstrap.log preparescripts = ../scripts/prepare_target.sh cleanupscripts = ../scripts/cleanup_target.sh ###################################################################### # Arch settings: i386 ###################################################################### [i386] # Name of any kernel images to install directly from your current filesystem #kernels = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.27-2-386 # Modules to copy from host filesystem #modules = /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-386 # Debs from local fs to unpack on live FS (will not be configured) unpackdebs = ../packages/linux-image-2.6.20_cryptobox0.3.3_i386.deb # Other packages to install besides the list in DEFAULT packages = %(allpackages)s # Debs from local fs to install on live fs ## fetch newest ntfs-3g from debian backports installdebs = ../packages/cryptobox-server.deb ../packages/ntfs-3g_1%3a1.516-1~bpo.1_i386.deb # Bootloader (see options under default) bootloader = grub-no-emul # Extra lines for grub config grubconfig = timeout 0 password -md5 this_invalid_hash_protects_grub_config ##################################################################### # Repository configuration ###################################################################### # Repositories to download [repo testing] suite = testing [repo amd64] suite = unstable # Override default mirror #mirror = http://debian-amd64.alioth.debian.org/pure64/ # Override default arch arch = amd64 ###################################################################### # Text to add to existing files ###################################################################### [appendfiles] /etc/network/interfaces = auto lo eth0 iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet static address netmask # /etc/modules = /etc/profile = export TERM=vt100 ###################################################################### # Files to create or truncate ###################################################################### [createfiles] /etc/hostname = CryptoBox /etc/syslog.conf = *.* /dev/tty8 *.info /dev/tty7 /etc/hosts = localhost /etc/kernel-img.conf = do_initrd = Yes # exit the samba startup script during install immediately - otherwise # there would be /proc problems - it will get replaced later via # live-cd-tree.d/usr/lib/cryptobox-cd/configure-cryptobox.sh /etc/default/samba = exit ###################################################################### # Symlinks to create (from = to format) ###################################################################### # this does not work anymore #[symlinks] #/etc/mtab = /proc/mounts