lars 0c23c5e2c3 fixed: name of volume is persistent after format
fixed: use 'cryptsetup luksUUID' to retrieve UUIDs of luks devices
added: analyse request URL andd add information to hdf dataset
added: attribute 'device' is persistent (like 'weblang') to allow redirects between volume plugins
changed: moved URLs of plugins from 'plugins/???' to '???' (flat hierarchie -> simple links)
added: new action for all plugins: "redirect" - call specific plugin after completing the current one
fixed: permission fix for vfat filesystems during mount / for ext2/3: after mount
regular checks for config partition (mount, if it becomes available)
2006-11-06 06:16:27 +00:00

138 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python2.4
import unittest
import sys
from CryptoBox import *
from CryptoBoxExceptions import *
import CryptoBoxSettings
class CryptoBoxPropsDeviceTests(unittest.TestCase):
import CryptoBox
cb = CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps()
def testAllowedDevices(self):
'''isDeviceAllowed should accept permitted devices'''
def testDeniedDevices(self):
'''isDeviceAllowed should fail with not explicitly allowed devices'''
class CryptoBoxPropsConfigTests(unittest.TestCase):
'''test here if everything with the config turns right'''
import os
import CryptoBox
files = {
"configFileOK" : "cbox-test_ok.conf",
"configFileBroken" : "cbox-test_broken.conf",
"nameDBFile" : "cryptobox_names.db",
"pluginConf" : "cryptobox_plugins.conf",
"userDB" : "cryptobox_users.db",
"logFile" : "cryptobox.log",
"tmpdir" : "cryptobox-mnt" }
tmpdirname = ""
filenames = {}
configContentOK = """
AllowedDevices = /dev/loop
DefaultVolumePrefix = "Data "
DefaultCipher = aes-cbc-essiv:sha256
SettingsDir = %s
MountParentDir = %s
TemplateDir = ../templates
LangDir = ../lang
DocDir = ../doc/html
PluginDir = ../plugins
Level = debug
Destination = file
Details = %s/cryptobox.log
Stylesheet = /cryptobox-misc/cryptobox.css
blkid = /sbin/blkid
cryptsetup = /sbin/cryptsetup
super = /usr/bin/super
CryptoBoxRootActions = CryptoBoxRootActions
def setUp(self):
'''generate all files in tmp and remember the names'''
import tempfile
os = self.os
self.tmpdirname = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="cbox-")
for file in self.files.keys():
self.filenames[file] = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, self.files[file])
def tearDown(self):
'''remove the created tmpfiles'''
os = self.os
# remove temp files
for file in self.filenames.values():
compl_name = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, file)
if os.path.exists(compl_name):
# remove temp dir
def testConfigInit(self):
'''Check various branches of config file loading'''
import os
self.assertRaises(CBConfigUnavailableError, self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,"/invalid/path/to/config/file")
self.assertRaises(CBConfigUnavailableError, self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,"/etc/shadow")
""" check one of the following things:
1) are we successfully using an existing config file?
2) do we break, if no config file is there?
depending on the existence of a config file, only one of these conditions
can be checked - hints for more comprehensive tests are appreciated :) """
for a in CryptoBoxSettings.CryptoBoxSettings.CONF_LOCATIONS:
if os.path.exists(a):
break # this skips the 'else' clause
else: self.assertRaises(CBConfigUnavailableError, self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps)
self.assertRaises(CBConfigUnavailableError, self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,[])
def testBrokenConfigs(self):
"""Check various broken configurations"""
self.writeConfig("SettingsDir", "SettingsDir=/foo/bar", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises(CBConfigError, self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.writeConfig("Level", "Level = ho", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises(CBConfigError, self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.writeConfig("Details", "#out", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises(CBConfigError, self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.writeConfig("super", "super=/bin/invalid/no", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises(CBConfigError, self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.writeConfig("CryptoBoxRootActions", "#not here", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises(CBConfigError, self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.writeConfig("CryptoBoxRootActions", "CryptoBoxRootActions = /bin/false", filename=self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
self.assertRaises(CBEnvironmentError, self.CryptoBox.CryptoBoxProps,self.filenames["configFileBroken"])
def writeConfig(self, replace=None, newline=None, filename=None):
"""write a config file and (optional) replace a line in it"""
import re
if not filename: filename = self.filenames["configFileOK"]
content = self.configContentOK % (self.tmpdirname, self.tmpdirname, self.tmpdirname)
if replace:
pattern = re.compile('^' + replace + '\\s*=.*$', flags=re.M)
content = re.sub(pattern, newline, content)
cf = open(filename, "w")
if __name__ == "__main__":