lars de3280806f language namespace for plugins separated
plugin interface changed ("prepareForm" removed)
plugins do not raise exceptions anymore
first part of the partitioning plugin
device-specific stuff moved to CryptoBoxTools
2006-09-14 12:33:01 +00:00

30 lines
469 B

Name = Change date and time
Link = Set date/time
Rank = 10
Title.ConfigDate = Date and time setting
Button.ConfigDate = Set date and time
Text.Date = Date
Text.Time = Time
Text.Months {
1 = January
2 = February
3 = March
4 = April
5 = May
6 = June
7 = July
8 = August
9 = September
10 = October
11 = November
12 = December
WarningMessage.InvalidDate {
Title = Invalid value
Text = An invalid value for date or time was supplied. Please try again.