lars de3280806f language namespace for plugins separated
plugin interface changed ("prepareForm" removed)
plugins do not raise exceptions anymore
first part of the partitioning plugin
device-specific stuff moved to CryptoBoxTools
2006-09-14 12:33:01 +00:00

16 lines
578 B

<?cs # $Id$ ?>
<?cs # we use "loop" instead of "each" to keep the order of the disks ?>
<?cs loop: index = #0, subcount(Data.Disks)-1, #1 ?>
<a href="<?cs call:link('show_volume','device',Data.Disks[index].device,'','') ?>" title="<?cs
var:Data.Disks[index].name ?>">
<?cs # the "div" is the container for the background image ?>
<div class="<?cs if:Data.Disks[index].active ?>active<?cs else ?>passive<?cs /if ?><?cs
if:Data.Disks[index].device == Data.CurrentDisk.device ?> current<?cs /if ?>">
<p><?cs var:Data.Disks[index].name ?></p>
<?cs /loop ?>